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joined Jul 26, 2016

am i missing something or im just confussing the side stories with the main series ?

You are confusing the side stories with the main series.

joined Jan 30, 2013

So why are there some chapters missing. I do remember reading the beginning a long time ago

joined Dec 20, 2018

So why are there some chapters missing. I do remember reading the beginning a long time ago

Removed on request by the original scanlator. This is why they're now being done by a new one.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Minami is making a face like "please tell me this whole family isn't like this" kek

joined Jun 27, 2017

Good times, good times.

joined Jul 26, 2020

I think Tosiaki's line is more accurate. The line itself is said neutrally and Minami is calm as well. I don't feel anything bad about the whole chapter.

joined Dec 5, 2019

What a cute chapter

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think Tosiaki's line is more accurate. The line itself is said neutrally and Minami is calm as well. I don't feel anything bad about the whole chapter.

Agreed—especially compared to what happens in some of the other chapters (the hitting), this strikes me as an odd one to spotlight as “problematic” in a lengthy editorial afterword.

Sometimes one person in a couple is more in a sexual place than the other one; working out stuff like that is what couples do.

joined Feb 3, 2021

I think Tosiaki's line is more accurate. The line itself is said neutrally and Minami is calm as well. I don't feel anything bad about the whole chapter.

Agreed—especially compared to what happens in some of the other chapters (the hitting), this strikes me as an odd one to spotlight as “problematic” in a lengthy editorial afterword.

Sometimes one person in a couple is more in a sexual place than the other one; working out stuff like that is what couples do.

Agreed. Inevitably, one partner will have a higher sex drive than the other. How the couple handles that can make or break the relationship.

joined Oct 7, 2019

I think Tosiaki's line is more accurate. The line itself is said neutrally and Minami is calm as well. I don't feel anything bad about the whole chapter.

Agreed—especially compared to what happens in some of the other chapters (the hitting), this strikes me as an odd one to spotlight as “problematic” in a lengthy editorial afterword.

Sometimes one person in a couple is more in a sexual place than the other one; working out stuff like that is what couples do.

It's true. I don't mean to say that it was necessarily just straight "problematic" - I tried to highlight it as just my own perspective on the matter. Thought it might make for some good discussion, and frankly I feel better about it knowing now that people are perceiving it this way. So, thank you!

joined Mar 28, 2015

As for "Age gap" we're very far from a Itou Hachi.

Minami is 18 and Iori is 28. There's a gap, but the plot is about how the couples are "mismatched" and still work somehow. That's what Mikanuji wants to write about. Not about "dangerous" relationships.

Notwithstanding Japanese laws about drinking, they are both adults and a 10 years gap isn't anything to frown about. There a plenty of "legal" couples with such a gap or more and nobody will cry foul.

And as for their sex drive, it goes back and forth. There has been instances where Minami was the one initiating, so she does have a sex drive. Iori is maybe more crude about it, but that's part of her characterization.

Imo, the recurrent abuse is more problematic than their libido.

joined Jan 2, 2022

As for "Age gap" we're very far from a Itou Hachi.

Minami is 18 and Iori is 28. There's a gap, but the plot is about how the couples are "mismatched" and still work somehow. That's what Mikanuji wants to write about. Not about "dangerous" relationships.

Notwithstanding Japanese laws about drinking, they are both adults and a 10 years gap isn't anything to frown about. There a plenty of "legal" couples with such a gap or more and nobody will cry foul.

And as for their sex drive, it goes back and forth. There has been instances where Minami was the one initiating, so she does have a sex drive. Iori is maybe more crude about it, but that's part of her characterization.

Imo, the recurrent abuse is more problematic than their libido.

I totally agree. The age gap might be a problem, but the frequent and casual violence of the characters is so much worse. There are plenty of manga and anime that have casual violence. Like, I don't really take any of that seriously in say One Piece. But in a story that in its first few chapters was showing us that Minami is being abused, both by her family and Shizuku, Iori casually hitting her, but especially hitting her when she's angry about something, just comes off as really lacking in awareness.

Honestly, if it weren't for the gaming couple I probably wouldn't be reading this anymore.

joined Jan 2, 2017

I have to respectfully disagree with the editor/transistor here. As others have pointed out, the age gap isn't so severe, or so mismatched, that it poses any real problem; they're both adults, and all things considered, Minami's turbulent past contributed a kind of maturity in her that definitely bolsters her readiness for a relationship like this, imo. My reading of the sex line was simply that there's a difference in their sex drives, which I think has been well established by now - not that Minami is being pressured into unwanted sex by Iori. Iori is crude and horny, and Minami is sweet and more cuddly, for lack of a better way to put it. That's been pretty clear for a while.

I also do, and have, disagreed with the insistence that there's anything close to "abuse" going on, but that's a discussion that we've retread any number of times.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I also do, and have, disagreed with the insistence that there's anything close to "abuse" going on, but that's a discussion that we've retread any number of times.

I think for me it's less that it's an "abusive" relationship (although that's certainly arguable), but that Iori casually hitting Minami is thematically dissonant with the setup of Minami's very abusive past, where domestic violence was treated very seriously indeed.

Slapstick violence in a comedy 4-koma is one thing; serious treatment of domestic violence is another, and they really don't mix well at all.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Why even have those sort of wasted pages on the upload ...

joined Feb 19, 2016

I actually find myself feeling the opposite of Iori here; as I've gotten older I've come to appreciate the small, quiet moments more and found myself desiring a more domestic sort of relationship. Not that I don't have that kind of drive, but more that I feel that even if a partner and I never did it it wouldn't make the relationship worse. Emotional intimacy and physicality is more of what I want now than when I was, say, 18.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

It's interesting that Minami is a delinquent, but she's the least violent of the four. She does pin Iori down a lot to tell her off, and she did smack her at least once, and it's probably representative. But when Shizuku says "you sisters are violent," agreed, that's a lot. I would say I hope both couples filter that out a bit as their relationship grows.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm pretty sure it's quite intentional the sisters are ever-(or not-)so-slightly wrong in the head without the kinds of legit awful backgrounds that'd screw up anybody that their delinquent SOs have...

joined Aug 18, 2015

As others have said, a bigger problem is the casual treatment of domestic violence. It's out of place in respect to tone, and depending on one's personal feelings, it's a very poor way to treat the problem of actual, real life abuse. (I make those two things separate distinctions because people feel differently about how horrible things portrayed in fiction ought to be treated.)

While a discussion on the inherent imbalances in a relationship with a not-insignificant age gap is certainly a worthwhile one to have, I think it's not a problem in the case brought up here.

(And yeah, 10 years is a fairly insignificant gap in the grand scheme of things, but context matters. An 18 year-old should obviously not be in a relationship with an 8 year-old. The difference between 18 and 28 is not nearly as significant as that, but it's still more significant than, say, 28 and 38.)

joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Mar 25, 2021


joined Feb 12, 2016

Hm all good this chapter. Cool people see her approachable now

joined Feb 4, 2022

too short! but appreciate bc my favorite couple is definitely saori x shizuku x3

joined Sep 11, 2019


joined Jun 27, 2017

Right, that's how they met. Pretty fun idea actually.

e: Yay, ch.18. One of my favorites.

last edited at Feb 11, 2022 8:53AM

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