Moms on board! I want literally everyone but then to realize it first at this point. Then we can have a "Yeah, get on with it!" Moment before they finally do get together xD
Mom isn't dumb lol. Glad she figured out who it probably is and didnt have a problem with that :)
Also I love how sneaky/smart Hinoka is with that photo- all 'these sweets are yummy!' holding the packet above her bare thighs lol.
@Soren I think mom was more wondering if flaunting her sex apeal would work on another GIRL in general.
While it's kind of interesting, and very cute, seeing earlier chapters from Hinoka's perspective I hope it won't take long to reach the "present" of the story. I want the plot to move forward dammit.
Big fan of quick-on-the-uptake mother, only thing that would've been better was if she actually went to Hinoka and told her "wait, if it's Tsukushi we're talking about..." or something like that. I also absolutely love going back to previous chapters, so many things have a completely different light to them now that we see things from Hinoka's point of view, and I'm very much inclined to believe it's intentional.
Another instance of modern yuri where even parents are aware of same sex attraction. I was kinda rolling my eyes at her mother when she immideatly assumed a guy was involved. I mean it is not really her fault or anything. That was her experience after all. If anything I appreciated her frank advivice to her daughter. "Use your boobs"
Big fan of quick-on-the-uptake mother, only thing that would've been better was if she actually went to Hinoka and told her "wait, if it's Tsukushi we're talking about..." or something like that. I also absolutely love going back to previous chapters, so many things have a completely different light to them now that we see things from Hinoka's point of view, and I'm very much inclined to believe it's intentional.
While her being frank and willing to talk about a potential same-sex partner would've been nice, she also probably wouldn't want to deny her daughter the ability to come out when she was ready and comfortable. She seems like a mom who's actually willing to let her daughter just be happy with who she is, and their relationship seems strong. Hopefully that translates to her knowing Hinoka will talk to her when she's ready.
daym on first I kinda worry because her mom assumes it's a guy and thought she might not support her daughter with her love thing but now I like how unbothered she was after putting the two and two together! hands down to this mom!!
I loved the supportive mom. I'm just waiting for the moment they get together, mentally prepare for tell her mom and after that the mom responds just like "I know, why?"
Does anyone else have a problem with this and “trying to get together with my childhood friend” always releasing so close together? They tend to get mashed up in my brain.