Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Sep 27, 2017

I mean, it's not the first time we've had this degree of tonal whiplash, which also wasn't handled spectacularly well, but I'm willing to look past those shortcomings for the wacky factor.

I honestly forgot the extent of how weird that was.

joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Jan 9, 2017

This series definitely feels more like it's going for cathartic angst more than responsible mental health exploration. The tonal whip lash was real tho. Definitely gave me some original story doujin vibes.

Isn't it unreasonable to need a psychologist consultant to write a story with a suicidal character?

joined Oct 20, 2022

Whatever happened to Rina? That is the one character I really miss...who does not want to have obsessive, sex-fueled, cute girl who loves boxcutter?, and outscum the MC.

joined Sep 1, 2017



joined Jun 6, 2013

This series definitely feels more like it's going for cathartic angst more than responsible mental health exploration. The tonal whip lash was real tho. Definitely gave me some original story doujin vibes.

There's nothing reasonable, and it's not the most responsible thing, about wanting to commit suicide. It's an Putting reason to it is...if you could, less people would do it. It's not an author's job to depict mental health issues responsibly. They don't show up in a convenient way and people's lives either. It's something people have regardless of right or wrong.

last edited at Jan 17, 2023 12:25AM

joined Mar 27, 2021

This update kind of reminds me of the story about James Doohan (Scotty in the original Star Trek) telling a suicidal fan to come see him at a convention, and then another one, and then another.

joined Jun 17, 2021

She really does need to buy more time. Good plan.
The girl needs therapy, not someone else to "need" her so she can keep on living.

Good. Thank you for this comment. Instead simply tearing down the self-harm aspect. Seriously, even if it was introduced suddenly, such things are never obvious from the get-go. Real suicidal tendencies are normally hidden by the individual. Even more so in ones like Satou's case, again, concealing such thoughts from others and bringing it up casually. Very, very common.

I don't know if you're referencing what I said with your comment of "simply tearing down the self-harm aspect". I'd like to state that's not what I'm doing, I think the self harm aspect is so far not well handled, and there's some tonal whiplash in this series that in my opinion doesn't help that. I am VERY aware that suicidal tendencies tend to be hidden, and it can come up in real life unexpectedly. It's due to my own life experiences that I personally don't care for how this series has handled the subject so far. I think the subject is very important and I have no intention of tearing it down, I think because it's an important and difficult subject that it needs to be handled well.

Edit: To clarify further I think the way this came up to me at least feels like it was added mainly for drama, while not handling the subject in way that feels tactful, and the way it's been responded to isn't well handled so far. The tone of the series feels often like it doesn't handle a lot of it's subjects very seriously, which so far has been "okay" for the most part, but with the introduction of suicidal tendencies I feel like it doesn't fit the tone or the story. It could be handled in a meaningful way as we progress further, but so far I'm thrown off and not a fan of it's inclusion for this series personally. Again all my opinion and I have strong feelings here because I think the subject is important. I also second the notion that getting therapy would be important for her, however I unfortunately can't see the series including that and that's part of my issue currently.

Hmm. I don't fully agree with you. The reason it's weird and tonal whiplash is that it's not the MC. We haven't seen much of Maron/Satou's inner workings, and I don't necessarily think it's important to set up a lot of detail in a side character (even if it's the love interest). It may not make you feel satisfied, but this story really hasn't been an in-depth exploration of anything other than the MC's scumminess, and I think it's unfair to expect it of the story just because there's serious subject matter here.

joined Aug 4, 2018

My cute angel Makino-chan keeps bringing miracles to the world.

This time she brought redemption to a poor soul who was depressed and full of dark thoughts. She healed her with the power of love!

Or was it with the power of scumminess?

Ah whatever everything is cute and lovely as long as it comes from Makino.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The MC is a female Scott Pilgrim.

Wallace Wells : If you want something bad, you have to fight for it. Step up your game, Scott. Break out the L-word.
Scott Pilgrim : Lesbian?
Wallace Wells : The other L-word.
Scott Pilgrim : ...Lesbians?
Wallace Wells: Okay. Uh, It's "love." I wasn't trying to trick you or anything.

And boy did this thing go dark while I wasn't watching it, huh?

last edited at Jan 17, 2023 1:13PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Hmm. I don't fully agree with you. The reason it's weird and tonal whiplash is that it's not the MC. We haven't seen much of Maron/Satou's inner workings, and I don't necessarily think it's important to set up a lot of detail in a side character (even if it's the love interest). It may not make you feel satisfied, but this story really hasn't been an in-depth exploration of anything other than the MC's scumminess, and I think it's unfair to expect it of the story just because there's serious subject matter here.

For me it's an important subject so that's why I feel the way I do, regardless of it's fair to this particular story or not. It's just how I feel, and it's okay if you don't agree with me.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Well not surprising this is how it ended up developing, but we'll see how it goes lol. I was cheering and pleasantly surprised when I read the "true friend" part and then groaned at the "lovers" page right after. I liked Makino's realization of being just a customer and Maron treating their relationship like a job though.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Well not surprising this is how it ended up developing, but we'll see how it goes lol.

Downhill most likely. There's no way in hell Maron will say yes right after we found she thinks of Makino as a random customer and not even a real friend.

joined Nov 7, 2022

No idea how it will go next or whether Maron will accept, but at least Makino confessed. Regardless of everything else, her keeping her true intentions hidden didn't bring anything good (not that it brings anything in other stories most of the time, either).

joined Sep 27, 2017

With how she's only just now...kind of learning that depression and suicidal tendencies aren't usually publicly visible, I feel like she has a long road to go with understanding how to be supportive, and any kind of relationship that ends up happening here.

joined Aug 1, 2022

This series definitely feels more like it's going for cathartic angst more than responsible mental health exploration. The tonal whip lash was real tho. Definitely gave me some original story doujin vibes.

There's nothing reasonable, and it's not the most responsible thing, about wanting to commit suicide. It's an Putting reason to it is...if you could, less people would do it. It's not an author's job to depict mental health issues responsibly. They don't show up in a convenient way and people's lives either. It's something people have regardless of right or wrong.

Essentially what i said IS that tonal whiplash is more an emotional response. I never said any part of the story couldn't happen in real life. I just said the tone changed drastically when the rest of the story was much more care free and goofy. Bc it was from MCs perspective. Now we know Marons. It has nothing to do with morality or if the manga is good or bad, just story structure.

Isn't it unreasonable to need a psychologist consultant to write a story with a suicidal character?

I mean, we do have sensitivity readers in the US, for sure. Id put that under the responsibility of a publisher really tho. Im not going to have a moral debate on what art should and shouldnt do either. So i really dont know. I think there are studies on if it hurts trauma survivors or not. Ultimately it's up to society to properly give help to people and share how to properly do that.

joined Aug 19, 2021

Makino is so cute in colors damn

joined Oct 21, 2011

Makino finally did it!

joined Nov 12, 2020

Digitial all the way,Ko,so we can get more of this series online faster,easier,and in higher quality.

joined Jun 6, 2013

Hmm... I mean it's possible it could work.

joined Feb 11, 2014

Next chapter : "Well, I'm a scumbag too, let's get married !"

joined Sep 27, 2017

Remember when Soldier 76 said "We're all Scumbags now"?

Also in before the response is "Jokes on you I'm into that shit".

last edited at Jan 23, 2023 1:09PM

joined Apr 23, 2021

I love the part where she said "It's scumbag time!" and started scumming all over the place.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I swear, the heavy drama on display in these past few chapters being immediately followed by the author being an absolute ray of positivity is weird and amazing at the same time.

joined May 10, 2021

She had to go and call her "Maron" huh. Well played, you outscummed the self proclaimed scumbag... You scum.
Also I fucking ADORE the author's interventions.

last edited at Jan 23, 2023 1:45PM

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