Since the cringe factor has gone up slightly and people are talking about it again,here's your reminder that the whole premise in which the Alpha,Beta,Omega nonsense stems from,the so called hierarchy of wolves,is completely unnatural.
The man who did the research,and later in life regretted it,took a bunch of random wolves from the wild and locked them in capativity before studying them.
Actual wolf hierarchy is two parents and their offspring,of which the offspring will split off,find their opposite,and start their own pack.
I just realised that you've written this same dumb comment on multiple omegaverse stories over the span of years, and that makes you more cringey than any story ever could be, I hope you know. Get a new hobby. Write your own story instead of the same trite comment over and over again.
Here's some other things that may have escaped your attention:
Firstly, using the term alpha - which is a real term regardless of how you feel about its origins - does not mean that it is has anything at all to do with wolves. The mechanics of this world are nothing like the much-hated wolf pack social hierarchy because there is no pack, it's based on human society and coupling.
The Alpha term orginates from the wolf misconception,and considering the calibre of people who are called "Alphas"/"Alpha male"/"Alpha female" are almost exclusively jerks,there is no reason at all to further boost their egos.
The mechanics of this world are literally based on that wolf aspect,where the Alphas are the bit shots,the Betas the aside to the Alphas,and the Omegas are the living sex scented candles.
IE as scapegoat they can conviniently push blame to for their own behaviour.
Secondly, you're ignoring the blatant fact that it did actually happen. Someone can't base stories off of a concept because it only happened to wolves once in captivity? This is a reason not to use the "alpha" mechanic on your wolf stories, because it makes you look uneducated, but that is no reason to not take the idea of something that really actually happened and make a completely unrelated fictional idea from it.
It did happen,but it was a huge unnatural occurence that was taken as scientific fact for so long that it falsely ingrained itself,had it not,we wouldn't have this ego booster for jerks and the almost as bad as reincarnation trope(especially in some Western fiction)that is a scapegoat for people who have human brains,the very brains that created concepts such as forgiveness from above being divine,morals for creating a better soceity,the science that proved that girls liking girls is normal(not the gays trying to corrupt your sweet child with their propoganda)and not trying to harass someone simply because they made you horny.
Taking something unnatural that has long since proven to be a massive falsehood and shoving it down as a new natural for your character who clearly knows much better isn't a good inspiration,nor one that should be allowed to continue.
The same goes with consuming alcohol,smoking,and blaming other vices for the issues one has caused.
And the fact that you go on and on and on about it, even bringing it up multiple times in the same comment section, makes you more than a little obsessed with nonsense about what inspiration people should be allowed to use to create a story.
No one should be allowed to it use anymore,for it will just add to the massive sea of misconceptions about the whole thing,further propogating the issue(even after the boomers of now get replaced by the TikTikors in 20 to 40 years time),with very few places actually ciitng the truth.
Might as well spend my forum induced PTSD points into a crusade that will ultimately lead to nothing more then a few more informed people then before,whilst chuckling over the silly aspects of all the entertainment media that doesn't directly involve the trope.

Feel free to ignore me n' me ramblings,like anyone would with anyone else on these interwebs.