I hope this isn't seen as offensive but is there such thing as a "cute neet" I always thought the thing about being a neet was that you're a reject. If you're cute you're hardly a reject surely.. In my personal experience you don't have to be ugly to be a meet but you're probably not gonna be attractive and a meet because looking attractive is a desireable quality on itself surely.. Idk, maybe I am well off here but it's hard to imagine.
Well its a manga, not real life, and making the protagonist a hot anime girl with fanservicey shots is a good way to make people read your story.
But also regardless attractive people can be neets, What? Having a face that’s seen as attractive in mainstream society isn’t some guarantee that you’re immune from mental health disorders, or that you’re guaranteed a job and friends. This isn’t some chad vs virgin incel comic, in real life people can fall through the cracks regardless of their face.
Now speaking practically, people with mental health issues like anxiety, adhd, and depression can often have trouble maintaining healthy hygiene habits like showering and changing clothing, I know I certainly have times where I seriously struggle to maintain those habits while going through difficult/stressful times, and a lack of healthy hygiene habits can cause someone to look worse off, but that’s something that can be changed.
You can be a reject regardless of your looks.