Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Oct 28, 2020

this is insane, this type of conversation is so weird. Man, i was kind of enjoying, but this last chapters are so.... i don't even have the words to describe

joined Mar 18, 2023

the show has shown its true colors,this is ntr trash plain and simple.

Huh? it was clear as day NTR since chapter 1, what do you mean?

it was only cheating up till it was revealed to girlfriend-chan and then the author twisted the knife in this chapter making it ntr.

last edited at May 18, 2023 12:23PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

fuuko correctly points out that right now she's supposed to tell yuni that she's more important than her club to reassure her.

Yeah, this is like Relationship Kindergarten stuff. Any question in the form, “What’s more important to you, me or ____?” needs to be answered with some form of, “You are.”

Even if Nanase is understandably shocked and pissed at the moment, if she can’t even muster a “You were more important than club until I found out you were cheating,” it’s game over.

joined May 11, 2023

I understand that yuni is a piece of shit and everything she spits are nothing but excuses but she's been really transparent on what she wanted from their relationship from the very beginning.

This is not true Yuni has not once said these things to Nanase. Communication is important. Writing stuff on twitter does not count. Furthermore, Nanase asked several times, giving Yuni the opportunity to express herself.

joined Jan 3, 2020

Wow, this... suddenly went absolutely wild.

Like... I have no idea what is going to happen right now; I wouldn't be that surprised if the next chapter was a threesome.

joined Aug 6, 2021

Why are people even arguing about who is wrong here.

It is 2 disgusting, selfish cheater trying to shame a perfectly normal human highschooler with a club/life going outside of her gf. Nanase made a mistake not being with Yuni for the anniversary but Yuni cheating is 0% her fault, lol. Yuni also never tried to talk to Nanase at all, she just was made into this cumdump for Fuuko. What are all these comments here remembering randomly? Yuni did as much as Nanase for the relationship.

The whole last part with them LITERALLY HARASSING Nanase wouldn't even happen without the shitty forced writing by the author. Nanase was already about to leave but Fuuko went "Where u goin? Stay, lol" and she randomly did? Shit lost all impact at this point, LMAO

joined Aug 10, 2015

This is not true Yuni has not once said these things to Nanase. Communication is important. Writing stuff on twitter does not count. Furthermore, Nanase asked several times, giving Yuni the opportunity to express herself.

No I'm pretty sure that she told Nanase that she's not afraid of coming out, that she wants to flirt with her in public, spend more time and that she's mad that nanase will be extremely friendly and physical with her friends but she won't even call her by her name, all of that are things that she has told her

joined Aug 12, 2021

I understand that yuni is a piece of shit and everything she spits are nothing but excuses but she's been really transparent on what she wanted from their relationship from the very beginning.

This is not true Yuni has not once said these things to Nanase. Communication is important. Writing stuff on twitter does not count. Furthermore, Nanase asked several times, giving Yuni the opportunity to express herself.

yeah like a big part of the earlier chapters is Yuni literally just thinking to herself how she wanted to say something but didn't because she either didn't dare or because she was testing her relationship in ways she herself realised she shouldn't be. A la her not saying anything about the anniversary until it was already over, or her not saying anything when Nanase kept choosing the club over her.

In that way Nanase certainly isn't a good girlfriend but also she could not have known that Yuni felt lonely because Yuni wouldn't tell her, now this isn't really Yuni's fault either because this is clearly both of theirs first relationship and you just make those kinds of mistakes through inexperience. Honestly their relationship would most likely have been fine if Fuuko didn't come along and seduced Yuni. In that case Yuni would have most likely eventually started talking about her problems and Nanase would have followed up on it.

Though then again even though Fuuko is definitely the reason this relationship is on the cliffs I still wouldn't say she's evil because she clearly has issues she needs to talk to therapist about because she never got over her crush on her neighbor who got married to a man, and is as a result just desperately trying to make herself needed to someone even if/especially so she can be their second fiddle.

joined Mar 18, 2023

The whole last part with them LITERALLY HARASSING Nanase wouldn't even happen without the shitty forced writing by the author. Nanase was already about to leave but Fuuko went "Where u goin? Stay, lol" and she randomly did? Shit lost all impact at this point, LMAO

this is called ntr logic a very dumb doujin trope where the author makes the character who is cheated on become supernaturally naive to the extent their intelligence is stripped away from them.this is why girlfriend-chan cant find the right words,why she is allowing the cucking to occur,and why the cheaters somehow are in the right.

joined Aug 15, 2021

... I'm speechless.

joined Jul 31, 2021

You should never cheat on your partner.
You should also not neglect your partner.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
If you are doing one thing, don't be surprised if the other is happening

joined Sep 26, 2016

The whole last part with them LITERALLY HARASSING Nanase wouldn't even happen without the shitty forced writing by the author. Nanase was already about to leave but Fuuko went "Where u goin? Stay, lol" and she randomly did? Shit lost all impact at this point, LMAO

this is called ntr logic a very dumb doujin trope where the author makes the character who is cheated on become supernaturally naive to the extent their intelligence is stripped away from them.this is why girlfriend-chan cant find the right words,why she is allowing the cucking to occur,and why the cheaters somehow are in the right.

This chapter really did just jump head first into fetish. This feels indistinguishable from an NTR doujin right now.

joined Apr 27, 2021

This chapter made me laugh really hard, it's just such an absurd situation with them basically fucking in front of the "girlfriend" that I really struggled to take this seriously. I guess it's mostly due to me only having read the first 3 and last 2 chapters, but still

joined Oct 20, 2017

This is cinema

joined Jul 29, 2017

LOL at the idea that someone is “in the right” in this series.

joined Mar 13, 2014

I could see a poly ending only if the author goes full hentai and has Nanase schlicking to thoughts of the scene in front of her and having a sexual awakening lmao. However, it seems like the author is trying to maintain a somewhat serious plot, even if all the characters are behaving in unbelievable ways.

Beyond that, I'm most curious about whether Nanase's friend hits the rebound. It's very clear that she's the only person who actually cares about Nanase lol, and the opportunity is now there.

joined Jan 27, 2021

Theatricalities of this chapter aside... the thing Yuni said at the end at least has a point.

Even if Nanase ended up lying about it, saying her GF was the most important thing to her would've felt reassuring to Yuni to some degree, but she didn't.

Are you serious? She just discovered that her girlfriend is cheating, and she is still cheating right in front of her and you expect her to reassure Yuni? That ship has sailed long ago.

Yup. Even if shit is falling apart right in front of her, even if it will ultimately fix nothing at all and they're still going to split apart, she could at least fucking TRY. Instead, she plays defense again and that what makes me so fucking frustrated at her.

LOL at the idea that someone is “in the right” in this series.


joined Dec 27, 2020

NTR is absolute dog sh*t. Seems to be where this series is going so I'm not going to bother with it

joined Oct 16, 2013

This chapter was so ridiculous it's fucking hilarious

joined Sep 30, 2017

Man, this is garbage in the very sense of the word. This is just some pathetic author trying to sneak their little fetishes in and despearatly trying to make it looks like its deeper than it actually is and in the end is just cheap shock value... Trash story from a trash writter...

The only thing that could make this less NTR cliché is Nanase realizing she actually loves the club more and she would never be betrayed or hurt this way by her friends in her club and tells them that.

But this subpar author has a cuck fetish, so I doubt it...

last edited at May 18, 2023 2:42PM

joined Feb 11, 2018

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

last edited at May 18, 2023 2:43PM

joined Mar 18, 2023

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

context wont fix bad writing though?

joined May 11, 2023

Yup. Even if shit is falling apart right in front of her, even if it will ultimately fix nothing at all and they're still going to split apart, she could at least fucking TRY. Instead, she plays defense again and that what makes me so fucking frustrated at her.

Sure I hope the next chapter is her telling Fuuko and Yuni how fucked they are. If she has any self-respect she will just say you should have talked to me. Yuni deserves nothing more. She should not try or spend effort on a mentally ill person.

But as I understand it netorare mangas often have a scene where the person who is being cheated on just sits there shocked and watches as another person fucks their girlfriend. So, times will tell if this will be a normal story or a fetish story.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Anyone who hasn't yet, do read all the chapters, because otherwise 17 will seem utterly insane, instead of just crazy and Nanase having a brain seizure from overstimulation.

Right now chapters 10 and 11 aren't here, and those have a bunch of context to understand Fuuko and Yuni bit better.

context wont fix bad writing though?

^ This. There's nothing deep or special about this story... Is just an author with a specific kink trying to look more talented than they actually are and failing...

joined Mar 28, 2015

Sorry, not sorry, but I love it.

The art's gorgeous, the ladies are hot and the story is very good at what it does.

It's very exaggerated of course; the characters overreact, the twists are implausible and it's a dumpster fire. But there's something really endearing about seeing it burn.

Yuni's pathetic, Fuuko's a manipulative bitch who decided she'd always be in control and Nanase's like a lamb to the slaughter who doesn't know what hit her because she fails hard at being a girlfriend.

Now, I wish Nanase tries to regain control and to win Yuni back. While it'd be logical to just walk away, like any sane person would do, maybe she has in her the will to fight.

The real question is: does Nanase actually love Yuni, or is she in love with the idea of having a girlfriend?

If you love something, you have to fight for it. If you give up that easily, it means you didn't love it that much in the first place.

last edited at May 18, 2023 3:39PM

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