Oh boy, a DOTA patch!

Oh no, a DOTA patch!
RIP Goblin Techies. You were with us not for a good time, but a time nonetheless.
edit: For those who don't understand this great tragedy, DOTA is a game that started as a Warcraft 3 mod. It's like League of Legends, but it was made years prior, and early League cribbed a lot from old DOTA.
DOTA is an incredible game with a dreadfully mismanaged pro scene (in comparison to League), a sizable following (but nothing as enormous as League's), and one exceptionally mediocre anime that was probably made for the sole purpose of having a DOTA anime out before Riot could finish up Arcane.
(The only ones that can surpass the hatred League of Legends fans feel for DOTA is us DOTA fans. It's a complicated relationship.)
So one of the playable characters in DOTA, Techies, got a big rework in the latest patch.
See, the thing about Techies is nobody actually likes Techies. In fact nearly everyone hates them. Their abilities all revolve around explosions, particularly laying invisible mines that tend to make games take way longer than they need to. A thirty minute game might become a two hour game if there's a Techies in it. That's not hyperbole or exaggeration. And there's no option to surrender.
The heart and soul of Techies, however, was exploding themselves. They were based on the goblin sapper squad from Warcraft 2 and 3 whose sole attack was to detonate, killing themselves and dealing a large amount of damage to everything around them. It was announced several days before the patch that Techies would be getting a rework (and there was much rejoicing, and also jokes and/or serious requests that the rework just be their removal from the game). Personally, I figured there'd be changes to their mines, maybe they'd replace some of those abilities with non-mine abilities, and they did. I also figured they would NOT remove the ability to blow themselves up, partly because that goes against their legacy, and partly because it wasn't even the problem to begin with, but they did.
Of course, the rework is probably more to make them pickable in pro matches than it is to make them less annoying to low-skill scrubs like me, so I better start seeing some Techies picks, or this whole thing was for nothing.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
last edited at Feb 24, 2022 6:36PM