So glad she didn’t end up going home with the player. Tired of seeing the same old trope where girl A watches Girl B seduce a metric ton of women but never ends up targeted herself, then the two end up getting together after girl B is abandoned by her hunnies or has a “but I always had my eye on you” moment or whatever. It’s too cliche at this point and that kind of thing always rubbed me the wrong way for sort of rewarding the player and their heartbreaking behavior.
The reason you dislike it is the reason I love some of those types of stories (in fiction only ofc). In the end, Girl A just can’t help herself, even though, she was supposed to be the rational one. That dynamic is interesting to see sometimes.
Maybe it’d be cool to see them together after she decides to settle down and get serious.
*if she decides to settle down.
However, it’s best to be upfront with the people in these situations (even if you lose more take home opportunities).