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joined Aug 4, 2018

Yaay! More Neeko!

Haha, there was nothing "shameful" in her interview, she shouldn't be so embarrassed.

And Imoko wants to get married in the future? Hmm...

I wonder if there are countries in the world that allow a girl to marry her sister?

last edited at Sep 9, 2020 7:39PM

joined Jan 17, 2017

Neeko should become a Vtuber at this point tbh.

joined Apr 19, 2018

Well, we didn't have Olympics, so there's that

joined Jul 23, 2019

I wonder if there are countries in the world that allow a girl to marry her sister?

Shima from Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind also wants to know.

"I think we should destroy the darkness that is box gacha!"

Mai from Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind wants to have a word with Urei.

joined Feb 8, 2018

It's been almost 3 years since chapter 1 and I feel this is going nowhere for now. I'd be glad to be wrong, but in my eyes, everything that was happening in the past, carried almost nothing into further chapters.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

joined Feb 9, 2019

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

it's a bonus page we added, i'm not sure where it came from, but i will try to find out for you.

joined Jan 24, 2018

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

it's a bonus page we added, i'm not sure where it came from, but i will try to find out for you.

We don't deserve you runrin, you're too good for us. Bless you and your kindness

joined Aug 21, 2017

Fun chapter.

This manga is just a string of Neeko's humilations. And it looks like it's going to go on and on, until she somehow finds a job and joins the norm. Then it'll be over.

It's not fun at all.

Very little about this manga is genuinely funny, actually. Not for someone who suffers similarly, at least.
I hate that I relate so closely to her, it's painful.

Thanks for sharing SushiKnight. I'm similar and am 30. Only reason I'm not suicidal is because of a near-death experience book that I've read, and just like... people don't really know how to react to you wanting to die so... I dunno. I'm slowly going insane with loneliness. Not sure when enough will be enough.

So she got separated from her sister. No big deal. They were quickly reunited; nothing to worry over. And she was humiliated. In front of some random highschoolers and old friends from middle school that she almost never interacts with? Who cares? I'd argue that Neeko has four, maybe three, people that actually matter in her life: Her parents, Imoko, and maybe now Uri. And all of those people still love and support her, even knowing the things she was "humiliated" over in the first place.

I agree. It's natural to feel like shit when you mess up, the trick is to forgive yourself. "Yah I made a mistake. What, am I the devil just cause I sometimes fuck up? No big deal."

IMO part of the reason why this manga manages to be both painful and grueling is because that's basically what having depression is like. It's so repetitive, and it feels like shit all the time. Just constant self-hate.

IDK if this is helpful "advice", but I like to go outside every time my head is messy. I stare at the plants until I feel better. Really just take a fat moment to look at them. I've also heard of really paying attention to the smell, taste, feel, etc. of an orange. Same idea I guess. Instead of dreading the future or shitting yourself up over the past, just really pay attention to right now. I think it helps a little.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

it's a bonus page we added, i'm not sure where it came from, but i will try to find out for you.

We don't deserve you runrin, you're too good for us. Bless you and your kindness


joined Apr 25, 2020

I wonder if there are countries in the world that allow a girl to marry her sister?

I was about to say "sorry to everyone who isn't like me, but maaan, I just want Neeko x Imoko to happen. Just a little kiss please". It's really nice to see someone else thinks the same :')

joined Feb 9, 2019

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

it's a bonus page we added, i'm not sure where it came from, but i will try to find out for you.

ok... the colored page is actually development/promotional art from before neeko was serialized. that's where a lot of the bonus, colored ecchi pages come from that we include from time to time. in this case, the page was nearly the same, so we chose to put it in the chapter.

joined Jul 15, 2016

It's been almost 3 years since chapter 1 and I feel this is going nowhere for now. I'd be glad to be wrong, but in my eyes, everything that was happening in the past, carried almost nothing into further chapters.

The high concept of this manga is basically "let's point fingers at Neeko's mental problems and laugh", so of course there is no development -- if she made any progress, the story would be over.

No disrespect to the translator's work, but I must admit, I read these chapters on fast-forward by now. And the only reason I still do is a vague hope that when the series eventually gets axed, the author will be gracious enough to give Neeko some kind of healthy resolution.

last edited at Sep 10, 2020 3:55AM

joined May 25, 2014

I read this series as being about how self-defeating major depression is, packaged with boobs, because those sell better than pure depression.

You see how much Neeko's family loves her, they never want to hurt her, and they wants her to do well. But you can see how they feel helpless, knowing that they can't just fix her because mental health is complicated, even though the solutions are obvious (just do the things you should be doing). They are willing to go to bat for her often, even though it's thankless.

joined Nov 14, 2013

Neeko has also exhibited development through the series as well - in this latest chapter she still went around to interview people with Urei and Imouko without being tricked into it, which is something she never would have done at the start of the manga, plus the video editing skills she picked up are starting to pay some dividends and she's both able to speak frankly about her worries with Urei as well as get snarky about her mother's efforts in front of others.

The development is slow no question, but that's honestly true to life for someone in Neeko's situation.

joined Jun 4, 2018

I really hope when this ends she gets some real help. Her mom meddles in ways that hinder her more than help, her father looks the other way, clearly caring about her but unable to actually do anything for her, and her sister time after time "inadvertently" finding ways to either humiliate her or make her feel genuinely uncomfortable. (I'm using the largest of possible air quotes here, I'm genuinely starting to think she enjoys messing with Neeko)

I have no doubt in my mind that her family loves her, I just wish they'd realize maybe she needs some actual help, with people trained to deal with these things. I get mental health issues is like a huge taboo in Japan, but it's really hard to read. Each time I read a new chapter I have this vain hope that it's going to end with her in a place better than she was before, and it always ends up worse or on the same line.

joined Jan 24, 2018

Ok I'll bite and ask: what's with this color page that shows the same scene as page 1 only it's winter instead of summer and everyone is in winter clothes? It doesn't look like a flashback...

it's a bonus page we added, i'm not sure where it came from, but i will try to find out for you.

ok... the colored page is actually development/promotional art from before neeko was serialized. that's where a lot of the bonus, colored ecchi pages come from that we include from time to time. in this case, the page was nearly the same, so we chose to put it in the chapter.

That's some extremely bonus content! How does one even acquire such treasure?

joined Jan 24, 2018

I really hope when this ends she gets some real help. Her mom meddles in ways that hinder her more than help, her father looks the other way, clearly caring about her but unable to actually do anything for her, and her sister time after time "inadvertently" finding ways to either humiliate her or make her feel genuinely uncomfortable. (I'm using the largest of possible air quotes here, I'm genuinely starting to think she enjoys messing with Neeko)

I have no doubt in my mind that her family loves her, I just wish they'd realize maybe she needs some actual help, with people trained to deal with these things. I get mental health issues is like a huge taboo in Japan, but it's really hard to read. Each time I read a new chapter I have this vain hope that it's going to end with her in a place better than she was before, and it always ends up worse or on the same line.

I think she is the only one who can help herself, bit by bit, building self confidence and just putting herself out there in scenarios out of her little safe space, I'm sure she'll find her way. It seems a bit extreme how her family treats her, but wrapping her in cotton and babying her won't help her at all, they are all she has and she's a good person for trying for their sake as well, that's how it is with family. Ganbare Neeko!

joined Jul 13, 2015

She don`t need marry if she her own sister

joined Feb 9, 2019

I read this series as being about how self-defeating major depression is, packaged with boobs, because those sell better than pure depression.

You see how much Neeko's family loves her, they never want to hurt her, and they wants her to do well. But you can see how they feel helpless, knowing that they can't just fix her because mental health is complicated, even though the solutions are obvious (just do the things you should be doing). They are willing to go to bat for her often, even though it's thankless.

this is exactly how i feel about this comic.

you can tell if people were drawn in by the ecchi or the plot in the comments. they either share heartfelt, personal experiences with depression, or say "LoL JuST Be A cAM wHOrE And GEt RiCH! Don'T You KNoW LiFe iS SuPEr EaSY foR HoT GiRLs?! AnD YOu WoN't Be DEprEssEd If YoU HaVe MoNEy!!"

mental health issues suck. i've been on both sides of it:

  • it sucks for the depressed person knowing that your family is upset because they can't help you. you feel like you are disappointing them, even though you are trying your best.

  • it sucks for the family, helplessly watching their loved one become a shell of who they once were, no matter how hard you try to help them.

neeko's parents are super believable. her dad willing to give her anything she wants hoping that it will make her even a little happy. her mom trying to give her tough love, hoping she will land on her feet if she takes the plunge.

what neeko really needs are some doctors...

joined Feb 9, 2019

[27] finally a positive experience for neeko. she really needed it.

joined May 24, 2014

The nononono but yesyesyesyes cycle continues

joined Apr 20, 2013

That was really nice, yeah it's not the end of the world to talk with people! is just your mind playing tricks on you before you even get the chance!
So ... That doujin, we don't get to know the content? XP

At MD, because we were used to suffering, I went ahead and saw a few comments before reading, It seemed positive and apparently there was gonna be a cosplay of Shimakaze! I got excited and started reading... Poor old me thinking that it was going to be Neeko xD

last edited at Nov 18, 2020 9:41PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

neeko used up all her spoons...

last edited at Nov 18, 2020 9:24PM

joined Sep 13, 2018

the doujins seems like young neeko and one of her firends somehow.
Or maybe its because the author makes the faces too similar to each other , sometimes i dont know wich is neeko an wich is her friend like in this comiket chapter in certain panels.

I still dont know if her firend is in love with neeko or she is just the best friend ever going out of her way to even talk with neeko's mother about helping her.

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