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joined Jun 27, 2017

Isn't decapitating punishment because sneaking into heaven is a difficult thing to do? How does "capital punishment because it's something easy" make sense?
... on the other hand, just because it's difficult doesn't make it a more heinous crime either, I guess ^^;

joined Sep 26, 2020

This is basically Tadokoro-san minus the overt yuri and with swears. Simple conflicts easily wrapped up in a chapter or two, justice is always served, the protagonists are kind of clueless but everything is fixed with the power of yuri friendship. SImilarly weird / primitive art style that's rapidly growing on me, especially when one of the girls goes beast mode. More sweet slice of life stories should be told as if they're shonen battle mangas.

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joined Mar 21, 2021

Isn't decapitating punishment because sneaking into heaven is a difficult thing to do? How does "capital punishment because it's something easy" make sense?
... on the other hand, just because it's difficult doesn't make it a more heinous crime either, I guess ^^;

I had my doubts too, when translating, but her sentence says exactly that:


joined Jan 9, 2017

Isn't decapitating punishment because sneaking into heaven is a difficult thing to do? How does "capital punishment because it's something easy" make sense?
... on the other hand, just because it's difficult doesn't make it a more heinous crime either, I guess ^^;

If its easy then you may want to enforce a massive deterrent to prevent it happening

joined Nov 22, 2019

RIP heavenly fish-kun

joined Sep 25, 2019

Stop being so mean to dog girl, it's not her fault she's an idiot.
She needs hugs, headpats and a nice girlfriend stat!

joined Jul 7, 2021

Where's his 3 other heads?

joined Jan 27, 2016

Isn't decapitating punishment because sneaking into heaven is a difficult thing to do? How does "capital punishment because it's something easy" make sense?
... on the other hand, just because it's difficult doesn't make it a more heinous crime either, I guess ^^;

Easy to commit crimes require harsher punishments to dissuade people from doing them I guess is the mentality here. It's of course an insane mentality but that's par for the course with how heaven operates here.

joined May 11, 2020

Wow he's a surprisingly good dad despite his... interesting appearance

joined Jun 7, 2020

Haha, that personality switch with the angel lad.

joined Jun 25, 2021

I only just now noticed that some of them have more wings than Liane has

joined Aug 4, 2018

Umm... doggies make good pets, so Ganko should be all right... I think?

joined Jul 15, 2016

Wow he's a surprisingly good dad despite his... interesting appearance

My guess is that the dad actually has a backstory similar to Liane, i.e. he rose through the ranks on merit alone, despite starting from an isolated and disadvantaged position. Were it so, it would add an interesting wrinkle into the rivalry between his daughter and his spiritual successor (Liane).

joined Sep 27, 2017

Haha, that personality switch with the angel lad.

I knew it from his eyes, dude looks like he's about 5 seconds away from murder :P

joined Jul 7, 2021

Also, I wonder why not-tomoko is jealous of Big Tits with thunder thighs like those.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Also, I wonder why not-tomoko is jealous of Big Tits with thunder thighs like those.

Have you seen blues thighs?

joined Feb 1, 2013

The mangaka does a cute manga called "Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya". It's finished in japan, but nothing's happening with the translations of the chapters after 138 (there's like 201 chapters in total).

I love the manga, and one of the reasons is because there's a strong low-key super cute yuri dynamic between two of the main characters. I mention this partly, because there's a vocal (I have to assume male) contingent of the fans that hate this, so I love the idea of possibly proving them wrong!

It'd be great if someone could work on finishing the translations...

Do you mean vocal Japanese fans or western fans?

the comments on the site bitching about the hinted future yuri couple are all in English, and the people making the comments (as best I can recall) all have western names. They're a small subset, but they won't let up.

The couple they're getting angry about are a cute young girl (Chiharu, around 19) who's starting college, and a cheery dark-haired onee-san with big breasts and glasses (Meri) who like wearing sweater dresses. Meri is SUPER affectionate with Chiharu, who just smiles whenever she's fussing over or hugging her. Meri also gets real low-key pissed when a girl just walks up and starts groping Chiharu (who's clearly not enjoying it) and takes the girl aside and "sets her straight".

joined Jul 7, 2021

Also, I wonder why not-tomoko is jealous of Big Tits with thunder thighs like those.

Have you seen blues thighs?

Not-Tomoko has the contrast though, small tits and big thighs makes a smile go wide.

joined Sep 16, 2014

She probably just likes sleeping in hard places.

joined Jul 7, 2021

That position cannot be comfortable, still hot doe

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well hopefully the trip to hell is...peaceful

joined May 15, 2021

Likes to sleep in the floor?
Bathing on a river?
Extra strong?
Has a big ambition?

Im overthinking things or she lived by herself cause of a family affair!?

joined Dec 18, 2020

From the RAWs the next three chapters take place in the Demon World, and the arc still isn't over yet.

joined Sep 25, 2019

Stop boolying cute doggo grill dammit! T_T

joined Jul 6, 2020

I’m curious what the demon world is gonna look like

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