I'm certainly no expert on the subject, but is it really that immoral in this context? The issue with stauatory rape is that the person can't consent, but if the two people involved are already a couple isn't consent assumed to a certain degree?
I'm not saying all examples of statutory rape are made okay if the two participants are already a couple. Definitely not. If Ookuma did sexual acts on Kanda while Kanda was unconscious or the like, that would definately NOT be okay. But in this case Kanda was under the influence of alcohol, but otherwise actively persuing sex with her girlfriend, something she'd be happy to do without the influence anyway
I just think it's a bit harsh to call this rape, when I imagine there's a lot of couples in the world who've had sex while one of them wasn't in the right state of mind, and were perfectly okay with it afterwards.
ookuma ask to go to the love hotel to make things (and She top too) have you even read the manga?
I hate the "drunk after one beer" trope, because no one gets like that after one beer, but hey ho.
You can't be serious. I've known several people who get drunk that easily, including my first college roommate.
Aaaand it’s an excuse to behave badly as they can later blame it on the booze. It’s all psychosomatic, so pass the placebo!
No, it's not--some people can't metabolize alcohol properly and can get shit-faced, lost-memory drunk on a drink or two. I've known at least three people like that--one who could nurse a beer for hours and be mostly OK except for some slurred speech.
^ I used to get drunk after just 2 or 3 drinks so I totally belive some people can get drunk off 1 big drink like that-
especially since she downed it in 1. And its not like she was totally legless- she was obviously functional still.