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joined Mar 19, 2020

They’re both super fun so far I find. I really like the first mc especially because she pursued the gay despite being evaded.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Amusing to see two shameless womanizers trying to justify their naughty ways in righteous moral terms. XDD

What's wrong with beautiful lesbians spreading some love around themselves?
Three hurrahs for sexual freedom!

I gotta admit, I'm sort of intrigued by the office/work drama than I am about the Yuri, since They Both Get Ladies Every Day

I suspect both will get merged. Because whatever problem has Miyamae-san all worked up, the solution will obviously be a lesbian sandwich.

joined Oct 1, 2020

This series' frankness about the gayness of the leads seems nearly too good to be true. It was hard to tell the general direction of the series from the first chapter, but from hereon out, it seems like it'll be like the HR equivalent of a buddy cop comedy. Each of our leads will presumably influence the other- I'm guessing the blonde will be persuaded to act a bit more professional in her choice of targets, whereas the brunette might learn to be a little less furtive (I am terrible with names, sorrymasen).

They'll probably help each other get some game, grow closer in the thrill of the hunt, and likely end up sleeping with each other at the end of Volume One after suitably exciting or distressing circumstances lower their inhibitions, before the quintessential, 'Where do we go from here?' question. A comedy about two lesbian playboys awkwardly falling in love and dealing with each other's flirtatious, manipulative tendencies in a relationship sounds like it'll be good fun.

joined Aug 8, 2020

Dis gon be gud. I'm looking forward to how the rest of this series plays out.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I'm half and half on whether I want these two MC's to get together or go after women together (like each other's wingwoman or some sort of rival). Both options seem really interesting to me (ノ*0*)ノ

joined May 7, 2017

This is going pretty well, it's going to be separate cases (pretty much how Kurogane Ken's Tae and Jimiko supposed to be),but now that this new character came into play, I'm not so sold on the idea that Yamanobe and Komori are going to be an item, not mindblowing by any fashion but is keeping me on my toes.

joined Oct 20, 2017

HR paying a home visit when a lowly office drone goes absent without leave and offline. How considerate

joined Dec 9, 2019

I love the different font styles used to show some effect in the dialogue. It's as if I can hear the sound of those words lol.
I'm not sure if it's deliberately done by the author or the scanlation team but it's awesome. It's fun to read.

joined Jul 31, 2019

Let me guess - the next chapter is about a "woman who doesn't meet expectations"?

joined Aug 16, 2018

I gotta admit, I'm sort of intrigued by the office/work drama than I am about the Yuri, since They Both Get Ladies Every Day

I suspect both will get merged. Because whatever problem has Miyamae-san all worked up, the solution will obviously be a lesbian sandwich.

joined Apr 1, 2014

This is de lesbian duo, solving problems and dating girls has never been an easy task

joined Jan 6, 2015

I'm not a fan of players, BUT. BUT. I like these two. They don't seem to be malicious or misleading about it, so thumbs up!

joined Dec 23, 2017

I'm not a fan of players, BUT. BUT. I like these two. They don't seem to be malicious or misleading about it, so thumbs up!

It seems like it's not much of "players" but more like 'serial monogamists but their relationships are short-lived'. It's pretty good so far!! Definitely keeping up with this one, OL manga is such a good genre.

joined Oct 1, 2020

You thought you would get a threesome, but everyone just ended up getting screwed by shitty workplace culture.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I’m getting surprisingly invested in these workplace politics/drama. The two main characters being gay as hell definitely helps.

joined Oct 27, 2018

The chapter endings are so jarring, I keep clicking multiple times like "is that it?".

joined Feb 11, 2013

I thought they would get more competitive but now they are really working together and sharing their experiences, I like ~

joined Oct 20, 2017

the chapters feel a bit short for this sort of a story

joined Sep 25, 2020

Man their interaction is really fun to read

joined Sep 4, 2016

What's up with the endings to these chapters? It's so sudden it feels like there are pages that were maybe accidentally not uploaded.

joined Jul 21, 2020

I thought they would get more competitive

If you want competitive office ladies, try Black & White by Sal Jiang.
You don't get more competitive than this. Almost Kill Bill level. :v

joined Jan 28, 2017

When two tops meet:

joined Jul 19, 2018

Finishing work at eight pm is already grossly overtime...

Not in Japan. It's common to finish work there at 9 or even 10PM. They're trying to fix the problem, but "company loyalty" is deeply rooted in their society, so it's gonna take time.

Hmmm, I didn't realize the Japanese work day starts at noon. Neat.

In all seriousness, this is looking to be a promising story.

last edited at Dec 14, 2020 1:38AM

joined Dec 16, 2017

She wants to work on the same floor? Nah I'm good. Keep that b/s in sales!

joined Dec 9, 2019

I gotta admit, I'm sort of intrigued by the office/work drama than I am about the Yuri, since They Both Get Ladies Every Day

I suspect both will get merged. Because whatever problem has Miyamae-san all worked up, the solution will obviously be a lesbian sandwich.

I just wanna quote this. That's all.

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