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joined Mar 16, 2018

Diana will never win against Lapis because she offers the single thing that Natori values the most...job satisfaction

joined Dec 20, 2018

Diana will never win against Lapis because she offers the single thing that Natori values the most...job satisfaction

Please tell me this is sarcasm... Because no matter how much Natori likes to mistake her feelings for that, we as the readers really should know better.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Diana will never win against Lapis because she offers the single thing that Natori values the most...job satisfaction

Please tell me this is sarcasm... Because no matter how much Natori likes to mistake her feelings for that, we as the readers really should know better.

"What is this quaking excitement in my body? Why does my heart thunderously pound? OH I KNOW! IT MUST BE THE OVERWHELMING SATISFACTION OF A JOB WELL DONE!

I will say though that for someone who is severely undervalued and shafted the idea of an employer both recognizing and praising your hard work is some real potent stuff. Combine that with the fact that Lapis can also make Natori's heart pound like a war drum and that is a powerful combination.

joined Jul 22, 2022

Whoa we got Chapter 17 in just 2 days? Hot damn thank you so much

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 8:52AM

joined Mar 10, 2018

I gotta say, I d9nt think I've ever seen a love triangle done this well in a manga. It feels real and not overly dramatic

joined Sep 14, 2015

Diana look like she gonna be the new villainesse with those eyes.

joined Sep 14, 2015

Diana look like she gonna be the new villainesse with those eyes.

joined Oct 21, 2020

Someone is jelly hahahahahah

joined Sep 10, 2022

Diana look like she gonna be the new villainesse with those eyes.

Hope not but the ingredients are all there if they wanted to go that route. She has the background, has had some oddly aggressive moments and her affection/jealousy could easily get mixed in with her inferiority complex and that aggression. But she likes Lapis as well, so I don't see it yet. Would need to see more. This could just be a momentary issue. Although we still don't have a real antagonist yet...

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 12:22PM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Urgh why does this have to drive the triangle so hard... but on the other hand the characters and art are so nice, how frustrating.

joined Dec 10, 2020

Damn the jealously in those eyes...

joined Mar 13, 2014

Diana looks like she might go down the yandere route...

joined Jul 31, 2019

I'm still predicting Diana getting killed by the prince, now she even got a cool scar to look the part of the antagonist

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 11:19AM

joined Oct 12, 2017

Diana looks like she might go down the yandere route...

Yeaahhh... I get the feeling that we're basically going to tell the same story, but the characters are swapping roles and positions. :0

I kinda felt like things with Diana were moving too fast for this to be the endgame. She still doesn't get poor Natori's name right, and even though she's paying attention to Natori's feelings it really seems to be wrapped up in whether or not Diana is getting what she wants from her. "Is she paying attention to me?" "Am I making her happy?" "Why is she looking at Lapis like that when I'm right here?"

It's neatly thematic considering Natori's insecurity complex, too. Like, they both struggle with the same feelings but they're being driven in very different directions. Natori is conscious that she might be selfishly vying for other people's approval, but Diana very much isn't. Natori is getting the support and encouragement she needs, and those points in Diana's story that would have driven her to become the protagonist are being pulled out or replaced because of Natori's unintentional interventions. :x

Lapis won some serious points here, though. I wonder how we're going to handle her classism and shenanigans, later. I'm going to guess we're going to bring back the "I might not always be your ally, but I'll never be your enemy" bit, but hmmm... xD

This manga is spoiling me really badly after a bad week in the office. XD <3 Blessed AriteDrop for working so hard to get this out to us.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Holy shit why is this actually good?
I never thought I'd catch myself saying that a love triangle isekai would actually hook me.

Thank you berry berry berry berry mucho Translation group. love you peeps <3

joined Aug 21, 2020

Diana sees the gap between their affection levels (and also their magic)

joined Aug 9, 2021

I need the polyamory tag to become a reality for this manga in the future

joined Oct 25, 2014

Diana seems pretty jealous there at the end, but I don't think Diana is as far behind Lapis in Natori's heart as she thinks. For starters, Lapis' words about "valuing oneself" echoed Diana's words from chapter 6, and Natori did notice the similarity. Of course, Diana has no way of knowing that. lol

In any case, it's an interesting love triangle. The point of contention is still the fact that Natori has low self-esteem. Both Diana and Lapis try to encourage her and boost her self-esteem but ultimately Natori has to find her own worth on her own.

On the other hand, I feel that Lapis trying to get Natori to serve the prince and Diana is a not too subtle attempt to put some distance between herself and Natori. I think Lapis wants to stay committed to her plan against the commoners and keeping Natori around is making it hard to do so.

last edited at Apr 15, 2023 2:25PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I need the polyamory tag to become a reality for this manga in the future

I'm also cheering for poly route

joined Nov 29, 2013

The prince seems nice and all. I don't really hate him, even more, it seems like he is a good shipper for yuri team. Hopefully he could delivery a good polyamory tag to this very manga :3

joined Jun 21, 2021

i'm here for sandwich goals

joined Mar 22, 2021

It kills me watching the MC the game try so hard but she's already lost. She is such an earnest person and is trying her best but her face at the end of chapters kills me.

joined Sep 6, 2018

The analyses of the different ways that Diana and Lapis care for the MC are super interesting, and I want to add that Diana has that whole sequence in chapter 6 where she tries to cut through Natori’s sadness like a sword based on the advice she took to heart. It sort of depicts her attitude toward Natori’s problems as something to be removed or defeated by her in a very direct way: she’s simple and straightforward and still figuring herself out, where Lapis is insightful and more established and actively seems to avoid reevaluating herself.

It’s really interesting that Diana has “I am the main character” energy, where it feels like she’s treating Natori as part of her life rather than as a fellow traveler through life the way Lapis does, in part because she’s figuring herself out as a person and Natori keeps telling her just what she needs to hear, is always stepping into roles in her life that might otherwise be filled by others. Natori is, in some ways, attempting to make herself a narratively important background character in other people’s lives with the way she uses her knowledge of the game, but whereas Lapis resists that and has an understanding of her as a future-seer, Diana is just not mature enough yet to challenge the way Natori presents herself, and rather leans into it because that source of goodness and object of affecrion/protection Natalie is a role she really wants in her life. Everything in her life has been uprooted by coming to this school and stumbling into responsibility, and she is trying to make Natalie her thing to hold on to.

joined Jan 9, 2017

So, everything goes the same way of the original game, only, way gayer. Seems like a W if I'm being honest.
However, I still don't know which ship's my favourite, and which one will prevail but hey, Diana won some more point (again) with her crazy yandere-ish vibes during this chapter!

Gay betrayal, Gay eradication of the people, Gay death by the heroes hand, Gay revolution anxiety

joined Jan 9, 2017

Diana will never win against Lapis because she offers the single thing that Natori values the most...job satisfaction

Please tell me this is sarcasm... Because no matter how much Natori likes to mistake her feelings for that, we as the readers really should know better.

"What is this quaking excitement in my body? Why does my heart thunderously pound? OH I KNOW! IT MUST BE THE OVERWHELMING SATISFACTION OF A JOB WELL DONE!

I will say though that for someone who is severely undervalued and shafted the idea of an employer both recognizing and praising your hard work is some real potent stuff. Combine that with the fact that Lapis can also make Natori's heart pound like a war drum and that is a powerful combination.

In oversimplified terms it's reverse suspension bridge syndrome

Suspension bridge syndrome is when you mistake adrenaline for heart flutter. Natori here is mistaking heart flutter for adrenaline

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