This chapter felt a lot more villainous, in large part because Magenta's reactions were relatively normal, unlike Azul who enjoys it and Sulpher who fights back. It was basically just Baiser and Leopard abusing a kid.
I also found this chapter very uncomfortable due to Magenta's relatively "normie" reactions. Baiser hurting Azul and Sulphur could and has been described as "two perverts playing with each other", but in this case, it went far beyond "play". In the previous "torture" encounters, Baiser always showed some empathy for the MG, but here, she and Kiwi felt almost like they were experimenting on an inanimate object, trying to figure out its "trigger". I hope this doesn't become a norm, otherwise I am going to find it very difficult to sympathize with Utena...
Still, this chapter has been as competently written as the previous ones: Enormeeta's motivation is clearly established, their sub-goal (finding Magenta's "trigger") achieved, and their increasingly questionable methods at least lampshaded as kidnapping (if not really called out).