"alright, I'm done with my bath, you can now get in" or something like that. Still, even before I reached the last page, this chapter did feel different from all the previous ones to me.
The manga doesn't have to end after they start going out, you know, they probably spent another volume without kissing or anything because neither of them can bring themselves to ask.
Oh boooiiii!!! Finally progress! Please make it happen and then extend the series for the romance part! And we need them to have a bath scene of them together! Thx fot he TL.
Not sure, actually, since the blurb on the first page calls it "Comics vol. 1", so who knows?
I spent five minutes staring at this page before figuring out that you meant this one...
OK, I don't know if this is significant, but it says ①巻 rather than 第①巻. In other words, it's missing the ordinal prefix. So does that mean "volume 1" or "one volume"?