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joined Sep 25, 2021

I also think it's fairly safe to assume that rather than a full-on dream, Michi was projected into the real-life classroom, and actually talked to Aizawa.

EXTREMELY intrigued by this theory. I am supportive of this (also noting the fact that it was dark outside when they talked too)

Like other readers, I think there’re a Lot of mysteries yet to be solved so far. From the seemingly trivial question “who hid kasumi’s hair clip?” to the central theme “why is aizawa seemingly obssessive with michi?” to the grand finale “what is aizawa’s cause of death?”

I like the fact that the manga keeps it lighthearted despite all these questions.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Mans' got more fashion then all four of them combined with that bead setup.

joined May 7, 2022

Bad news: You're being haunted by a clingy lesbian.

Good news: She's dang cute.
bad news you will never talk to her or interacct because you are too afraid

I’d be fine with that tbh

joined Feb 22, 2018

I also think it's fairly safe to assume that rather than a full-on dream, Michi was projected into the real-life classroom, and actually talked to Aizawa.

EXTREMELY intrigued by this theory. I am supportive of this (also noting the fact that it was dark outside when they talked too)

Like other readers, I think there’re a Lot of mysteries yet to be solved so far. From the seemingly trivial question “who hid kasumi’s hair clip?” to the central theme “why is aizawa seemingly obssessive with michi?” to the grand finale “what is aizawa’s cause of death?”

I like the fact that the manga keeps it lighthearted despite all these questions.

1) Korotori Michi subconsciously hid Honda-san's hairpin. This was purposely done.
2) Honamin is obsessed with Michi because the latter is protecting her.
3) Honamin's death was faked by her family under extreme duress.
4) This manga has been lighthearted, but there is a major threat to Aizawa Honami's safety.

last edited at Jan 21, 2023 8:22AM

joined May 7, 2022

I also think it's fairly safe to assume that rather than a full-on dream, Michi was projected into the real-life classroom, and actually talked to Aizawa.

EXTREMELY intrigued by this theory. I am supportive of this (also noting the fact that it was dark outside when they talked too)

Like other readers, I think there’re a Lot of mysteries yet to be solved so far. From the seemingly trivial question “who hid kasumi’s hair clip?” to the central theme “why is aizawa seemingly obssessive with michi?” to the grand finale “what is aizawa’s cause of death?”

I like the fact that the manga keeps it lighthearted despite all these questions.

1) Korotori Michi subconsciously hid Honda-san's hairpin. This was purposely done.
2) Honamin is obsessed with Michi because the latter is protecting her.
3) Honamin's death was faked by her family under extreme duress.
4) This manga has been lighthearted, but there is a major threat to Aizawa Honami's safety.

5) The class was just playing a prank with Aizawa all along. She just quit the idol group due to wanting to focus on her studies.

joined Jul 21, 2019

Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I just started reading this series: so for me the biggest mystery is why can't Aizawa speak. We never see her talk in flashbacks and her spirit form is mute but it's not like that's prerogative of Michi's perception since we saw the little girl spirit in Michi's flashback kinda talk to her. I think this is key and could be related to her cause of death.
Also I have the suspicion Aizawa was the one that somehow drew the pentagram under her desk while she was still alive, maybe she sensed she would fall to tragedy soon...
What do you fine people think?

joined Apr 16, 2022

3) Honamin's death was faked by her family under extreme duress.
4) This manga has been lighthearted, but there is a major threat to Aizawa Honami's safety.

I'm intrigued by the idea that Honami's death was faked by her family. Perhaps this is related to why she's mute? I'm thinking, a voice is an idol's most important asset, so if Honami somehow lost her voice (due to a curse perhaps), that might motivate her family to fake her death until they find a way to cure her and/or identify her assailant.

BLAMEY Uploader
joined Oct 9, 2021

Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I just started reading this series: so for me the biggest mystery is why can't Aizawa speak. We never see her talk in flashbacks and her spirit form is mute but it's not like that's prerogative of Michi's perception since we saw the little girl spirit in Michi's flashback kinda talk to her. I think this is key and could be related to her cause of death.
Also I have the suspicion Aizawa was the one that somehow drew the pentagram under her desk while she was still alive, maybe she sensed she would fall to tragedy soon...
What do you fine people think?

As a ground rule, we at least know she was capable of speaking: she recorded a solo album Michi's been listening to. We've also seen other ghosts can speak.

As a ghost, she's never spoken but has made noises. Some of which are essentially words, but we can assume for narrative purposes she's incapable of speech. Her one conversation with Michi involved pantomiming. Chapter 4 is noteworthy for featuring several flashbacks of living Aizawa, all of which she never spoke in. It highlights her muteness, but I think that's simply for dramatic purposes. We're being led to anticipate her finally saying something.

A big part of the mystery stems from Michi's inexperience. She tries her best to shut out the supernatural and has no mentor to establish guidelines. The moment we get one of those, things are going to take a serious turn. Chapter 6 already substantially changed the rules at play. Kasumi's senpai could potentially fill that role, though I'm starting to get suspicious of why Michi's mom isn't around.

My pet theory is that Aizawa's speech is sealed, just like her boundaries, if only because it opens an avenue for progression. After Michi acknowledges Aizawa they'd still have a goal to accomplish together: getting her voice back. (And it's super cute how expressive she is without words so I want to keep it going.) I don't believe "clearing Aizawa's regrets so she can pass on" is the final course we've settled on; that's just all Michi can find now in her unfamiliarity, unwilling to directly confront Aizawa.

This could be a Little Mermaid type situation where Aizawa's voice itself was part of some supernatural bargain, since she's an idol and all, though it's not like another idol strangely started sounding exactly like her.
But it seems clear this isn't a "natural" ghost. Somehow she's been manipulated in death.

While Aizawa being mostly absent leads me to think her death must be related to showbiz, the pentagram on her desk links it to school. It could be there to trap her—if so why does she need to be prevented from passing on? Or it could be an attempt to preserve her. Whoever's responsible doesn't seem to be checking in, so maybe she did do it to herself. Was it placed at school because that's where her regrets lie, or because it's so distanced from her normal life no one with supernatural sight would think to look? Though that sounds like a long shot.

But we can't be sure whatever caused her death and whatever created the pentagram came from the same source. Aizawa's cheery disposition is at odds with her tragedy, though it's not uncommon in stories for a ghost to forget the details of her death; which could make Michi exploring her regrets a risky idea as Aizawa isn't perfectly stable.

I love all the speculation but there's too many mysteries. I'm praying chapter 8 brings a bit of clarity now that Michi's committed to take action.

joined Jul 21, 2019

Yeah, she's indeed not a normal ghost, that's for sure, especially when compared to other spirits shown so far. It's funny though because while I still think it could be plot related, her lack of voice (or text bubbles lol) is a nice artistic choice since, well, she's an idol and her voice should be one of her main selling points.
Let's see what the next chapters will bring to the table, it's a lovely series so far so I trust the author to deliver in one way or the other!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Poor Seta... :D

And such perfect descriptions of the characters. :D

This has to be one of the greatest combinations of absolutely adorable beauty and most disturbing horror.

last edited at Mar 13, 2023 9:59AM

joined Aug 12, 2021

love the authors attitude of aiming to make a cute bubbly sparkly eldritch unknowable sort of manga. Additionally "I read a bunch of yuri manga and a bunch of horror manga and somehow this happened" is an amazing motivation on why they're making this.

last edited at Mar 13, 2023 10:28AM

joined Jun 1, 2020

I don't think I've seen colored versions of the designs before. I love Kasumi's silver hair. The doodles and illustrations were great, my favorite is probably the one with zombie Aizawa sporting heart-shaped pupils, and the extra chapter was both hilarious and cute, while very clearly establishing one of the key areas of inner conflict for Michi and the thing she currently fears most, and I adore that.

With the author very clearly mentioning yuri, can we get our hopes up? I already am but still.

edit Yo, the voice-over thingy is fucking perfect. Watch it! Honestly, I'm not sure how I imagined Michi sounding before, but this is it, this is perfection.

This has to be one of the greatest combinations of absolutely adorable beauty and most disturbing horror.

I didn't even notice it at first, but 100% agreed. That and the following page were very goosebumps-worthy.

...Aizawa's speech is sealed...

I definitely think that the pentagram thingy is a seal of sorts, or perhaps mark of a bond of sorts. I personally think that the apex of the series will be with Aizawa directly saying her first words. Also, somewhat of a pet theory of mine, I don't think it's likely, but there's a chance that the series can go with a route in which Aizawa isn't actually dead or isn't dead dead, and the whole mark/seal and Aizawa's boundaries and limitations make a lot of sense in this context in my mind, and I commented this sometime before, but I simply think it'll be an incredible moment if Aizawa's first words will be after being "brought back to life".

last edited at Mar 13, 2023 11:04AM

joined May 7, 2022

Ngl, this part is where it hit me that it’s not all fun and games. Was almost like a jumpscare when I was reading the extras and laughing.

Like, yeah, we know she’s dead, we see the picture, the table where people pay their respects for the deceased classmate w/ flowers and candies, there is the weird pentagram, but damn, the way it is shown in that page reminded me the real grim undertones of what seems to be a fruity little comedy about ghosts at first glance.

Additionally, this random Michi also caught me off guard

joined Aug 16, 2018

Last panel gave me a jumpscare. Bad author! Bad! Aizawa is not like that!

joined Aug 1, 2022

Idk y but the direct youtube link doesn't work for me, but the link on the author's Twitter does. So if anyone else has trouble :

BLAMEY Uploader
joined Oct 9, 2021

Here's a link to the voiced comic just to make it easier to find.

The manga's been on break these past 2 months but Dorothy promises chapter 8'll be exciting.

Ngl, this part is where it hit me that it’s not all fun and games. Was almost like a jumpscare when I was reading the extras and laughing.

There's something extra creepy about the way her eyes are still visible between the blacked out parts. I hope the manga does lean into horror a little more; Dorothy has a knack for mixing it with otherwise cute and goofy episodes.

joined Apr 12, 2018

Just caught up, and wow there's a whole lot to unpack here that I wouldn't even know where to begin with.

But I definitely feel like this is one of my favorites now. I liked the first few chapters, but now I feel extra confident that this is heading somewhere really good.

Also, the eyes! I really love the way the artist draws Aizawa's eyes, particularly the bit in Chapter 5 with her jealousy, and the end of the most recent chapter when the roll was left on her desk. I really can't wait for more of this! Hopefully we get to meet Kasumi's senpai and learn her deal soon.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I'm completely fine if this turns extra bittersweet due to the supernatural/horrorish stuff.

I'm waiting for this to be a prequel to Kindred spirit on the roof

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Have you seen this ghost? Cause she is cute.

joined May 7, 2022

Have you seen this ghost? Cause she is cute.

The cutest

joined Oct 20, 2017
joined Oct 16, 2020

the extras look great, cant wait for the next chapter

joined May 3, 2022

Since the manga doesn’t have any negative tags (yet), one of my theories is that Aizawa is in a coma/indefinite state of sleep due to some supernatural incidents that is probably the future plot and the school is a theory many others made and I agree to as well, which is place she couldn’t come to but wanted to so bad that she became attached.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Since the manga doesn’t have any negative tags (yet), one of my theories is that Aizawa is in a coma/indefinite state of sleep due to some supernatural incidents that is probably the future plot and the school is a theory many others made and I agree to as well, which is place she couldn’t come to but wanted to so bad that she became attached.

Not with this thing around. And even outside extras, pretty sure the school would not have her photo and flowers on her desk if she wasn't actually dead, nor would it be announced in the news.

last edited at Mar 14, 2023 10:56AM

joined Jan 6, 2023

Got me moving my feet up and down fr

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