Ok, so I have no intentions of going back and rereading previous chapters, but senpai was being a total bitch before, right? Like, I'm not just misremembering am I? And now she totally wants to get back together with Liz? Is this more screwing with her or has her character changed drastically as a result of their hookup?
The simplest explanation is usually the best. Imho, sempai is an example of that super classic, super typical trope: the lesbian who decided to turn straight after graduating from high school (because she didn't know better, and thought it was the "adult" thing to do) and only realized she was making a huge mistake many years later. We've seen in a flashback that sempai dumped Liz after telling her they both should find boyfriends in college, and then moved out of Japan (to America or something). The way I see it, she must have discovered in the West that there's nothing wrong with being a gay woman and having a female lover... and this led her to realize that she still wants Liz.
But, really, she's being a bit heavy-handed about it. She should start by offering explanations and apologies, instead of acting as if she had never done anything wrong.
(Btw, the reason this trope is so common is that it's a gigantic case of truth in fiction, y'know.)
y i k e s , what is with the hostility towards momono. damn
Tsunderes, tsunderes everywhere. (´∀`) They love this stuff, they lap it up, they don't miss one chapter, then they come here and talk about how they hate it so much. Jeanne was right about how the ol' closet is getting really overcrowded these days... ¯⧹_(ツ)_⧸¯