Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

Very interesting. For me Mei is the highlight of the series. She feels much more human than the other characters

Literally how though? I'm genuinely puzzled.
I could see how the author tries to make her seem hurt and having a difficulty expressing her true feelings (which some people might find cute) but she executes it very poorly. She should have made Mei show emotions from time to time, in subtle ways. (I know there have been some instances, but even these barely had any true passion/emotion)
She is a literal robot in this chapter. Yuzu has her b-day, and Mei's face is drawn in the same static expression all throughout the panels. It really feels like she doesn't gaf and always talks about work, while others constantly praise her for being so responsible (a level of which only a robot could reach tbh). Saburuta could even draw a little blush on her when she wasn't facing Yuzu in this chapter, to show her supposed hidden emotions but she didn't.

Mei acts exactly as I do irl. That's how. Like I literally don't know how to emote despite being full of emotions

We're speaking at cross purposes, then--you're discussing how you personally relate to the way the character acts, while I'm talking about how a professional author creates and maintains a coherent, consistent, and believable fictional character.

The Mei who whacked Yuzu in the butt with her umbrella prior to their Student Council election showdown in the main series is not at all the same character who is now quivering while clutching her teddy bear.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Very interesting. For me Mei is the highlight of the series. She feels much more human than the other characters

Literally how though? I'm genuinely puzzled.
I could see how the author tries to make her seem hurt and having a difficulty expressing her true feelings (which some people might find cute) but she executes it very poorly. She should have made Mei show emotions from time to time, in subtle ways. (I know there have been some instances, but even these barely had any true passion/emotion)
She is a literal robot in this chapter. Yuzu has her b-day, and Mei's face is drawn in the same static expression all throughout the panels. It really feels like she doesn't gaf and always talks about work, while others constantly praise her for being so responsible (a level of which only a robot could reach tbh). Saburuta could even draw a little blush on her when she wasn't facing Yuzu in this chapter, to show her supposed hidden emotions but she didn't.

Mei acts exactly as I do irl. That's how. Like I literally don't know how to emote despite being full of emotions

We're speaking at cross purposes, then--you're discussing how you personally relate to the way the character acts, while I'm talking about how a professional author creates and maintains a coherent, consistent, and believable fictional character.

The Mei who whacked Yuzu in the butt with her umbrella prior to their Student Council election showdown in the main series is not at all the same character who is now quivering while clutching her teddy bear.

But this does feels like consistent characterisation for Mei, at least it does to me. And the reason it does is because I know that people can act like that irl and that makes it easy to see it in fiction instead of her seeming ooc.

She was always very timid and uncertain about her own feelings, but when it came to accomplishing a goal it doesn't really matter. She finds it easy to go on "autopilot" which makes her act differently than how she would if she relied on her own emotions instead. etc

At least that's how I see her. But I don't blame you for not seeing it my way. As far as I'm concerned we're both right and I don't have any energy to try to argue about it

joined Aug 19, 2019

Very interesting. For me Mei is the highlight of the series. She feels much more human than the other characters

Literally how though? I'm genuinely puzzled.
I could see how the author tries to make her seem hurt and having a difficulty expressing her true feelings (which some people might find cute) but she executes it very poorly. She should have made Mei show emotions from time to time, in subtle ways. (I know there have been some instances, but even these barely had any true passion/emotion)
She is a literal robot in this chapter. Yuzu has her b-day, and Mei's face is drawn in the same static expression all throughout the panels. It really feels like she doesn't gaf and always talks about work, while others constantly praise her for being so responsible (a level of which only a robot could reach tbh). Saburuta could even draw a little blush on her when she wasn't facing Yuzu in this chapter, to show her supposed hidden emotions but she didn't.

Mei acts exactly as I do irl. That's how. Like I literally don't know how to emote despite being full of emotions

We're speaking at cross purposes, then--you're discussing how you personally relate to the way the character acts, while I'm talking about how a professional author creates and maintains a coherent, consistent, and believable fictional character.

The Mei who whacked Yuzu in the butt with her umbrella prior to their Student Council election showdown in the main series is not at all the same character who is now quivering while clutching her teddy bear.

But this does feels like consistent characterisation for Mei, at least it does to me. And the reason it does is because I know that people can act like that irl and that makes it easy to see it in fiction instead of her seeming ooc.

She was always very timid and uncertain about her own feelings, but when it came to accomplishing a goal it doesn't really matter. She finds it easy to go on "autopilot" which makes her act differently than how she would if she relied on her own emotions instead. etc

At least that's how I see her. But I don't blame you for not seeing it my way. As far as I'm concerned we're both right and I don't have any energy to try to argue about it

I agree, I really don’t think she acts that way because she’s cold-hearted or anything.....well maybe at the beginning of the series. But as time has gone by, she’s started to rely on her emotions a little more, and has begun to show a more vulnerable side to herself that’s not just towards Yuzu, I like that, it honestly feels like genuine development to me.

Yes, she still has a reeeeally long way to go, but it’s nice seeing her atleast try and put in the effort to communicate and make Yuzu happy, I can’t imagine it being simple considering the kinda life she’s lived.

Well either way, I honestly still would have preferred a chapter about Harumin and Yuzu’s friendship than what we got this month.

last edited at Apr 20, 2021 7:16PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

YuzuMin! YuzuMin!

joined Jan 17, 2020

I'm at a point where I come to check the forum monthly to see if the current chapter is about Matsuri and Harumin. And if not, I skip it.

joined Oct 21, 2017

That was a cute & serious discussion, I'm loving Mei's development she's come so far she has open up quite a bit.
It's great to see that Himeko giving Mei some helpful advice again, she along with Harumi a great best friend's to have Yuzu & Mei are so lucky to have them

joined Dec 18, 2013

Lovely chapter and yeah, is pretty nice to see Mei actually struggling to deal with her emotions for the first time.

joined Mar 18, 2018

It's always nice when Himeko actually does suport yuzu and meis relationship.
It's also always nice when Mei wants to do something for yuzu~

joined Jan 6, 2019

the whole fandom believes in you mei

joined Jun 13, 2012

The love sickness factory looks so cute!

joined Apr 24, 2020

Ah, I love me some dense, useless Mei~

I'm thoroughly enjoying Citrus+ so far. I find it less ridiculously frustrating than the original series. I'm glad I didn't give up on it.

If they don’t have sex on Yuzu’s bday then they will Never have sex.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Mei looks in permanent shell shock.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Citrus, indeed.

But it looks like even a great artist like Saburouta still needs to learn how reflections work... :P

The love sickness factory looks so cute!

That was adorable, yes. ^_^

joined Oct 22, 2018

Honestly, while Citrus overall goes "not good not bad" for me, I quite liked this chapter.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The Mei-bot’s AI threw an “emotional response” error after blowing off Yuzu’s birthday, and the resulting diagnostic consumed so much memory that she glitched trying to eat human food.

joined Sep 21, 2020

Man... it just came to me that Himeko at one point had feeling for Mei (or possibly still does) yet despite that not working out she helps Mei with her love problems, Himeko’s a great friend, I hope she finds happiness in some form once the series ends

joined Jan 3, 2020

I like how this chapter directly addresses some points from the debate higher up this page about Mei's emotions, such as adding subtle blushing in some spots.

It's almost like the author read these comments before writing this chapter.

joined May 20, 2019

This is the cutest Mei has been in a long time, especially when she malfunctioned trying to eat cake, thought “love sickness” was a real sickness and cuddled Himeko’s puppy.

Speaking of, best girl Himeko coming in clutch with romance advice. I love how she called her Mei-Mei throughout this chapter, after Mei gave her the green light to keep doing so in her last appearance.

joined Aug 19, 2019

I knew Mei wouldn’t disappoint :D

joined Jan 4, 2021

I love it when Mei is like this. It gives us more depth of her character

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

Himeko is a good friend

Yuri Newbie Fan
joined May 16, 2021

A bit slow of updating, I almost forget every time I need to check for new chapter. But I understand how limited and not easy for translating every page scenes.

joined May 21, 2021

i really do enjoy seeing mei talking about her feelings and idk how people call her a “robot” lmaoo

joined Jul 29, 2017

i really do enjoy seeing mei talking about her feelings and idk how people call her a “robot” lmaoo

Because she was so unaware of normal human behavior that she didn’t realize that Yuzu would be unhappy about having her birthday postponed.

Until later, when she had more processing resources available and was able to access her “emotional response” subroutine.

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