Welp, nice we know more names now (or at least I like to know things like that, not that changes things but I just like it haha).
And for the ch itself, it could be a good moment to Aya and friends to talk about the theme with music and all (maybe even about the "boy" at the Cd shop); since Narita is mostly Koga support (he support both but in talking is more with Koga, since Aya can bite him(? ); Mao and Chizuru, if all goes good (big probably will), can be the support and realization that Aya needs to her feelings.
Now about what is going next, I wonder if the author will post next sunday about this conflict or the concert, since I saw that next sunday and tuesday is the real concert, so it can be about that, for more "realism", or wait to see how it goes and then draw referencing that. For me both could work well, tho going to concert like that is.....awkward and I would like to see Aya happy when going to her first concert but the other way is fine too for me.