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joined Sep 26, 2020

Super Lesbian Rainbow Over Heaven Ultra Horny Aphrodite and destroys the villain with the Whore-Of-Babylon Fingerbanger Beam.


joined Sep 26, 2020

I feel like Rankarama really diealed everything up to 11 in the TL for this chapter, but also this also feels very Shuninta Amano. Of course Rin's first client isn't going to be a fun or easy one. That's just not how she rolls.

And it's worth keeping in mind that this is a job for Rin – it's up to her to figure out how to meet her clients' needs, and not all of them are going to be as nice or socially adept as she was as a customer. (I'm thinking of My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness – the author of that got lucky in that she requested somebody who turned out to be very good at her job.) I fully expect Amano-sensei to exploit every opportunity for awkwardness she gets from this point forward. That's what makes her stories so memorable. Her stories have teeth. (I'm still not sure I enjoyed The Feelings We Must Endure, but I think about it all the time, and think it was pretty well done.)

Cryssoberyl Uploader
Zefiberyl Translations
joined Apr 11, 2011

What's an "Aikatsu for sex work?" And what's a "ransora brain?"
I'm sorry, I figure it's supposed to be easy to understand since the translator casually talks about it in the creds, but I have no clue.

Aikatsu is/was an idol anime series and associated card collecting franchise, which has been going since 2012, although its future is currently a bit up in the air. "Ransora" is, or should be, "Ran/Sora", one of the best and gayest pairings of the many heavily suggestive pairings that has come out of Aikatsu through the years, thus proving Shuninta's exceptional taste if she happens to be a fan of them.

Anyway, I appreciate the work as always Akiba, much as I usually keep this to myself, the excesses of this particular chapter's script force me to add, I have long been and continue to be not a fan of your overly loose and self-indulgent localization style. Please tone down the attempts at glib phraseology and just write what they say, instead of something that recalls the worst tendencies of dub scriptwriters.

(/No Fun Allowed Scanlation is Serious Business whistleblowing)

joined Oct 10, 2020

Nice a new chapter translated, thank you so much!

Raw chapter spoilers: looking at the raws for next chapter, I think everything works out in the end

If i may ask, where did you read the raw version?

Link to official (I assume) raws, its up to chapter 6.

last edited at Nov 6, 2020 5:20PM

joined Apr 6, 2019

Kimura is so clumsy, inept and helpless she's almost unable to function normally in daily life. Also, she's so completely lacking in assertiveness and aggressiveness she wouldn't be able to fight her way out of a wet paper bag. This makes her irresistible, as you can't stop yourself from wanting to be with her and protect her and take care of her (and maybe tease her just a little bit). I absolutely love it. <3

It's one of the oldest tropes in straight romance literature; it's nice to see that it also works in lesbian fiction.

I want to congratulate the translators, who did an awesome work capturing this all-permeating feeling. "Oh, manager, you devil! How much pressure can you put on little old me?" Heck yeah! Per-fect.

last edited at Nov 6, 2020 5:49PM

joined Dec 5, 2019

I just sant to add...why haven't I heard the expression muff seminar sooner? That one got me

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

While idea of Satou being inside job is pretty plausible, my taken on it is that Satou likes new, inexperienced girls. She was happy when Rin acted clumsy and in fact wanted to cut date short to jump to fucking cuddling. She most likely like taking care of others and so she enjoys when new girls are not yet good at the job and aren't doing exactly well, so she needs to help them out. That's why she immediately checks every new girl. As soon as she saw Rin preparing bed beforehand and taking initiative with bath, she lost her boner and it wasn't her fetish anymore interest in Rin and no longer felt like it was what she expected. If that really is the case, I think it's really stupid, if only for the simple fact that at any professional place even if someone is new, they should be trained well enough to know what they're doing, but maybe she's regular at this place, exactly because owner just hires girls left and right and send them to work without any training whatsoever. But that's only a wild guess stares.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Satou definitely likes inexperienced and 'fragile' girls

last edited at Nov 7, 2020 10:44PM

joined Jun 9, 2018

Shit, I always hate when there are assholes translating that asshole's work.

joined Nov 14, 2014

I guess she's not into fluffiness? xD

joined Aug 29, 2019

While idea of Satou being inside job is pretty plausible, my taken on it is that Satou likes new, inexperienced girls. She was happy when Rin acted clumsy and in fact wanted to cut date short to jump to fucking cuddling. She most likely like taking care of others and so she enjoys when new girls are not yet good at the job and aren't doing exactly well, so she needs to help them out. That's why she immediately checks every new girl. As soon as she saw Rin preparing bed beforehand and taking initiative with bath, she lost her boner and it wasn't her fetish anymore interest in Rin and no longer felt like it was what she expected. If that really is the case, I think it's really stupid, if only for the simple fact that at any professional place even if someone is new, they should be trained well enough to know what they're doing, but maybe she's regular at this place, exactly because owner just hires girls left and right and send them to work without any training whatsoever. But that's only a wild guess stares.

Agreed on all counts, Satou definitely wants to be the one to set the pace and have the initiative. I guess it makes for some nice dramedy if she's just thrown into the situation without much intel, so while IRL that practice would definitely do me a concern, I guess it's alright to play it loose here.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Duuuude! That cliffhanger. Also I agree that Satou likes clumsy girls or at least likes when they're messing up cause they're trying really hard. But goofed and that makes it cute for her. I shit you not it is nice to see a character not suave like one of Amano's other works. Sweet Gulity Love Bites, Kokoro was a little clumsy and inexperienced in adult life and love. She was a good person though and that's why it's nice to see someone try even if they still have a long way to go. Plus I think it's relatable cause we all are human and make mistakes. We just brush off the dirt and try again.

joined Jul 26, 2016

...yeah, Bosslady is definitely in a job she enjoys. :P

joined Sep 27, 2017

This was a super fun chapter, and a nice turn around from the cliffhanger. Looking forward to the next one, and thanks for the translations!

...yeah, Bosslady is definitely in a job she enjoys. :P

Pretty sure she's lawful evil lmao

joined Oct 10, 2018

Amano Shuninta is just so good, and I'm loving the recent surge in pay for gay stories. They're hot and interesting, a great combo.

joined Jun 8, 2020

prostitution and wholesome? holy moly paltamoly, it is actually possible

joined Dec 16, 2020

I don't know how this author managed to make prostitution so cute and wholesome, love it.

joined Aug 4, 2018

"It'd be great if little hearts came out when you did good..."

Ain't that the truth. Life would be SO much easier if you could tell by something like that whether your partner is pleased...

joined Jul 6, 2020

Good job on the first client, I wonder how the next one is gonna be...

This series and Asumi-chan are really revolutionizing the pay for gay tag and I’m here for it

joined Aug 29, 2019

I don't know how this author managed to make prostitution so cute and wholesome, love it.

Well, effectively by showing us how it should be instead of how it often turns out to be. No abusive client, a person who started the business out of curiosity rather than financial duress or coercion, a boss with good intuition and intentions, whose dubious methods work out for comedy instead of failing horribly to cause misery...
I wonder if the next client will also go so smoothly.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Teacher is just reminding me of that morosexual meme, I think the original was on tumblr:

I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight.

this same idiot: what kind of animal is the pink panther

me, already taking off my clothes: benjamin you're so fucking stupid

One of my favorite incarnations of it is a diakko post:

joined Dec 4, 2017

leave it to Amano Shuninta to make a manga about prostitution so damn wholesome like, damn im getting emotional over here while these girls are fucking XD

last edited at Mar 11, 2021 9:12PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Love Amano Shuninta.

joined Oct 1, 2014

she gay

joined Aug 29, 2019

she gay

What gayve you that idea?

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