Forum › Rutou-san ni ha Kanaimasen discussion

joined Jul 8, 2018

Chihiro (the MC) is an absolute cutie pie

Little sister is adorable. ^_^

Lol I agree

joined Oct 9, 2016

Very cute. Especially colored pages. Characters are interesting. Very promising.

joined Dec 8, 2022

Her smirk was really cute

joined Jul 25, 2014

I don't get tired of the classic nerdy girl x popular girl dynamic. And her being a prankster has good comedic potential.

joined May 29, 2021

So this is gonna kinda be like gay Takagi-san isn't it?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Wamura Chihiro... Just a plain otaku - and a manga protagonist. Also, judging by her reactions, clearly already in lesbians with Rutou Kaname.

joined Apr 4, 2017

Rutou san - Stalker type, S type, ulterior motives yet genki magical pixie dream girl. More insecure than she seems?
Wamura san - Otaku (mild), M type, dense type yet accidentally very forward. Hopefully (likely?) more than audience insert.

Seems like a great set of dynamics for a love comedy. Maybe not revolutionary but execution matters more and so far its delivering.

joined Feb 7, 2013

Ja-nen bokumetsu!

Aw, missing from the head slam.

last edited at Dec 19, 2022 7:47AM

joined Oct 2, 2021

Apparently the author of this manga was suspended from Twitter? How the hell did that happen?

Told Elon he's a K unt

joined Feb 27, 2022

I'm enjoying this, I just want a chapter where there's a reverse so the whole thing doesn't feel so uneven

joined Jun 1, 2020

Chihiro almost got that critical hit in, and we're this early on. Page 22, positioning the "doesn't play fair" on that panel, the way I'm reading it, almost surely means to hint that Kaname is thinking the exact same. Honestly, I like that quite a bit; feels really clever and subtle.

As an aside, I really like the name Chihiro. That is all.

I'm enjoying this, I just want a chapter where there's a reverse...

This chapter had an inkling of a reversal, so I don't think the idea is off the table.

joined Jun 5, 2021

so smug

joined Apr 20, 2013

Rutou san is like Aizen, the protagonist plays right in her hand and it's so cute to see

joined Mar 25, 2015

Huh what is this godtier typsetting??

joined Jun 12, 2021

Apparently the author of this manga was suspended from Twitter? How the hell did that happen?

Given that this is Twitter we are talking about, that's a positive as far as I am concerned.

joined May 21, 2021

The art is super adorable and character dynamic is fun though not exactly original. Kudos to the scanlation group for the charming translation and the excellent redrawing.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

What age/class are they? Are they JCs? The friends seem pretty much 100% chuunibyo. If they're JKs, I'd say Rutou-san is on a rescue mission!

joined Apr 16, 2022

What age/class are they? Are they JCs? The friends seem pretty much 100% chuunibyo. If they're JKs, I'd say Rutou-san is on a rescue mission!

"That must have just been the hallucinations of a woeful otaku, brought upon by her sense of inferiority against the ideal high school girl."

They're in their first year of high school.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

I like the translation's rendition of the otaku girls' elegant archaic diction.

joined Oct 16, 2021

this actually pretty hood cant wait for more chapters!

nienai Uploader
joined Jun 22, 2022

Apparently the author of this manga was suspended from Twitter? How the hell did that happen?

I saw their account had been temporarily restricted before that, and my guess is something about spam. (Note: suspension happened pre-Musk chaos)

joined Feb 27, 2022

another banger of a chapter; good work to the author and translation team

joined Aug 4, 2018

I can't believe Wamura didn't kiss her as soon as they got into the purikura box. I know I would have.

(Especially after that "take off your shoes" shit Rutou pulled out.)

And then all the pics would have been of them passionately smooching!

last edited at Feb 8, 2023 12:24AM

joined Apr 16, 2022

I liked this chapter a lot more than the previous two; I think it does a much better job of characterizing the two girls and selling their dynamic. Looking forward to future chapters a lot more now!

joined Apr 28, 2022

Holy crap this chapter was so adorable Big congrats to the author for getting serialized! I'm so glad were gonna get to see these two a lot more. This was easily the best chapter so far the entire picture taking part had me laughing so hard. Super fluffy and super cute these two make a great opposites attract pairing.

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