So cute. How heart-meltingly sweet. Elsa looked cool when wishing Evie would share the burden. Would Evie explain things a bit before confessing? I think that's the flow.
* This deviation in the plotline was to bring Elsa where she would meet the Demon King or prince or whatever. The demon was somehow connected to Miss Dahlia and was searching for her before or after being injured. In the other timeline(s) Miss Dalia never revealed herself to the demon.
* The Demon King will fall for Evie because comedy.
Less supported predictions from most likely to least supported:
* Demon Yvonne is a mare that regressed with Yvonne into the past, and maybe even a duplicate of the one that deviated from the plot by possessing Elsa and was killed by Evie. Evie couldn't be possessed twice so the mare attacked Elsa. The only reason this high-level mare can't control Evie is the time-leap Elsa blocked or delayed it early on.
* Evie was adopted, that's why Dalia considered her memories incomplete. It's also an excuse for why her style includes apparently-invisible hair clips identical to what Elsa wears, as a "don't forget me" sort of memento.
* Evie is more or less the same as the other Yvonne and lost her memories in the time-leap reincarnation. She got new ones instead to replace the trauma. Because she was possessed by a mare until late in the story, her pride and sensitivity were amped up. Maybe the obsession was attraction warped into hate. So the extreme character truly was Evie but drugged and brainwashed and things got out of hand after meeting Elsa. Elsa figured this out eventually and rescued Yvonne, and Yvonne may have even been rehabilitated, but Yvonne was still executed in at least one timeline.
* Time-leap Elsa is a counterpart to Yvonne's missing memories of her past life, and only present like a guardian angel. Elsa eventually died too, slightly similar to the couple in the original tragic ending to Evie's favorite book. This timeline is more like the happier remake play. So the duplicate Elsa is a spirit who will fade away naturally, which will avoid some of the plot shenanigans of having a time-traveling duplicate. I wouldn't be surprised if this spirit is powered by love or something.
last edited at Sep 7, 2022 1:27AM