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joined May 10, 2014

Celine feels like she should've have a bunch of same sex endings, but they went only for MCsexual for whatever reason. I'm a fan of Celine harem with Etie, Chloe and Hortensia.

joined May 10, 2014

Haven't dropped anything here in a while, so let me recommend the VSPO EN girls!
They're gaming, they're silly, they're cute, go check them out.
My favourite quote this year so far by Biboo:
The HoloEN collabs have been amazing.

And speaking of Dokibird, it's pretty obvious her bromance with Mint has been the most fun they both had in a long time, good for them! Oh and Frogbert is back.

joined May 10, 2014

"oh shi- sorry" Dokibird, 2024
"We needed a couple extra minutes" Mint, 2024

Genshin Impact! 16 Jun 13:28
joined May 10, 2014

Idk if I'm dropping this completely, but it's definitely a log in when I feel like it like how I treat fgo. The obvious growing boredom and frustration I feel for this game makes it hard to continue. I logged in to get the free bow, only to realize they ruined another old event. The old tower defense wasn't hard, but this is baby stuff...I actually afk'd all the defense maps after deploying 2-3 reinforcement and had 95% hp remaining. Same with wind trace, my favourite mode went from prop hunt to a really shitty DBD clone, I did the bare minimum in both.
When a game feels like work, I need to learn to drop it earlier. At least WuWa is pretty fun, has style and skill expression xp, I hope I don't get bored of it too.

Genshin Impact! 23 Apr 05:01
joined May 10, 2014

I knoooooow! I mean, we were inhaling copium by expecting Chevy to be back already, but Xiangling instead of like Kaveh who hasn't been in rate up for ages is very disappointing. At least I might be able to get Lynnette copies, I doubt I'll be able to C6 her here but you never know.
They officially revealed Clorinde and Sigewinne are next, I really hope I win 50/50...

joined May 10, 2014

We reached 10M views with this one!

joined May 10, 2014

Alright it's time to get weird, sorry?
While checking uh cough websites yuri tags I saw a baby fetish one and noticed it was short length so I gave it a shot.
Can I call you mommy? ~Till I become your baby~
Welp, it's what it says on the title, I'm sure you're all familiar with this kink if you've been in the internet long enough, I don't think I need to go far into that.
The game itself is as odd as it sounds, the premise is that the MC needs money for college, so instead of gay for pay she baby for pay? It IS yuri if you stick to it. And sticking to it is the hard part, I was expecting a lot of kinky seggs, but they kinda play it "straight" about the baby play thing for the most part.
There is one sex scene which determines the ending, ending 1 is even weirder than what came before and it has some extremely dark implications as the MC loses her identity completely. Ending 2 is a bit better and you get the full context on the "mom" thing, they seem to end up in a relationship of sorts? It's just weird.
I don't regret reading it, but kind hard to recommend due to the nature of it and how both endings are left to interpretation.

TL; DR: Mommy play, watersports galore, power dynamic. Takes about an hour to complete.

joined May 10, 2014

Harada only confirming Rosemi atm.

Genshin Impact! 09 Apr 05:16
joined May 10, 2014

Bruh I only got enough to hit pity, I'm definitely not getting daddy's scythe...not that I want to roll in the weapon banner after those disgusting rolls for the Furina sword/cane.
I can probably get a few more, probably not enough for guaranteed pity if I finish all the quests I'm missing, but...that would take days and I can not afford that at the moment.

joined May 10, 2014

Oh hey, Mint is back, been 3 years :)
Check out her joint custody channel with Matara:
There's such genuine love between them.

Rosemi had a really weird stream with Nova:

Haachama and Biboo collab:

joined May 10, 2014

Oda drawing Reiju drooling over Tashigi is such a random and unnecessary idea for a cover and yet he did it. One piece is truly top tier.

joined May 10, 2014

Koharu should be out cold here, her fantasies are real now.

joined May 10, 2014

Honestly feck Atlus for selling us are remake remake re-release with less content AND make it more expensive. I'm not salty about the lack of Saori and FeMC, why do you ask?

joined May 10, 2014

Lady wants her knight to princess carry her.

Anime season 07 Mar 19:49
joined May 10, 2014

Holy shit, MahoAko seriously uncensoring more than THAT? I guess they're adding pan out of Loco eating coochie?

Ended up starting Tropical Rogue. It's pretty fun so far, the mermaid Laura seems extremely gay.

Blue Archive:...

BA player here, half of the girls are into the player (Sensei) whose gender is up to you. Their personality goes from reliable to pervert depending on the story. I'm going to assume the anime will ignore the player stuff and just do the cute girls stuff like Azure Lane did? It looks like it's adapting chapter one, Abydos story, so maybe they have something there? I don't see anyone voicing the player character like Arknights did. The PC isn't super necessary anyway, but we might miss out on Aru being a cute dork.
*Forgot to mention there is a bit of yuri. Ako canonically has a thing for Hina, Serika is a tsundere and she blushed from Shirako's comments here and there.

Whisper Me a Love Song: ...It's a big-deal yuri manga


last edited at Mar 8, 2024 7:42AM

joined May 10, 2014

I'm feeling kinda numb at this point. It really is just sad, but it's so pathetic that I kinda have to laugh about it. Homegirl wanted to stream Neopets after all this time and they intentionally did this to spite her.

I don't see Vox recovering from this, the other two barely said anything when you look closely, but he made it too personal. What even was that script? They dropped illegal shit, then Niji tweeted "we hereby declare" it was ok.

And the Yacht boi addressing the investors BEFORE saying their "livers" are the priority was the icing on the cake.

This truly is the beginning of the end, Mr. Man just got his gun loaded for him.

Anyway, I hope everyone who's not involved in any of this shit is ok...but Scarle had bit of a thing going by liking a "Kurosanji" comment, we'll know what happened if we don't see her soon.
Aia has a surprise for us soon, let her cook.
Krisis and TTT deserved better than the little push they got, but also joining into this mess as it stared boiling.

joined May 10, 2014

You mean the moon stuff? Mei is not letting Kiana go lol
You're right it's so hard to catch up when you're behind, idk how feesh does it, must be streamer buff.

Oh star rail itself, this patch is good, real good. Wish I could finish building my black swan tho! I keep getting horrendous rolls :/

joined May 10, 2014

Dokis cackling feels like nothing changed at all. I kinda hope she does update the tomato model lol.

I want to add, please take the anger bait posts with a huge pile of salt, the ones I've seen so far are most likely fake on closer inspection. We do know there's something fucked going on inside thanks to the ex-nijis confirming it, but let's not listen to ones like that one delusional ex-fan.

I'm putting my 2 cents here, the streamers are good people maybe with minor fuckups, it's definitely someone else. Just like I trusted Sayu's claims over Nijis, I'll trust my instinct again. I'm fine being wrong as long as that PoS get huge consequences, but it'll also make me lose even more trust in humanity.

Meanwhile on the other side of the rainbow, Haachama is having back to back cursed collabs with Moom(that OP went hard) and now Shiori cooking, we're creating a new element! Let's gooooo!

Melody got K-son'd:

Took a closer look at Ame's new merch...I might preorder even tho I never preorder stuff, it's perfect! The poncho really sold it tbh...and the Ame milk lol. Too bad the limited edition is already sold out T_T

last edited at Feb 9, 2024 6:01AM

Genshin Impact! 07 Feb 04:33
joined May 10, 2014

Not auto correct, I been calling her Chlorine for a while and Clorox is just me being silly. I have no idea about the second part, speculation got 50% wrong last time, and remember when Navia was a pirate?
Also, are you going to be ok? That's a lot of rolls.

Personally, I been too sleepy to read text, so I haven't done much outside exploration. But I DID run out of Mora from all the talent/artifact levels I had to do, probably shouldn't have wasted so much before the banners lol

joined May 10, 2014

Bruh? I just checked again for updates and Niji put up a small update: "Firing her won't affect our bottom line". I thought it was a meme.
Niji is losing sponsors and sellers, wtf are they talking about? But I don't see the EN branch returning to normal or anyone else debuting for a long time.

In other news, since the apostrophe thing ended up being real last time, people are checking those out.
Looks like Enna is freaking done too, and if she's out then I don't see her besties staying either. More people are taking breaks as well. *Edit: sorry for the misinformation, it ISN'T real and it seems to be a formatting thing since Doki has used both on her this account, but people are still looking for it.

The final Iluna collab was pretty fun, but sometimes there's was something strange in the air. Aia mentioned she was really exhausted, but that she didn't want to cancel her on the last collab with Kyo. She said she likes this job...hmmm.

Completely forgot to mention: Doki got a lot of gifts, including one from EA of all things. Her bird friend invited her to stay at her house and they watched Twilight, what a sweetheart :D

last edited at Feb 7, 2024 6:14AM

joined May 10, 2014

People here are chill as far as I know. It really seems to be a minority of weirdos. I mean, they're harassing Rosemi! She's literally made out of honey and they think she would do something like that? to someone she genuinely cares about? They don't watch them, it's mob mentality.

I can't see any of the en members driving anyone to a suicide attempt, tbh. I'm still not super familiar with the newer ones, but I don't feel any malice from them, they were super sweet and genuine during the Pomu tatsu. I'm susing whoever wrote the notice, they're covering for someone.

joined May 10, 2014

Is the tv even on? Smh

joined May 10, 2014

Neat but blood based candy probably tastes horrible.

joined May 10, 2014

Looks like they're not getting any sleep.

joined May 10, 2014

Sayo being down horrendous as usual.