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joined Apr 30, 2020

The accidental scissoring is one thing but did landlady actually get off to just feeling Kozuka's feet move while dong sit ups?

I mean... That moan


joined Dec 13, 2018

I am yuri fortune-teller. I predict main character will need few chapters to confess her feelins. Confession will be treated as yet another great Service. Comedy of errors will last for another few chapters. Everything will be resolved with some good old nsfw handholding.


did you have the raws or was this just that by the numbers

joined Jun 25, 2017

They cute.

joined Sep 13, 2018

this is so cute i want moreeee

joined Jun 6, 2013

Good LORD this author is fucking amazing.

joined Sep 19, 2020

Unexpectedly wholesome.

So they will be having a normal , cute life and "services" made untill when the debt is gone. Landlady will be packing her stuff to move out still feeling guilt(?) or thinking "it was all an act" , untill "true" confession comes into play.

Not spoilers, just speculation. Biggest question is will it be the end of manga or just end of "arc 1".

joined May 26, 2011

((aggressive I love you forehead kisses))

joined Oct 1, 2020

"I'll give you something even more amazing."
Goddamn, she's gonna break out her Bionicle Collection.

joined Nov 24, 2017

These two are starting to irritate me with their uselessness.

joined Sep 11, 2020

This continues to be one of the cutest most innocent yuri, despite opening with a sex scene that's technically rape. It confounds me.

Also, this new girl entering the scene... Just throw more lesbians into the pile why don't we!

joined Aug 11, 2019

With Kozuka, the neighbout lady and now Freckle-chan, to me this story seems to be doing a sort of more realistic take on women realising their homosexual feelings. Neither "taking it in stride as any other normal thing in the world" nor "getting angsty and/or vehemently denial about these peculiar feelings for people of the same sex then angsty again about the emotional conflict", just (sort of) peacefully examine their newfound feelings, while still get self-conscious with the fact that liking someone of the same sex is straying from the usual social norm, thus such thoughts always induce a tiny little pressure from a corner of their minds, which slips out sometimes. Not too dramatic, yet still interesting. The wholesomeness is of course a big plus. I like it so much.

joined Jul 31, 2019

I'm wondering what the deal with that new character is, that's clearly not her last appearance but I'm unsure what the author has in store for her...

... or maybe it's not a new character at all? I had a vague suspicion while reading that this might be the delivery girl from the neighbours' story... although she doesn't look very similar now that I looked back to that chapter

last edited at Oct 4, 2020 5:10PM

joined Jan 22, 2017

New girl looks gloomy after some bad experience, so I kinda expected the same.

joined Aug 11, 2019

I'm wondering what the deal with that new character is, that's clearly not her last appearance but I'm unsure what the author has in store for her...

... or maybe it's not a new character at all? I had a vague suspicion while reading that this might be the delivery girl from the neighbours' story... although she doesn't look very similar now that I looked back to that chapter

I hope the author won't do it that way. It would make the story's universe too conveniently interconnected, thus smaller and feels forced.

joined Jul 23, 2018

Don't mistake me, but I want to see them having sex, both being willing, before the end of this damn manga. And it better be right after Miss Landlady realises Kozuka wasn't faking her confession. è_é

joined Sep 11, 2020

I'm wondering what the deal with that new character is, that's clearly not her last appearance but I'm unsure what the author has in store for her...

... or maybe it's not a new character at all? I had a vague suspicion while reading that this might be the delivery girl from the neighbours' story... although she doesn't look very similar now that I looked back to that chapter

I hope the author won't do it that way. It would make the story's universe too conveniently interconnected, thus smaller and feels forced.

I agree, but I don't think we'll have that issue here. I fear they're going to try going for a love triangle thing with the three of them, personally, which is always a plot device I find contrived and obnoxious.

joined Jan 14, 2020

You've already confessed! How can you be this useless!

joined Jun 6, 2013

Best birthday present. I love this freaking manga. More amazing? Oh snap.

last edited at Oct 4, 2020 7:24PM

joined Aug 21, 2020

So she just attracts that type does she?

joined Jan 23, 2017

Those earrings are incredible. I'd love some.

joined Jul 13, 2020

Well.. I'm starting to getting tired to the "service" thing. Miss landlady's getting too dense and Kozuka, c'mon girl! Just a little "i'm home" peck on the lips don't kill nobody! You had sex twice and you even confessed to her, stop the shyness. By the way, i gess that when Kozuka says: "I'll do something more amazing" miss landlady is thinking about rough sex and Kozuka is thinking about give her the earrings. lol

joined Nov 11, 2015

Well.. I'm starting to getting tired to the "service" thing. Miss landlady's getting too dense and Kozuka, c'mon girl! Just a little "i'm home" peck on the lips don't kill nobody! You had sex twice and you even confessed to her, stop the shyness. By the way, i gess that when Kozuka says: "I'll do something more amazing" miss landlady is thinking about rough sex and Kozuka is thinking about give her the earrings. lol

Try to be at her place, with her personality and situation. She's just embarassed...
I understand her a lot 'cause the sex was... idk how to put it, but i think that "situational" is similar. If she wake up saying "I want to have sex with landlady", i f@cking doubt she'll actually make it, the girl would explode kaslkasdsadksakd

A lot of ppl came saying how bored they was with how uhh "slow" the things were going? I mean, looking at their situation, it wouldn't be fast anyways... One is waay too embarassed and still trying to get used to uh bEiNg GaY and the other is incredibly pessimist and delusional, the couple of "We'll that do tomorrow" lmao

last edited at Oct 5, 2020 9:52AM

joined Aug 24, 2016

Ahhh yes, sweet ❤

Miss Landlady: Kozuka a que ahora sales por el pan

joined Oct 9, 2019

Stan yotsugaya for clear skin

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