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joined Sep 1, 2021

Does anyone have any analysis? Ch02 p32 suggests that Gotou doesn't know that Rei is gay, then we have the kiss, and next chapter we seem to have Gotou fishing for info on Rei's sexuality. What do we think is up? It seems kinda dissonant for her to be so aggressive during the kiss scene and then act like she's not sure if Rei is into women.

Lingerie discussion 11 Aug 20:54
joined Sep 1, 2021

This is a sequel:

Fuck, dude, tomboys make the best bottoms.

It's little wonder this is only four pages, though, with all that detail on the bras. Or am I just exaggerating?

last edited at Aug 11, 2023 9:02PM

joined Sep 1, 2021

I feel like that analogy is a self-report, but you do you, babe.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Oof! Her arms dropping to her sides.

On a brighter note, Satan's got a bit of a dumpy, don't she?

Laundry Cat discussion 31 May 02:30
joined Sep 1, 2021

Why is there a "Dogs" tag but not "Cats"? What is this discrimination!?

Jokes aside, all the cats and dogs were so cute I had trouble focusing on the story.

That is, of course, because lesbians and cats are always together. So its a given that when there are lesbians, there are cats. It would be redundant to have a cat tag. ;)

That is, of course, because lesbians ARE cats. Half of each lesbian couple is a neko, the other is a tachi.

last edited at May 31, 2023 2:31AM

Laundry Cat discussion 30 May 13:34
joined Sep 1, 2021

I really don't get why some people are THAT scared of dogs, i mean i understand not liking them, but to the point of crying of fear upon seeing one that's just chilling 5ft away it's just like ?????

I'm pretty sure big dogs are super rare in Japan, so that could be part of it. If you've only ever seen shiba inus before, I imaging seeing a great dane right in front of you could be pretty freaky.

This oneshot was really weird in a really saisfying way. Flavourful, nice, and gentle the whole way through. I hope we get more stuff from them.

I liked all the character they gave each of the cats and dogs.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Lumiere posted:

Man, that's quite the about-face.

By the way, TheLubeTube, what is you pfp from? It's been nagging at me for months now. I swear I've seen the art style before, but I can't think of where from.

The boy who cried wolf tells another lie today.
The colouring was done by me.

Damn. You did a really good job with the colours. Cheers for the link.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Man, that's quite the about-face.

By the way, TheLubeTube, what is you pfp from? It's been nagging at me for months now. I swear I've seen the art style before, but I can't think of where from.

joined Sep 1, 2021

"At least one of you should stay" is such a ship... Unacceptable thing to say after being found out. XD

True. I kinda respect it, though.

joined Sep 1, 2021

I always roll my eyes whenever yuri manga characters praise having pale skin but this one made me feel kind of gross

Makes you think of race rather than class?

joined Sep 1, 2021

And they were both bottoms.

I wonder how much humour is going to come from them both thinking that they're tops.

last edited at Sep 7, 2022 1:33PM

joined Sep 1, 2021

By the way for anyone who is unaware, this seems to take place in a “cultivation” novel setting, which is kinda like wuxia but cranked to 11.

If wuxia can be described as a historical(ish) martial artists and the use of “qi” energy, then cultivation novels would be in the xianxia genre, which takes the martial arts and internal energy base from wuxia, but takes it from low fantasy to high fantasy. Expect a magic system based on yin/yang, and taoist iconography all over the place, demons and celestials, and all manner of supernatural beings and creatures from chinese mythology.

In these kinds of novels the protagonist basically “cultivates”/trains to unlock new supernatural ability and ascend from being a mortal to essentially become a demigod/full fledged god. Along the way they accumulate legendary techniques/abilities, rare magic items, and usually a large harem of women.

Think of it kinda like the equivalent to japanese isekai but rather than a jrpg inspired euro-fantasy setting its got a chinese mythos setting. But the fact that the genre primarily appeals to teenage edgelords and theres a billion trashy novels about OP protags and massive harems is still the same.

(I only know this second hand so anyone who wants to jump in and correct me feel free to do so)

It's been a while since I've read any, but I recall there being quite a bit of sexual assault. Isekai has slave-owning protagonists, xianxia has sexual assault.

I really need to repeat the bit about the trashy novels. I found Xianxia a bit less grating at first due to it's settings being less familiar than yet another generic European fantasy setting, but it's pretty much all slop. I can only consume so much junkfood media before I feel yuck, and I get enough junkfood from Yuri, which is usually much sweeter.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Can anyone confirm that pages 31 and 33, and 32 and 34 are repeates?

last edited at Jul 25, 2022 11:18PM

joined Sep 1, 2021

So much hand holding in Ch.251. This manga has degenerated into nothing but smut. Where's Yuu and Mari to bring us back to good, old fashioned, christian spanking?

joined Sep 1, 2021

It's a real shame this story was cancelled at 27 chapters, I really thought it was going somewhere.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Okay, I know you can't really expect a psycho serial murderer to actually think rationally, but... His whole purification theory makes no sense at all? If murdering someone is what makes you a monster, how is murdering more people going to turn you back to a human? Like, his twisted idea of drinking "pure" blood would make some sense if, say, someone else procured the blood and offered it to him? But him killing more people in the process of purifying himself is self-contradictory.

This depends on whether he makes a distinction between one murder and one hundred murders. One could take the stance that, one or one hundred, a murderer is a murderer. This would mean that you don't need any more purification for one hundred murders than one murder.

joined Sep 1, 2021

i came here to sing the praises of our lord and savior arai sumiko not watch you buffoons argue about the plausibility of a yuri meet-cute ffs

Why post this? I'm genuinely interested, I don't know the motivation. I'm autistic, and it's the internet, so I dunno. It's not like anyone is stopping you. Seems to me that some people like to sing praises and some people like to argue. I think they're both legitimate ways of expressing love. They're just different ways of engaging. Is any harm being done to you? I'm sorry if it is.

joined Sep 1, 2021

You know, in the real world, once she finds out it's a female classmate, Aya would eventually just befriend her and drop the idea of a romantic encounter right?

There's no indication that either Aya or Mitsuki are romantically intereted in women. They just seem to have similar taste in music.

But it's a manga, so, sure, anyone can suddenly have an epiphany and be "if it's you, it's OK".

I dunno, Mitsuki's subconcious flirting could just be social awkwardness, but it could also signal some degree of receptiveness. The only problem is that being receptive doesn't necessarily mean she's gay, she could just kinda like a cute and pretty girl finding her hot. Bit of an ego boost, that.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Accidental Prince lol

Mitsuki's character arc summed up to a tee

I’d think Mitsuki wouldn’t mind the nickname, for it’s an homage to the artist formerly named Prince (in more ways than one).

The lesbian formerly known as Prince.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Nah, I think the tattoo is most likely to give away. I mean, it only takes a mere accident for the wristband to slip and for Aya notice it's the EXACT SAME TATTOO.

"Oh, no! He has a girlfriend!"

...admittedly, a reaction like this would make for quite an interesting development as well, with Mitsuki having to explain that, no, she's not his girlfriend - she's "he".

Ah, the two-person love triangle so beloved of superhero comics XD

Two-person love triangles are pretty fun when they have to decide which one they like more. If Aya falls for Mitsuki in her school persona and Mitsuki in her record store persona, that's the kind of drama I would be all for. Actually, I think that's the plot of You've Got Mail so never mind.

When the two get together, she'll be dating Mitsuki at school AND Mitsuki at work - is that polyamory?

joined Sep 1, 2021

Frankly, I think most straight people would have their minds blown by the existance of stone butch trans women.

to be fair i'm trans and also gay and this still kinda blew my mind at first

e: also, in terms of queer perspectives, well, it may be true that overall there is less transphobia in the lgbtq+ community than in the general population, there are absolutely pockets of intense transphobia there, especially in for example (where i'm from) the uk

Oof! Terf Island.

Yeah, when you're used to "normal", the full width, breadth, and depth of human possibility can be a bit overwhelming. As soon as you diverge from the paper thin margins of straightness, you're queer, but there are plenty of heterosexual queer people, there're cis queer people, everything.

You'd think we'd understand that, to heteronormativity, we're all defective. The how may vary, but none of us fit into hegemonic "Straightness". Some of us are pick mes, but some of us are just humans being all too human.

For what it's worth, things can't not get better in the long term. Time's on our side because we couldn't go away if we wanted to. We can't surrender, but bigots can. We were here first and we'll be here last.

joined Sep 1, 2021

That's the fundamental level but also, on a practical level, no, there is not a distinction between lying about your sex/gender and simply not providing info that you're not obligated to provide. Cis society does not let you get away with just not providing info. It is basically impossible to successfully remain closeted (or stealth) without sometimes saying something directly untrue about your sex/gender - avoiding the question will itself make people clock you as some degree of gender-nonconforming, and will often get framed as attempted deceit anyways.

First of all, thank you for the explanation. I appreciate the detail and clarity.

Reading your post, it bacame clear to me that I was looking at this discussion as being general, rather than about Mitsuki, specifically, and that I was thinking about it from a queer perspective rather than a heteronormative one.
Frankly, I think most straight people would have their minds blown by the existance of stone butch trans women.
"Whaaaaat?" they'd say, "Isn't that the same as just being a man?"

In regards to Mitsuki, the suggestion that Mitsuki is engaging in any form of deception is perfectly in line with your explanation, so I find myself moved to agreeing with your position.

As for the issue of having a queer/heteronormative perspective, I do still think that a similar, generalised statement coming from a queer person could be up in the air. Honestly, far too many people within the community are shitty to bisexuals, treating them as traitors for being straight passing, so being transphobic is far from out of the question. That said, since the queer community is more open to gender nonconformity, I think that similar statement could be approached with some measure of charity.

joined Sep 1, 2021

Could you elaborate on how it's "fundamentally" transphobic? I can understand how it could very easily slip into that sort of territory, but there does seem to be a distinction between lying about your sex/gender and not providing info that you're not obliged to provide, such as what genitals you have.

I think it'll be easier to understand with some analogies.
"How could you not tell me you were a girl?"
"How could you not tell me you were black?"
"How could you not tell me you were Chinese?"
"How could you not tell me you were Muslim?"

There is a presumption here that keeping that information from other people is a form of deception. And the corresponding implication that to keep that from someone is a form of violence, which would then necessitate a violent response. The answer is that it's no one's business.

Of course, you could argue that there are certain things that you should reveal in a relationship. If you have religious differences on how you should raise your kids, then the topic of your respective views on faith definitely needs to be above board. And yes, when physical intimacy comes into play then discussions of how you go about that should also be above board.

But that doesn't hold true for 99% of interactions. Your coworkers, your customers, your classmates, and any other strangers in your life have no right to know that information about you. Acting like this is a deception when they aren't dating is to presume ownership of that aspect of another person's privacy. Just as it would be xenophobic to demand to know where someone was born before interacting with them, and racist to demand to know the color of their skin, it would be sexist/transphobic to demand the same for their gender.

At least, this is my best guess from what @Wiwaxia was saying. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I was talking more about Wixaxia's original response, not the response that I quoted. In hindsight that was quite confusing. I do actually agree that the person Wiwaxia was responding to in that quote was making a bad take. Mitsuki isn't under any obligation to explain anything to a near total stranger, I have no idea how anyone could think otherwise.

My issue is that the original person who brought up this topic only mentioned "tricking someone" and "pretending you're the gender you're not". I think that whether this is transphobic or not depends on what the OP considers to be trickery and pretending. That's why I drew a distinction between lying and not providing info. In the former, you're intentionally misleading someone, and in the latter, you're merely existing in a manner that someone didn't expect.

Arguably, the OP should have specified what they meant in order to be sensitive to this issue, but as someone with autism, I consider getting too far into being super clear and specific to be a bottomless pit that will still lead to being misunderstood. The stress of avoiding being misunderstood can lead to paralysis, so it can be better to just speak and clarify later.

joined Sep 1, 2021

@ Wiwaxia Their take wasnt transphonic at ALL. They were NOT saying she was fooling gyaru-chan by dressing the way she does or looking fairly masculine- that has zero baring.

The issue they were raising is AFTER gyaur makes this mistake- (to nobodies fault) - she should then have let her know she isnt a boy like she thinks. I also agree that its not gone on long enough yet to matter. They have barely interacted since then- but she does need to explain it soon.

You also cant compare it to a closet trans- because she is NOT. She has no particular reason to hide her gender at all beyond a bit of embaressment about being seen as lame or something.

No, "you need to explain your real gender to someone who made a mistaken assumption and if you don't it's deception" is still a transphobic take.

The issue is the narrative about "gender deception", which is fundamentally transphobic whether or not any given fictional or real person has a "reason" to hide their gender. (As if fear of homophobia wouldn't be reason enough! Even in this scenario where the mc isn't trans, the stakes are still potentially much higher than "being seen as lame". Come on.)

Could you elaborate on how it's "fundamentally" transphobic? I can understand how it could very easily slip into that sort of territory, but there does seem to be a distinction between lying about your sex/gender and not providing info that you're not obliged to provide, such as what genitals you have.

joined Sep 1, 2021

aaahh so thats who the creepy woman showing up was! That story is super popular, Oiwa was a beautiful woman that got disfigured by some kind of facial cream that was given to her by a woman that was in love with her husband. After she was disfigured, the husband wanted nothing to do with her, but divorcing because your wife is ugly wasn't possible, so he paid someone to rape her so he could divorce. That obviously fails terribly, Oiwa dies, curses everyone and becomes a vengeful spirit. I like how this manga brings famous ghost stories but has that wholesome feel. Wholesome horror yay!

Is it just me or are a lot of asian ghost stories just failed attempts to convince men to not be monstrously evil to women?