Forum › My Best Friend Who I Love Fell Completely in Love With My Vtuber Self discussion

joined Sep 6, 2018

Does anyone have any manga/doujin/comics to share about this kind of concept, except that the pair are offline bully/bullied and then separately find each other and get along online?

That’s a fantastic premise, really tickles the ol’ hindbrain.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Ohh is that me?~

last edited at Dec 27, 2021 3:00PM

joined Oct 26, 2020

Why is everyone taking that weird stance with their arms making an X and their fingers crossed? I get that it's supposed to be a blocking stance, but the reference or joke escapes me. And why the "gentleman" faces?

It's a One Piece reference. There's a character that ate the barrier-barrier devil fruit, which gives him the power to make barriers. He does that pose whenever he makes a barrier.

joined Apr 18, 2021

Why is everyone taking that weird stance with their arms making an X and their fingers crossed? I get that it's supposed to be a blocking stance, but the reference or joke escapes me. And why the "gentleman" faces?

It's a One Piece reference. There's a character that ate the barrier-barrier devil fruit, which gives him the power to make barriers. He does that pose whenever he makes a barrier.

Actualy that barier pose is something that already there in Japan since long ago. Children use it as a barrier when other children touch something dirty or gross and they want to touch other children and infect them they cross finger to make barrier so they don't get infected.

joined Feb 17, 2018

joined Dec 3, 2016

Page 2 is highly relatable. There have been plenty of times when I've had the best idea in the history of ever, only to find it's completely vanished by the time I get somewhere where I could write it down. :/

I feel like I've seen that picture of the two of them together on the last page somwehre before... hmm...

joined Apr 30, 2021

Page 2 is highly relatable. There have been plenty of times when I've had the best idea in the history of ever, only to find it's completely vanished by the time I get somewhere where I could write it down. :/

I feel like I've seen that picture of the two of them together on the last page somwehre before... hmm...

USB dictaphones are awesome for this. You can hang em off a keychain, and whenever you have a thought or idea, just click it on and record a note. Only real issue is you look weird muttering to yourself :P

joined Mar 28, 2015

lol the waitress... "get married already"

joined Feb 16, 2013

lol the waitress... "get married already"

Right. But for the wrong reasons.

joined Aug 1, 2011

Page 2 is highly relatable. There have been plenty of times when I've had the best idea in the history of ever, only to find it's completely vanished by the time I get somewhere where I could write it down. :/

I feel like I've seen that picture of the two of them together on the last page somwehre before... hmm...

USB dictaphones are awesome for this. You can hang em off a keychain, and whenever you have a thought or idea, just click it on and record a note. Only real issue is you look weird muttering to yourself :P

Is there a reason to get a standalone dictaphone over just using a smartphone app?

joined Jan 18, 2016

waiting for da reveal,
maybe it’ll be an accidental one? i wonder~

joined Jan 23, 2018

Chapter 15... not like they were ever hiding it with the girl's name being "Oshiga Sukoya" but that whole chapter is really just autobiographical x)

Don't worry Author-san, only around 3 more months for Sukoya to be back! (I wonder if the author will also SC so much in her come back stream)

Also my boy Gatchman in Chapter 16!

joined Mar 14, 2016

Something tells me the only one that doesn't know that Akiko is Taiga is Akiko herself.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why do I have this sinking feeling that the waitress and the other VTuber could be the same person?

joined Apr 30, 2020

The waitress represents the readers.

The short talk on Vtubers that don't stream regularly makes me think of Amemori Sayo. Her hardcore fans must go insane everyday.

joined Apr 30, 2021

Is there a reason to get a standalone dictaphone over just using a smartphone app?

Whatever works, really - I prefer the quickness of the dictaphone over fumbling with my phone (click button, record, done), and I don't lose note-taking ability if my phone battery cacks out. But as long as you can record your thoughts conveniently, anything's good.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Chapter sixteen ended so suprisingly, I literally forgot my thoughts on 15...

joined Dec 3, 2016

This series is adorable! ...And thus I'm saddened by the fact that this is the last of it currently on the author's pixiv. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before we get more.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Ah yes, Super Chat NTR

joined Mar 25, 2021

Happy new years buddies

joined Jul 23, 2017

Happy new year!

joined Aug 29, 2019

Restaurant staff spittin' gay facts!

Happy New Year, everyone!

joined May 29, 2021

Useful image.

joined Jul 4, 2021

As someone already said we are finally caught up! The manga has been on hiatus for a few weeks because the artist has been busy with comiket but they said they plan to continue it starting 2022. That said, happy new year everyone!

joined May 23, 2021

Every manga needs a Haru-san.

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