Looking East posted:
You are confusing and misusing your terms. Pedophilia is not the same thing as child rape. Pedophilia is simply the attraction to prepubescent children which although certainly a bit creepy and odd is completely victim-less and thus is not immoral.
I disagree, because pedophiles don't exist in a vacuum. Those who don't actually do anything to children (your definition with prepubescent is too restrictive anyway: a 14 year old is pubescent but is still a child, so it's still pedophilia) tend to procure material related to their attraction.
To compare with your analogy, other people with more mainstream attractions (women or men as sexual interest), if they can't act it, tend to procure porn.
Even if porn isn't illegal, it is often harmful to women. Not always, but often enough. Men looking at porn of real people contribute to the suffering of many women in the world.
A pedophile, even if they never touch a real life child, by procuring material with actual children in it, contributes to the misery of many children in the world. That's why possession of CP material is a crime. You can't say it's "victim-less" and not immoral.
Manga/Comics/Anime is a grey area because it involves drawings and no actual people, so it's between a person and their conscience.