Forum › My Girlfriend's Not Here Today discussion

joined Mar 28, 2015

Yuni is a "high maintenance" girlfriend, who needs attention and love. When Fuuko comes up with just what she wants to hear, she wavers, because she's lonely and doesn't feel loved.

Nanase is the one who confessed, but then she lacks commitment to the relationship. She's much more invested in her club and in Volley than in her relationship with Yuni.

They don't have the same expectations in their relationship, which leads to frustration.

Then comes Fuuko. I'm not sure what she wants. It's like she's in "love" with Yuni because she's taken. It gives her power. Power that she probably lacked with her previous love (she said she never had the courage to confess) and she's much more possessive than Nanase.

If Fuuko continues to be this aggressive and Yuni doesn't put a stop, then Nanase will eventually have doubts and it will fester to high heavens. And then, Nanase has admirers in her club, so I wouldn't get past the author to add a 4th wheel that will muddy the waters.

joined Sep 23, 2021

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

you're correct, i spoke loosely, i apologise.

can i suggest some cardio? ;)

joined Jul 29, 2017

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

I’m just surprised the “We want poly!” brigade hasn’t shown up.

joined Jun 21, 2021

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

I’m just surprised the “We want poly!” brigade hasn’t shown up.

Listen, I may have a low threshold to get my polyam goggles going but that still requires some positive chemistry. And so far, this here is a big ol' case of NoTP, none of them are good together xD

(though there is merit in having some dysfunctional polyam rep, without it just being cheating. We have plenty of that for mono stories, wouldn't mind seeing them on our side either. But that'd require a writer who actually knows what that looks like~ :D)

joined Feb 10, 2022

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

I’m just surprised the “We want poly!” brigade hasn’t shown up.

You're talking about the people from moshi koi? Anyway, I wouldn't mind that ending tho being honest that won't happen here so that's why. This might end up with Yuki x Nanse and Fuuko x Yuni, or Nanase x Yuni with Fuuko forever alone. But who knows. Instead of thinking for a possible ending, I enjoy reading this manga. I'm glad this manga has better sells so it can be quite longer. I personally hope the author finishes it as she really wants to be rather than getting axed and forced to draw an ending she was expecting.

last edited at May 23, 2022 12:12PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

My prediction is that none of them ultimately end up together and they all regret everything. They'll learn their lessons and maybe be better people in the future. Except maybe one of them will just be miserable and/or a worse person and/or dead, to make it a bit more tragic. Probably Fuuko.

Lucifer Gordon
joined Aug 9, 2021

i has waited too long for new chapter, do many thing but still looking forward to seeing it. Thanks.

joined May 20, 2013

If Nanase loves sports so much why doesn't she marry it?

joined Aug 30, 2020

I think, of the three of them Yuni is the one in the least fortunate position. Her desire to be wanted, to be needed isn't being fulfilled by Nanase, who she actually loves, but instead by Fuuko who's using that desire to manipulate her.

Fuuko also craves similar attention, but she's willing to take any emotion directed at her, even if it's Yuni's scorn. If I were to hazard a guess, she wants something tangible. Affection, rejection, something that she can actually feel whether it's through a passionate kiss or a more passionate slap. It's not something she can get from her notTwitter followers, they can throw praise and words at her but in her eyes it's probably all hollow, it doesn't carry the same weight.

Nanase, right now, is the only one I do not feel much for. She may have wanted the relationship with Yuni and been proactive in starting it, but otherwise it feels like it comes second for her. It makes her hard to sympathize with, despite the fact that we're watching her girlfriend getting manipulated into cheating on her. And I think that's going to be the real kicker when it comes to how, or even if her relationship with Yuni continues.

joined Apr 25, 2021

Poor Nanase having to deal with these two sociopath because she not a "perfect girlfriend" to Yuni unrealistic standards.

"unrealistic standard"
so 6 month dating with one side affection while the other only focus on sports club is normal standard huh?

She was the first one to wish for their anniversary for the past 5 months plus I don't know how it's one sided when Nanase clearly reprociates them, while Yuni wants them not to hide their relationship for which I don't blame her since it's her first relationship and though people on social media may accept her it's not like the whole school will, Nanase went through that and thinks about how others will think about it plus she has a good career in front of her, If nanase disregards everything and only lives for Yuni I don't think it will be any different from Kitakimi or that manga by flowerchild.

Nanase is realistic and does best of her ability though when she said "is there anything tomorrow" to their anniversary tomorrow really makes it seem like she is playing with Yuni and completely her fault on that, but she wished literally minutes after their anniversary ended which doesn't make it any better though.

She is flawed but tries her best meanwhile Yuni on the other hand has expectations of what being in a relationship should be and wants to show to the whole world that she is dating, which Nanase is afraid of but Fuuko isn't.

joined Aug 30, 2020

She is flawed but tries her best meanwhile Yuni on the other hand has expectations of what being in a relationship should be and wants to show to the whole world that she is dating, which Nanase is afraid of but Fuuko isn't.

I don't know about you, but if I had been planning an anniversary thing with my SO and they didn't so much as call to tell me something was up, I'd be pretty upset with them. That hardly seems like "trying her best."

joined Apr 25, 2021

She is flawed but tries her best meanwhile Yuni on the other hand has expectations of what being in a relationship should be and wants to show to the whole world that she is dating, which Nanase is afraid of but Fuuko isn't.

I don't know about you, but if I had been planning an anniversary thing with my SO and they didn't so much as call to tell me something was up, I'd be pretty upset with them. That hardly seems like "trying her best."

You can't literally expect the other person to keep doting on you forever sure she forgot their anniversary which is wrong but she has a life to focus on which doesn't revolve around her girlfriend, Yuni herself realizes this since she says that she should've called her herself rather than expecting Nanase to do it coz she did it for the past 5 months.

She just got an opportunity to play as a starter which is a big thing for her plus you're 6months into dating, if there is something you're not satisfied with talk it out or break up, Yuni does that in chapter 4 but in chapter 5 she goes back to the old self who desires affection and care which she doesn't even acknowledge that she did something wrong instead she blames Nanase or Fuuko for it.

Well again she is a highschool girl with her first relationship so I don't blame her but I don't think Nanase is playing with her either, I may sound biased since I read the raws but even before that I don't think Nanase is a complete b!tch with no regards for Yuni's feeling

last edited at May 23, 2022 6:27PM

joined Jun 30, 2017

I don't think it's "unrealistic standards" or "high maintenance" to expect a five-minute call from your partner on your anniversary. Like, Yuni wasn't expecting Nanase to drop her volleyball and spend the whole day with her, she literally just wanted a short phone call. Are we supposed to believe that Nanase's volleyball practice is so nonstop and all-consuming that she can't take five minutes for a call? Indeed, that is beside the point, since we know for a fact that she just plain forgot.

This doesn't justify cheating, but if my partner so obviously prioritized freaking volleyball over our relationship on top of already being secretive and repressed about it on the rare occasion where they actually make time for me, I would break up with them.

joined Dec 13, 2020

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

There is a gray zone between them. Say character A seduces character B who is dating (or married to) character C who is unaware of this infidelity; there are two ways for A to handle the cheating. Either A wants B to leave C (and have B as an exclusive lover) or A is fine with things as they are and likes having B live and sleep with another person. That last situation comes reaaally close to ntr... and Fuuko so far kind of strikes me as this kind of person. Rather than "leave Nanase!" she's more like "have me too!" towards Yuni.

I’m just surprised the “We want poly!” brigade hasn’t shown up.

They haven't? Too lazy to reread 20 pages of comments but I could have sworn they were quite active around-ish when we discussed the chapters before.
joined Jun 6, 2020

Yeaaaa, like are we forgetting the drama that why she's mad is that her gf actually just straight up forgot the anniversary? Like she has a reason to be an eensy bit upset

joined Aug 30, 2020

You can't literally expect the other person to keep doting on you forever sure she forgot their anniversary which is wrong but she has a life to focus on which doesn't revolve around her girlfriend, Yuni herself realizes this since she says that she should've called her herself rather than expecting Nanase to do it coz she did it for the past 5 months.

She just got an opportunity to play as a starter which is a big thing for her plus you're 6months into dating, if there is something you're not satisfied with talk it out or break up, Yuni does that in chapter 4 but in chapter 5 she goes back to the old self who desires affection and care which she doesn't even acknowledge that she did something wrong instead she blames Nanase or Fuuko for it.

Well again she is a highschool girl with her first relationship so I don't blame her but I don't think Nanase is playing with her either, I may sound biased since I read the raws but even before that I don't think Nanase is a complete b!tch with no regards for Yuni's feeling

In a relationship where the only time you get to "be in a relationship" is behind closed doors and away from other people (which as we're aware is Nanase's idea), I'd think every bit of affection that they can get matters. And in this, Nanase is not holding up her end of the relationship as well as she could be. And again, as stated, it didn't even need to be anything more than a phone call. Just some time, that Nanase put off so long that Yuni was sure she'd forgotten. It's not "revolving around her girlfriend," it's giving the person who's supposed to be important to you the attention they deserve, on a day where that attention is all the more meaningful.

Also, let's be real, talking it out or breaking up? In a drama yuri? At this time of year? In this economy? Localized entirely within a chapter?

It's not like I'm saying that Yuni's completely blameless though, but keep in mind that Fuuko is deliberately manipulating her. Yuni isn't necessarily in the best mental state regarding the anniversary, and the fact that the relationship between her and Nanase has to be secret no doubt doesn't help matters. All Fuuko has to do is to take advantage of any clouding in Yuni's mind about things and use that to get to Yuni.

unrelated to that business, I'd imagine the poly brigade doesn't want to talk too much about it as it's getting further in since they already aren't fans of having polyamory associated with cheating and such

last edited at May 23, 2022 8:30PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

People still confusing "ntr" and "cheating".

This is tiring.

There is a gray zone between them. Say character A seduces character B who is dating (or married to) character C who is unaware of this infidelity; there are two ways for A to handle the cheating. Either A wants B to leave C (and have B as an exclusive lover) or A is fine with things as they are and likes having B live and sleep with another person. That last situation comes reaaally close to ntr... and Fuuko so far kind of strikes me as this kind of person. Rather than "leave Nanase!" she's more like "have me too!" towards Yuni.

Ehhh but that’s still just cheating. NTR has to have that sense of having the person taken or stolen. In this case, Fuuko seems perfectly content just being the side piece that gets attention, even if Yuni is still focused on Nanase, she repeats this pretty often about being her number 2.

You can't literally expect the other person to keep doting on you forever sure she forgot their anniversary which is wrong but she has a life to focus on which doesn't revolve around her girlfriend, Yuni herself realizes this since she says that she should've called her herself rather than expecting Nanase to do it coz she did it for the past 5 months.

In a relationship where the only time you get to "be in a relationship" is behind closed doors and away from other people (which as we're aware is Nanase's idea), I'd think every bit of affection that they can get matters. And in this, Nanase is not holding up her end of the relationship as well as she could be. And again, as stated, it didn't even need to be anything more than a phone call. Just some time, that Nanase put off so long that Yuni was sure she'd forgotten. It's not "revolving around her girlfriend," it's giving the person who's supposed to be important to you the attention they deserve, on a day where that attention is all the more meaningful.

And let’s not forget, Yuni also has to put up with Nanase being close with and allowing her teammates into her personal space at school while she sits second fiddle hidden away out of sight. So she has to watch others get affection and contact that she’s not allowed due to Nanase’s rules. It just adds to the disgruntlement when Nanase isn’t there at the times that Yuni would actually be able to get affection.

joined Apr 25, 2021

You can't literally expect the other person to keep doting on you forever sure she forgot their anniversary which is wrong but she has a life to focus on which doesn't revolve around her girlfriend, Yuni herself realizes this since she says that she should've called her herself rather than expecting Nanase to do it coz she did it for the past 5 months.

She just got an opportunity to play as a starter which is a big thing for her plus you're 6months into dating, if there is something you're not satisfied with talk it out or break up, Yuni does that in chapter 4 but in chapter 5 she goes back to the old self who desires affection and care which she doesn't even acknowledge that she did something wrong instead she blames Nanase or Fuuko for it.

Well again she is a highschool girl with her first relationship so I don't blame her but I don't think Nanase is playing with her either, I may sound biased since I read the raws but even before that I don't think Nanase is a complete b!tch with no regards for Yuni's feeling

In a relationship where the only time you get to "be in a relationship" is behind closed doors and away from other people (which as we're aware is Nanase's idea), I'd think every bit of affection that they can get matters. And in this, Nanase is not holding up her end of the relationship as well as she could be. And again, as stated, it didn't even need to be anything more than a phone call. Just some time, that Nanase put off so long that Yuni was sure she'd forgotten. It's not "revolving around her girlfriend," it's giving the person who's supposed to be important to you the attention they deserve, on a day where that attention is all the more meaningful.

Sure Nanase wants to keep their relationship a secret and even a 5min call during their anniversary is all Yuni needed, but Yuni knew that Nanase will be busy with her club duties and expecting the other person to take the initiative everytime is kinda ridiculous and Nanase has said why she wants it to be secret coz she doesn't have fond memories of even having a crush back in middle school, just some "trust me and kiss" isn't going to make it all go away.

She forgot the anniversary sure it's wrong but it's realistic, and it's not like she was spending time with a side chick or a girl who said that she is fine being her 2nd girlfriend.

Nanase prioritizes her club very much and Yuni knows that so if there is something she is not satisfied with she ought to outright say like she did in chapter 4.

Nanase as a girlfriend is hard and dumb as brick but she actually talks about it rather than keeping it bottled.

We as readers know Yuni is frustrated with lack of affection coz she blows it on her alt acc but Nanase doesn't read or know what Yuni exactly wants.
Yuni has kinda made a idealized image of Nanase being the perfect girlfriend and when something she doesn't expect happens, it makes her upset.
Next chapter Nanase realizes that she actually needs to show affection to Yuni and even says how she is dating a girl to yuki.
Yuni on the other hand gets a text from nanase saying different than usual to picture she sent(which is actually very different since she just cropped fuuko out of it and is blushing very furiously) and gets disappointed like bruh.

last edited at May 24, 2022 12:29AM

joined Aug 30, 2020

I still feel like the problem is that while Nanase is (was, maybe) Yuni's number one, it doesn't really seem that way the other way around. Maybe my mind will change later, but right now I feel like her actions aren't doing any favors for the relationship and unless something bigger changes then there's just more doubts on the horizon for Fuuko to exploit.

joined May 15, 2014

ppl be like "it's yuni's/nanase/fuuko's fault" but really yuni and nanase are both at fault and so is fuuko for taking advantage (but that was her goal)

really the two of em just gotta communicate better. i dont think any of em are ready for a real relationship and the only way i could see ANY of em ending up together is if there are enough chapters to develop all of them (the bad, good, and ugly). otherwise i am expecting they all break off separately. (bad end: they marry a man and have kids)

joined Mar 28, 2015

konpelto posted:
(bad end: they marry a man and have kids)

I wouldn't get it past Nanase. She desperately wants to fit in. She's (outwardly) a normie through and through.

joined Jul 29, 2017

ppl be like "it's yuni's/nanase/fuuko's fault" but really yuni and nanase are both at fault and so is fuuko for taking advantage (but that was her goal)

You don’t understand—for lots of people “determining which one is most at fault” (and then bashing that character) is what reading a story is.

Then the forum becomes like a maritime court-of-inquiry after a collision at sea, parsing out which ship had the right of way and what percentage of blame goes with each involved individual. (But the ships are still sunk anyway.)

joined May 20, 2013

(bad end: they marry a man and have kids)

That'd be the true NTR ending--with us as the victims

joined Apr 27, 2021

This is honestly not really my kind of story as I usually prefer more wholesome manga or ones with at least 1 character I can like and here all of them are kinda shitty in their own way.

Still, I am interested to see how the plot develops, like, what is the endgame for this story? It'd be disappointing if it's just gonna be a romance with either Fuuko or Nanase, that wouldn't really feel like progress at all. So probably have everything blow up horribly in some way is where I see it going and in the end everybody is even more miserable than they are now. It's a kind of morbid curiosity that keeps this series going for me

last edited at May 24, 2022 9:51AM

joined Mar 5, 2021

let's go the cheating girl is a fckin chad.

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