How much love potion did she buy? She seems to have a big supply.
I've been thinking the same thing either, let's call the seller "Merchant"
Merchant You know, I'm starting to question what were you doing with this potion.
MC What do you mean?
Merchant You bought it like six times
MC None of your business
Merchant I'm part of it, if someone found out you were doing something bad with this potion, my business gone
MC What? But you're selling me drugs, this love potion?
Merchant I'm a merchant, not black market dealer
MC That doesn't make sense
Merchant It never is
I figured it would go more like this:
Merchant Wadya buyin?
MC Uhh.. I'll just take questionable looking bottle there.
Merchant He he he ha. Thank you.
last edited at Mar 6, 2021 8:29PM