With that face I am sure she ain’t seeing no panties, she saw something terrible go down. One of them will be severely injured, and something tells me this third ghost who’s been watching Ryou for some time already is definitely connected to the high school friend (almost lover), if this shadow means anything (it lowkey looks like Meguru is possessed by her), or at least will be.
By the way, here are the instances she showed up, which is on every other chapter:
- Chapter 1 looking at the gays. Is she angry or is it just that her face is covered?

- Chapter 2, as the horny police on the first panel

The shadow on the last page could also be her, but after revising this post I noticed that the hair length seems much shorter than of the ghost haunting every chapter of the manga. It looks to be the same as Meguru's, so it could just be a random evil spirit, but it could just be the fact is a shadow and how sometimes people with long here seen up front could look like they have shorter hair when it's pushed back.

- Extra Chapter, bottom left panel looking at the lewd with an “is that allowed?” face (it’s always the same face, actually)

Also, on page 22, the hypothetical scenario of the third ghost visiting the MC looks a lot like the shadow behind the high school friend. The same eyes and creepy smile.

Since it’s been like a year and i don’t care if i already said it or not, I also want to point out that maybe this ghost is somehow related to Okiku’s special person from her past, who obviously is connected to Ryou, if the physical similarities indicate that.
This person could be the wife or maybe daughter of Okiku’s boss (master?) who had her killed, hence this jumpscare, indicating Ryou and whoever betrayed Okiku while alive have a link.
What if the ghost IS the woman in question and all her surprised Pikachu faces are jealousy? Since obviously Okiku and her past love are a case of star-crossed lovers. And the ghost is said to have been heartbroken and anguished (maybe having regretted whatever mistake she made or becoming too burdened after Okiku’s tragic death that before her death she was harbouring strong feelings of regret — even if she wasn’t guilty and Okiku’s “I will never forgive you” is misplaced grudge)
Maybe jealousy could be the reason she approaches Ryou, who might be a descendant or something for her to be watching over for so long and never attacking, even when she was “weaker” (before training). But that seems like a reach since the girl Okiku loved has blonde hair while the ghost has black.
last edited at Apr 7, 2023 8:30PM