Forum › The Witch's Marriage discussion

joined Apr 15, 2013

The flood continues.

joined Aug 12, 2021

gonna be honest, I actually like mature Tanya a lot better...

joined Jan 9, 2017

Grow back up GROW BACK UP!

joined Jul 16, 2013

Isn't the whole point of the Witch's Marriage that they grow together? If Tanya is that good in the future, surely Melissa will be too!

But we will never know because Melissa will be too much of a lesbian disaster to be competent in the future.

joined Feb 11, 2022

I'd been assuming that tanya was just really short, but if she's actually supposed to be a child... ewwwww
Dropping this.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Oh no, i wonder what age gap is suposs to mean.Like, they're witchs, they are probably hundred of years old and Tanya is probably more like a teenager/young adult.

joined Aug 12, 2021

Oh no, i wonder what age gap is suposs to mean.Like, they're witchs, they are probably hundred of years old and Tanya is probably more like a teenager/young adult.

so there has been a chapter that flashed back to when they were both younger and I'd wager the age gap is about 5 to 10 years at most with Melissa definitely being an adult now and Tanya either a young adult or teenager...

And like personally for me that kind of sucks, because there's ways to do a relationship where one is mature and the other is not without needing to make the younger one underage but it does seem like Tanya here is very much still a growing child for her to be able to grow up like that.

last edited at Aug 16, 2022 6:12PM

joined Oct 7, 2017

If the gap between Tanya's current form and her mature form is that big, then it means she's not just a child, but a very young one. Like. Early teens or younger.
Shoulda trusted my gut feelings on this one from the start, I guess

joined Mar 23, 2022

damn I personally like the artstyle of matured tanya. I'm a sucker for that kind of hairstyle. Thank you so much for this update

joined Nov 3, 2018

How did some of you fail to see that Tanya is a child with how she both looks and acts?

joined Mar 19, 2022

How did some of you fail to see that Tanya is a child with how she both looks and acts?

Manga and anime have taught me to never judge a character's age based on anything. Unless it's explicitly stated, it's really best to consider all possibilities.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Lol—what are the laws that apply to relationships between married magical witches?

(To say nothing of golems and familiars. . . )

last edited at Aug 16, 2022 8:48PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Lol—what are the laws that apply to relationships between married magical witches?

(To say nothing of golems and familiars. . . )

Witches: Laws?

joined Jun 3, 2018

Perhaps witches grow differently than we think. Maybe at a certain age they just evolve into their adult form, or this story is going to feel much different when reading.

joined Sep 22, 2021

I need to start a collage made up of all the cute facial expressions Melissa makes.

joined Mar 21, 2019

I'm surprised people are surprised about the age gap considering well, the tag, and the fact that we see a teen Melissa with a young child Tanya early in the manga.

joined Feb 18, 2013

This candy made for a good Idiot Couple chapter.

joined Mar 21, 2017

I can't say i'm surprised that people are suprised that she's a teenager.

joined Jan 9, 2017

How did some of you fail to see that Tanya is a child with how she both looks and acts?

Manga and anime have taught me to never judge a character's age based on anything. Unless it's explicitly stated, it's really best to consider all possibilities.

Then there's series like Nanoha where the stated ages are all lies

joined Jul 23, 2017

I'm surprised people are surprised about the age gap considering well, the tag, and the fact that we see a teen Melissa with a young child Tanya early in the manga.

Yeah, is not like it has ever been a secret

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

There's a very clear age gap tag in this manga,and you guys failed to see it???

joined May 3, 2014

but how much is the age gap tho? to lazy to look through the chapters to find it

joined Jan 18, 2017

but how much is the age gap tho? to lazy to look through the chapters to find it

I don't think it's ever stated

joined Aug 28, 2018

I did not expect Tanya to say that LMAO

last edited at Aug 17, 2022 5:49AM

joined Mar 29, 2022

"The two had a confusing conversation for a while."

Especially at the end: Melissa blurts out something true, expecting it to come out opposite, then realizes the effect of the candy wore off.

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