Forum › Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend discussion

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Oooooh maybe ruriko has endometriosis and this is some kind of PSA? I'm not complaining, unfortunately this disease is not well known among the public and frequently not taught in schools, even though it affects lots of people with uteruses.

it's interesting and unfortunate that it can develop several years after menarche. I was writing a story about dysmenorrhea and endometriosis wouldn't have fit.

joined Aug 19, 2019

my friend recently had appendicitis, she told me it was extreme pain in the abdominal area, maybe it might be that

As someone who’s had appendicitis before, It might really be that, the pain is absolutely horrible, definitely enough to go to the hospital over, you can barely move because your lower abdominal hurts like hell, however, (in my experience atleast) it’s not something that starts off with a stomach ache or anything, it just kinda happens, so who knows.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Well, looks like everyone has already figured out that Ruriko ended up in the hospital for emergency surgery, possibly from appendicitis.

But I am posting something that is very interesting.

So Kurumi got the news and took a taxi to the hospital, and talked to the receptionist.
"Excuse me, Um...Ruri..where is Aisawa Ruriko?"
"Are you a family member?"
"(I am) the wife"

You can clearly see what happens if a country does not recognize same sex civil union or marriage. "Are you a family member?" would ended up with a reply "(I am) a friend", which means the family can veto and ban kurumi from seeing Ruriko. However in real life situation like here in the manga, since Japan has the partnership certification system, with individual prefecture or towns granting the certificate, Kurumi simply need to bring her paperwork and says "(I am) the partner/wife" This however can only be done in the prefecture or towns which grants the certification, where the two of them live. If the hospital is located in another town that does not recognized the certificate, then kurumi is not family. If it is located in a town that recognized another town's certificate as an exchange, then kurumi is family and trumps everyone.
Being partner or "wife" automatically trumps any other relatives when it comes to medical decision making. This is the most important privilege that gay couples want. Renting an apartment with a certificate also means that the potential renters are "spouses" as landlords obviously prefer childless working couple. So yes, Usui Shio just nailed that one. The only fact that is incorrect is that the two persons are not recognized as spouses, but just partners (but still trumps all relatives). But I highly doubt that if a person declared that she is a wife (which is technically incorrect in the legal sense), a nurse or receptionist would refused to give out any information.
So yes, Usui Shio just demonstrated a potential nightmare scenario if a couple does not have the certificate. In the manga the couple actually get the marriage application (ie. license) from city hall. Sensei never did disclose whether the application was completed and send it back to the city hall, or it was completed but did not return to the city hall. One way or another the two of them is still, legally, completely unrelated.

joined Dec 20, 2018

^ That is some interesting fantasies you have there, but exactly none of that has actually happened in this manga. The first chapter also clearly states that this takes place after same-sex marriage has been legalised and the two of them are an actual newlywed couple.

last edited at Jun 30, 2021 2:09PM

joined Jun 15, 2021

Well, the laws are not fantasies. The hospital reception scene is not my imagination. But in regarding legal marriage you are semi-right. In the manga first half of Ch1, initially same sex marriage would not be legal until the year after. The marriage idea was agreed upon the two of them. Five years later they would get married. But then there is a five year gap, which means it was legal by then.(fourth year).

joined Mar 26, 2021

Slow slow burn this manga is, but kind of like reading this even though they look more like friends than wifey

Hikari Aikyou
joined Sep 1, 2020

I had a feeling it would be appendicitis. My ex had the same thing with the same symptoms and ignored them until it got so bad she had to be hospitalised. Although, in her case she did need surgery to get it... zooped, I believe is the official term used by medical professionals?

joined Aug 25, 2019

I kind of understand how Ruriko feels, I tend to not tell people when I'm in pain because I don't want to be a burden.

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 8:37AM

joined May 28, 2021

Thank you appendix-kun for causing this adorable development ! Hopefully they will continue to grow ever closer. Even I went a little doki doki when she said '' nothing is more important than you '' , she looked so passionate :O

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 1:49PM

joined May 12, 2020

Cherish your partners and dont believe them when they say they are not hungry. They are probably lying.

joined Sep 16, 2017

Is this lo

joined Dec 30, 2018

Is this lo

vely roommates being best friends? yes

Future Hokagae
joined Sep 25, 2020

Damn... I kinda want to have a wife.

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 11:10AM

joined Jun 3, 2021

I’m really enjoying the pacing. It’s not ‘one-shot’ levels of falling-in-love but also not so slowburn that you start to get bored.

joined Oct 19, 2020

She gay

joined Jun 3, 2021

Being partner or "wife" automatically trumps any other relatives when it comes to medical decision making. This is the most important privilege that gay couples want. Renting an apartment with a certificate also means that the potential renters are "spouses" as landlords obviously prefer childless working couple. So yes, Usui Shio just nailed that one. The only fact that is incorrect is that the two persons are not recognized as spouses, but just partners (but still trumps all relatives). But I highly doubt that if a person declared that she is a wife (which is technically incorrect in the legal sense), a nurse or receptionist would refused to give out any information.

This is really interesting! Now that one line about Kurumi being more nervous to sign Ruriko’s hospital admittance than their marriage registration form makes a whole lot more sense.

joined Feb 1, 2021

Dang it Ruriko, learn to accept your wife's concern! Even if you didn't have to get zooped

joined Feb 21, 2019

phew, the dreaded zoop was avoided

also she full gay now

joined May 29, 2021

Man this burn is slower than molasses moving uphill in January. With crutches.

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was a very wholesome chapter, thank you for the translation! As I thought she's just stubborn and doesn't want to be a burden, I've seen people IRL that act that way with their family and partner. People need to learn to rely on loved ones more often.

I’m really enjoying the pacing. It’s not ‘one-shot’ levels of falling-in-love but also not so slowburn that you start to get bored.

I'm also enjoying the pacing in all honesty. The story so far feels very relaxed, and we're getting build up with the characters and their relationship bit by bit.

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 1:43PM

joined Nov 29, 2013

You know what makes me happy the most? It's the 'to be continued' line in this page

joined Apr 12, 2021

The moment she call herself her wife, make it worthy all the time spend together

joined Jan 13, 2021

Ah yes "and they were roommates" the manga, I like it tho. I hope the wholesome tag lasts till the end.

joined Apr 27, 2021

I’m really enjoying the pacing. It’s not ‘one-shot’ levels of falling-in-love but also not so slowburn that you start to get bored.

I'm also enjoying the pacing in all honesty. The story so far feels very relaxed, and we're getting build up with the characters and their relationship bit by bit.

I feel like this sort of relaxed pacing is very much an Usio Shio thing, she really has a knack for creating these kind of stories that just flow in a slow but very natural and mature way. It's part of what makes them unique to me as well, there's no shortage of bubbly and energetic manga (which are cool too), but her stories are just a bit different, making them feel more life-like

joined May 13, 2021

What is with these delicate, slow burn stories? Where is the passion? Women kiss, women FUCK. This pure love innocence uwu stuff in yuri manga is so cringe and so unrealistic. I mean goddamn they are married and sleeping in separate rooms, kurumi is always leaving ruriko alone, like how is she okay with that?? Zero intimacy, zero acting like a couple at all. I just feel like love between women is so misrepresented in manga sometimes, as if it’s somehow less than. Anyways, apologies, end of rant

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