Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Oct 26, 2016


joined Oct 4, 2016

Man, if I wanted to sit down and write a story deliberately designed with no other purpose than to drive the readers of Dynasty Scans absolutely out of their minds, it would be this story. Bonus points if the story ends with Ayaka hooking up with a guy after 15 chapters of Hiroko being increasingly improbably oblivious to Ayaka's advances.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Now this is downright stupid and senseless, author can't even come up with a good excuse on why she misunderstands it, she gives her the lunch, she says she made it for the one she loves, and somehow Hiroko ends up on the conclusion Ayaka loves some random dude? Doesn't even make sense, and this completely sucks

She thinks Ayaka was “putting in effort for the one she loved” in terms of practicing her cooking. So she thinks the lunch she made for her was just her way of honing her cooking skills so she can impress some guy she likes or something.

Idk why everyone says this sucks lol. Sure, the excuses Hiroko comes up with are kinda dumb and obviously a reach from any bystanders perspective, but that’s kinda the WHOLE POINT OF THIS MANGA. Girl is so deep in denial for various reasons that she actively looks the gayest of girls in the face and thinks, “ah, yes. She straight. Can’t believe I almost misunderstood her.”

That’s the joke. The whole schtick of this series. It’s SUPPOSED TO BE DUMB AND GOOFY. It reminds me a lot of an inverse version of that “You’re Totally in Love With Me, Aren’t You?” manga where it’s just as goofy and the whole joke each time is the MC asking her friend who’s obviously crushing on her if she loves her and the friend always denying it. I think the only reason people are fine with that one and bash this one is cuz this manga has a more realistic art style and isn’t in 4-Koma style, so subconsciously think it’s supposed to be a realistic drama and not a silly comedy.

Maybe this isn’t your brand of comedy or whatever, but that doesn’t mean it sucks. It’s actually doing what it set out to do quite well.

I wouldn't get into the back and forth about it. That's a losing battle and some people don't like hearing that their opinion is a preference (ironic), so it'll go nowhere.

But, yeah it's great! This chapter had probably the most reasonable misunderstanding out of them all. The friend is either gumming up the works or has terrible timing.

last edited at May 11, 2023 8:48AM

joined Nov 13, 2022

I’ve reached my limit. I can’t suspend my disbelief anymore.

…. There’s no way that she can make tamagoyaki if she can’t even boil potatoes.

**EDIT: Rereading the last chapter, I’ve also realized that the lyrics Ayaka was quoting probably sound slightly more ambiguous in Japanese. If these lyrics have left out the pronouns (as Japanese often does), then it’s reasonable for someone to imagine “Why can’t he understand” rather than “why can’t you understand.” This is all conjecture, but I just have a hunch that there are several places in the manga where the ambiguity of the Japanese language could feed into Hiroko’s delusions

last edited at May 11, 2023 8:47AM

joined Oct 7, 2020

That's it. I give up. Wake me up when something actually happened.

joined Dec 1, 2022

Can we get facepalms in the chat?

last edited at May 11, 2023 10:53AM

joined Jan 11, 2014

It feels like she instantly concluded MC likes some random guy without actually taking us through the steps of her reasoning. I see the pieces. I don’t see her outlandish thought process, which makes it unfunny. That’s why makes her misunderstanding feel unearned and frustrating.

joined Oct 1, 2022

I repeat again. How stupid is this... but here I am still reading this shit

joined Mar 10, 2023

I love useless lesbian comedies, but I genuinely don't like this. If anyone has read ahead, does it ever ease up or tell jokes that don't end with one character assuming the other is straight? If not, I think I'll bow out here.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Hahaha omg the hate is real XD

joined Feb 27, 2020

Dude, I love Sal Jiang, I even own a physical copy of this manga. I understand that the point of it is being completely absurd on how many mental gymnastics Hiroko has to do to not realize how gay Ayaka is for her.
The main problem I have with it is how fucking BAD I feel seeing Ayaka cry or feel dejected. It's supposed to be funny, but I can't laugh when my poor baby is being mistreated like this!

joined Mar 4, 2018

She's so dumb it hurts to read

Nailed it. And that young lady needs to get her collar on.

joined Oct 3, 2016


joined Feb 6, 2013

Hnnngh you got this, Ayaka!!! Stupid senpai, just open your damn fool eyes

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Omg Ayaka is adorable. What is friendo doing? She also likes senpai?

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

It feels like she instantly concluded MC likes some random guy without actually taking us through the steps of her reasoning. I see the pieces. I don’t see her outlandish thought process, which makes it unfunny. That’s why makes her misunderstanding feel unearned and frustrating.

I dunno I feel it’s pretty straight forward. She’s in a supreme place of denial and is always trying to justify the gay + Ayaka says she made it for the one she loves + Friend is pushing the narrative that ayaka is into random dude + Random dude likes chicken apparently = ayaka is practicing cooking chicken for him

joined Nov 7, 2022

This feels like a mix of comedy and tragedy - because seeing her that much in denial isn't very humorous anymore. If she's been hurt to the point that she must find a different interpretation of all the signs she's getting, I feel bad for them both. If we're supposed to laugh at her denial... it kinda misses the mark for me.

I think the plot could work with more comedy (it wouldn't be the first yuri with mutually unrequited love), but as it stands Ayaka seem like a genuine romance character doing her best, only to be turned down in a way that's actually quite sad.

joined Nov 6, 2018

I wonder what their ages are.

joined Mar 8, 2014

I think it's more of a dramedy, somehow. It makes me smile but and I love it but I don't find it super funny. It just makes me wonder what sort of thing Ayaka will do next to try to get Hiroko haha. I love seeing Hiroko flustered because she thinks it's accidental haha. Idk maybe I'm weird. But yeah, it's not supposed to be exactly funny I think.

joined Apr 12, 2018

I think it's more of a dramedy, somehow. It makes me smile but and I love it but I don't find it super funny. It just makes me wonder what sort of thing Ayaka will do next to try to get Hiroko haha. I love seeing Hiroko flustered because she thinks it's accidental haha. Idk maybe I'm weird. But yeah, it's not supposed to be exactly funny I think.

Seconding this

joined Sep 10, 2022

It just makes me wonder what sort of thing Ayaka will do next to try to get Hiroko haha.

I love seeing Hiroko flustered because she thinks it's accidental haha.

Yeah those two feelings are it. It's comedic, has some "drama" but it's light. I love it builds from it's fun premise and builds it's characters. I also love how Yuuya has no idea what's happening, he's just caught in the crossfire.

last edited at May 12, 2023 3:39PM

joined Nov 22, 2019

Hey guys, just so you know, I was interested in this series a couple months ago and bought the raws up to volume 2 (volume 3 just released) and if you're annoyed by Hiroko's complete inability to understand the words "I'm in love with you," I suggest you either drop this now or wait for all the chapters to release so you can read it all in one shot, because it just gets so, so much worse.

last edited at May 12, 2023 3:45PM

joined Apr 16, 2022

when Ayaka is happy i'm happy :)

joined May 10, 2021

Welp, I finally hate Hiroko.
Can't get enough of Ayaka being way too cute and precious though.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Hey guys, just so you know, I was interested in this series a couple months ago and bought the raws up to volume 2 (volume 3 just released) and if you're annoyed by Hiroko's complete inability to understand the words "I'm in love with you," I suggest you either drop this now or wait for all the chapters to release so you can read it all in one shot, because it just gets so, so much worse.

Now I'm fascinated. I'm having a hard time conceiving of an inability to understand that's "much, much worse" than what we've already seen.

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