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joined Sep 16, 2019


Cause as per usual, their relation is developping off-screen and so i can't care much about them

I’m holding out hope that this’ll be successful enough for us to get a spin-off about their relationship.

I think you better off writing your fanfiction.

True but let me dream, damnit!

joined Jul 21, 2020

Sora's mother lives in Hokkaido and the class trip has brought them to Hokkaido, so I am assuming her mother has made her return. If I recall correctly, the mother's permission for Sora to stay behind was temporary and conditional. And the matter between them hasn't been fully resolved yet.

The mother's condition was until she graduated high school. I don't think there is much reason to bring her back.

Sora could want to formally introduce her future wife to her...

joined Nov 11, 2015

Sora's mother lives in Hokkaido and the class trip has brought them to Hokkaido, so I am assuming her mother has made her return. If I recall correctly, the mother's permission for Sora to stay behind was temporary and conditional. And the matter between them hasn't been fully resolved yet.

The mother's condition was until she graduated high school. I don't think there is much reason to bring her back.

Sora could want to formally introduce her future wife to her...

That kinda choice isn't something to do out of the blue, specially with a mother like that. I'd also bet on Sora founding her mom again, but I have NO idea on how/why/what could happen from it.

I do think it'll be something tense tho(does't need to be about her mother), we're on a nice part here: The main couple is happy, they both have an idea for the future-ish(Sora has that cooking/dessert hobby and tbh it's only a matter of time for her to realise that she wants to open a dessert shop, restaurant or something in the industry), Ayaka's anxiety during tests were a core problematic from her character that has now been put in the past + Wakana and Yuina's relationship also looks to be going rlly well. Yea, the thing with the other 2 is a nice way to built up some anxiety, but It could leat to the same narrative we had from when Sora's mother first showed up: A lot of anxiety coming from the main plot + shit hitting the fan with a big ass twist. I'm excited for the next chap nonetheless though.

last edited at Aug 30, 2022 1:56AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sora's mother lives in Hokkaido and the class trip has brought them to Hokkaido, so I am assuming her mother has made her return. If I recall correctly, the mother's permission for Sora to stay behind was temporary and conditional. And the matter between them hasn't been fully resolved yet.

Considering that the mother started a new family and seemed pretty glad to have her out of the way, I don't really see why she would get involved unless she absolutely needs to.

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Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

It will be a sad day when this series ends. It will always hold a special place in my heart as one of the first series I ever read on Dynasty.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm sure it's nothing outrageous.
Sora visiting her mom/getting a visit from her mom sounds plausible, but far from problematic. She won't go back on her assurance to not tear them apart.
That would also make the coming out a even more thrilling, since they technically haven't told Sora's mom about the exact nature of their relationship. As such it would tie in nicely so they'd be able/forced to tell Chizuru and Honami as well as Sora's mom at the same time.
It's not gonna be Toradora!'s skiing-trip level of drama. At least I couldn't see it going anywhere near that route.

This chapter had so many great panels. Ayaka being incredibly Ayaka in the lower right panel, Wakana being a bit too forthcoming (which I totally get, bragging about your girlfriend and the bases you've covered can be exhilarating).
I wonder if Sora's posture/style will be altered a bit once they come out, assuming it gives her a confidence boost. She seems to always be drawn with her shoulders slouched a good bit, which paired with her baggy clothes makes her look smaller and weaker than she probably is.

joined Jun 14, 2022

Sora's mother lives in Hokkaido and the class trip has brought them to Hokkaido, so I am assuming her mother has made her return. If I recall correctly, the mother's permission for Sora to stay behind was temporary and conditional. And the matter between them hasn't been fully resolved yet.

Considering that the mother started a new family and seemed pretty glad to have her out of the way, I don't really see why she would get involved unless she absolutely needs to.

Maybe the mother isn't as heartless as made out to be?

joined Feb 10, 2022

Why couldn't we get this chapter!?

Best panel of this chapter. Can we get that special chapter?

I'm pretty sure it was during that Christmas night they spent together alone back in chapter 23 :)

last edited at Sep 12, 2022 4:39AM

joined Jun 15, 2021

The November issue's chapter almost feels like it is the second half (".1") of the previous chapter. Coming out, even to best friends, it is not that "straight forward", Like real life, the MCs can be told that they are gross, and then the friendship terminated by the friends who think that it is "Gross". I think many us actually did not enjoy the aftermath of a coming out, so happy ending is IMHO close to fantasy or only happens in manga. Anyway, read it when you get the RAW, or later scanlation in order to find out what exactly happened. Consider the previous chapter (30) should be treated like a main chapter , while this chapter (31) is the ".1".(ie. 30.1)

joined Jun 15, 2021

Sora's mom is not that horrible at all, otherwise she would never let Sora stay in the house while mom herself flew to Hokkaido. Instead of paying the tuition for Sora, I think she wants to delay in selling the house because she has no idea what will happen. So having the old house just in case of divorce makes sense.
Also I find this potentially funny: Sora went to Hokkaido, and Ayaka tag along.

There is no doubt in mom's mind that Sora and Ayaka is a couple,

joined Apr 14, 2022

so happy ending is IMHO close to fantasy or only happens in manga

"I didn't get a happy ending, so happy endings are fantasy" is a weird take. I'm sorry things didn't go well for you, but I had zero problems from coming out, because I wasn't friends with homophobes in the first place. Obviously your mileage will vary, but that's exactly my point; everyone has their own circumstances, so it's strange to say you can't come out without a bad ending.

joined Oct 1, 2014

Why couldn't we get this chapter!?

Best panel of this chapter. Can we get that special chapter?

I'm pretty sure it was during that Christmas night they spent together alone back in chapter 23 :)

daaaaaaaang nice

joined Sep 2, 2014

They are getting married!! We need an extra chapter to se what happen during that Christmas night!! X)

joined Oct 1, 2014

they are so adorable i can't
i feel so happy for them

joined Jul 6, 2020

“Wait are we the only two in this friend group who aren’t dating?”

“Welp, I guess there’s only one thing the two of us can do now”

starts violently making out

joined Apr 15, 2013

Any guesses as to our next request? I'm thinking moving in together, but it could reasonably be a lot of things.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Brb screaming into a bag or something because I can't handle their cuteness.

joined Jan 11, 2019

The next two words out of Sora's mouth better be "marry me."

joined Jul 29, 2017

I was going to do a snarky post about how their relationship will never last because it started with blackmail, but instead I’m just reminding everyone of the irony that this planet-sized ball of cotton-candy fluff started with the Blackmail tag.

last edited at Sep 23, 2022 1:09AM

joined Feb 1, 2021

I was going to do a snarky post about how their relationship will never last because it started with blackmail, but instead I’m just reminding everyone of the irony that this planet-sized ball of cotton-candy fluff started with the Blackmail tag.

It kind of felt like the author wasn't quite sure where they wanted to take the first half of this manga and tried a few different things to see what worked. But in the end the only idea with staying power turned out to be "more fluff." And I'm okay with that.

last edited at Sep 23, 2022 1:25AM

joined Aug 10, 2015

I was going to do a snarky post about how their relationship will never last because it started with blackmail, but instead I’m just reminding everyone of the irony that this planet-sized ball of cotton-candy fluff started with the Blackmail tag.

i mean yeah, sometimes i´m so engrossed in the cuteness that i forgot that their relationship in fact started with blackmail. Props to the author for making the transition as smooth as possible, their relationship really evolve and progressed to this point in a somewhat natural way
it´s nothing but amazing what the author did

last edited at Sep 23, 2022 2:06AM

joined Dec 23, 2020

She's gonna do it. She's gonna do it. She's gonna pop it!


joined Jul 26, 2013

Fluff overload !!!!

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was going to do a snarky post about how their relationship will never last because it started with blackmail, but instead I’m just reminding everyone of the irony that this planet-sized ball of cotton-candy fluff started with the Blackmail tag.

i mean yeah, sometimes i´m so engrossed in the cuteness that i forgot that their relationship in fact started with blackmail. Props to the author for making the transition as smooth as possible, their relationship really evolve and progressed to this point in a somewhat natural way
it´s nothing but amazing what the author did

yeah, it's almost hard to believe that the story from the beginning of this series and the story from this series rn are the same story.

joined Apr 27, 2021

I was going to do a snarky post about how their relationship will never last because it started with blackmail, but instead I’m just reminding everyone of the irony that this planet-sized ball of cotton-candy fluff started with the Blackmail tag.

i mean yeah, sometimes i´m so engrossed in the cuteness that i forgot that their relationship in fact started with blackmail. Props to the author for making the transition as smooth as possible, their relationship really evolve and progressed to this point in a somewhat natural way
it´s nothing but amazing what the author did

I've actually been thinking about this a lot since reading 100 days, as the coercive elements in that series really made me hate it before it could even get to any fluff but this series somehow managed to never become unbearable, even though the original premise is objectively speaking quite messed up.

I think the main difference between the two is how Sora acts and how Ayaka's reactions are shown as well. I almost didn't remember, but while Sora's first request is forcing Ayaka into a kiss, her second and third request are already rather harmless (going home together, hugging Ayaka) and also indicate a certain vulnerability and character depth on her side that ultimately is what Ayaka comes to find fascinating about her too. If Sora had just continued to escalate her requests instead, she would've probably come of a lot more manipulative and unlikeable.

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