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joined May 11, 2016

Hmm... We just got a bit of Ayako's past...
Seems like a good time to have 3 or so flashback chapters. Each with at least two subchapters. Each with an alpha and beta part.

Mhm. Don't forget a few holiday one shots/specials sprinkled in!

Boy I can't wait till June 2021 to get back to the main story.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Hmm... We just got a bit of Ayako's past...
Seems like a good time to have 3 or so flashback chapters. Each with at least two subchapters. Each with an alpha and beta part.

Mhm. Don't forget a few holiday one shots/specials sprinkled in!

Boy I can't wait till June 2021 to get back to the main story.

Honestly, i'm thankful. Taiyaki is updating as much as they can. And it is worth the wait! This storyline is everything. What I am a little impatient about is, hopefully getting an English physical copy of this manga!

joined Jun 25, 2017

Ohh ok, wasn't expecting this. I don't know I'm kind of scared, was it a good idea to introduce this kind of trope ? Because it truly feels like it's coming from nowhere. I mean until now, nothing made it seem like Ayako has this kind of childhood or was mentally affected through her life (maybe that's how she dealt with the trauma, like nothing happened or maybe she got some help). Well, I'll trust Taiyaki and see how the story's going to evolve.

I don't understand why Asuka pulled off when Ayako deepened the kiss, I didn't expect her to react like this.

I feel like it finally answers a lot of questions actually. Like her expression less face, and her confusion with actually feeling something with Asuka, and just feeling something in general.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Oh these two women are so messed up psychologically. They are perfect for each other.

Fuck...someone eventually did get the 'BAD TOUCH'.. I just always thought it was gonna be Asuka not Ayako.

Jesus Christ & Kami-sama... all my fucking tears.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 2:00AM

joined Mar 27, 2019

Even though this was only few pages, it took me good half hour to read because my heart couldn't take the stress. I had to take breaks in between pages to calm my heart.
I'm sadden Ayako had such traumatic childhood. It would explain why she acts in a cool state.
However, this makes me think she never loved her husband. She might've been with him because he was convenient since he was pushy but she never felt the way like she does for Asuka, hence her confusion but also the fact that she said she doesn't really understand her own feelings. Yes, she is jealous and possessive but who doesn't when they're in love? She doesn't know how to control it because it is new feelings. If you look back on every time she talks or think back about her husband, she doesn't seem heartbroken of a loved one gone. More like loneliness since she found someone of comfort? Just my assumptions..

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 2:29AM

joined Feb 6, 2014

Moms sometimes in heat...

joined Mar 27, 2019

Ohh ok, wasn't expecting this. I don't know I'm kind of scared, was it a good idea to introduce this kind of trope ? Because it truly feels like it's coming from nowhere. I mean until now, nothing made it seem like Ayako has this kind of childhood or was mentally affected through her life (maybe that's how she dealt with the trauma, like nothing happened or maybe she got some help). Well, I'll trust Taiyaki and see how the story's going to evolve.

I don't understand why Asuka pulled off when Ayako deepened the kiss, I didn't expect her to react like this.

I feel like it finally answers a lot of questions actually. Like her expression less face, and her confusion with actually feeling something with Asuka, and just feeling something in general.

I think it's those situations where you're so deeply in love with someone that you are happy with what you get. Asuka gets kisses now and again to satisfy herself, fully understanding that her mother doesn't love her the same way (BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT SHE DOES) so she is used to getting small affections. It doesn't feel right when the other person is trying to advance, like it feels half hearted or one sided.

joined Mar 23, 2019

Ohh ok, wasn't expecting this. I don't know I'm kind of scared, was it a good idea to introduce this kind of trope ? Because it truly feels like it's coming from nowhere. I mean until now, nothing made it seem like Ayako has this kind of childhood or was mentally affected through her life (maybe that's how she dealt with the trauma, like nothing happened or maybe she got some help). Well, I'll trust Taiyaki and see how the story's going to evolve.

I don't understand why Asuka pulled off when Ayako deepened the kiss, I didn't expect her to react like this.

I feel like it finally answers a lot of questions actually. Like her expression less face, and her confusion with actually feeling something with Asuka, and just feeling something in general.

I think it's those situations where you're so deeply in love with someone that you are happy with what you get. Asuka gets kisses now and again to satisfy herself, fully understanding that her mother doesn't love her the same way (BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT SHE DOES) so she is used to getting small affections. It doesn't feel right when the other person is trying to advance, like it feels half hearted or one sided.

I also kinda felt that when Asuka pushed her mom a few inches back she was peering into the eyes of someone completely new. Like this isn't just my mom but this is someone else entirely (that inner raging lesbian Ayako had carefully tucked away).

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 2:31AM

joined Apr 5, 2018

I think this chapter helps answer why Ayako would go so far as to appease Asuka earlier as she was afraid of losing Asuka, the person she has the closest emotional connection with.

I don't understand why Asuka pulled off when Ayako deepened the kiss, I didn't expect her to react like this.

I assumed that she was able to sense that something was off with how see was acting and her behavior as you can generally get a sense of when people start acting out of character, that and the fact she took the lead.

joined Feb 14, 2019

I'll agree childhood abuse is one possible interpretation, but like the first foreshadowing flashbacks of Miyuki the images where ambiguous and lacking context. The only definite context we have is Ayako thinking about not understanding her own emotions. Also Ayako's anxiety seems to be manifesting as possessiveness not protectiveness.

Some people have mentioned alexithymia ( there's your word for the day) associated with autism spectrum, and that could also be part of it (and Asuka too, large genetic component), but there is also another major factor in play.

If I'm remembering correctly, Ayako's parents are dead and and we don't know how it happened or how young she was (before she got married afaics, thus teen or younger)... plenty of scope for sadness, loneliness, pain and fear there (and emotional disassociation).

joined Dec 20, 2018

Looks like jealousy finally made mom make a move as well.

joined Feb 14, 2019

btw my current leading theory on why Akira (and Ayako to some extent) seem to have some guilty secret about Atsushi's death (incidentally, his death is yet another event Ayako could be flashing back to in the context of emotions):
Ayako didn't really love him, Akira knew it, and out of jealousy may even have taunted him about it just before his death. Akira is closer in age to Ayako than Atsushi was - she may even have met her first, and felt resentment that he "won"

Spoiler format just because other's speculative theories can be annoying, tho I like to think this one is more grounded than most.

joined Oct 30, 2018

I really thought chapter 15 would just be a light angst, maybe some rising jealousy, maybe some sort revelation from Ayako about their situation but goddamn Taiyaki just dropped the bomb with that kiss with tongue action.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 6:32AM

joined Feb 14, 2019

I assumed that she was able to sense that something was off with how see was acting and her behavior as you can generally get a sense of when people start acting out of character, that and the fact she took the lead.

Asuka's recent character arc has been about her determination to be more mature and considerate of other people's situations, stopping to "check in" when her mother starts acting unusually fits with that.

joined Dec 9, 2019

Ayako's pov is damn delicious (I as an observer/reader, of course). But reading her words as if they were my own, trying to own her jealousy, I felt sick. I mean I don't think I can handle that kind of emotion. I mean, those questions in her mind they'd probably drive me nuts.
Dang it, Taiyaki. You're a gifted writer.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 7:27AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

ninehell posted:

I really thought chapter 15 would just be a light angst, maybe some rising jealousy, maybe some sort revelation from Ayako about their situation but goddamn Taiyaki just dropped the bomb with that kiss with tongue action.

I feel like some readers have totally different interpretations of what was "the bomb" this time, in my case I couldn't enjoy that kiss at all and it feels like it's being driven by the wrong emotions... I just want to be wrong so bad

joined Jun 25, 2019

There is still some shadow part. It's not the first time Ayako said "This girl is my" without finishing the sentence.She already said it in Ch.7 so that make me wonder that she want to said, i believe it's just "Daughter" but we can't really be sure.

btw my current leading theory on why Akira (and Ayako to some extent) seem to have some guilty secret about Atsushi's death

I was skeptical at first but rereading some chapters tend to abound in your sense.Here and here seem to imply that Akira may have something to do with her brother death, at least to some extent and Ayako know about it.

I put over the theory Asuka wasn't Atsushi's daughter because Ayako said she look like her father so it's kinda a given he is really her father. But the next page put me in doubt, what does Ayako mean with her sentence ?

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 8:21AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

I put over the theory Asuka wasn't Atsushi's daughter because Ayako said she look like her father so it's kinda a given he is really her father. But the next page put me in doubt, what does Ayako mean with her sentence ?

I always read it as her thinking that Atsushi was only 2 years older than Asuka is now when he proposed, but I'm often wrong about many things.

akira abused asuka

joined Aug 4, 2018

There is still some shadow part. It's not the first time Ayako said "This girl is my" without finishing the sentence.She already said it in Ch.7 so that make me wonder that she want to said, i believe it's just "Daughter" but we can't really be sure.

In Japanese, the meaning is a little different, I think.
In English, the way it sounds, it seems that the unsaid word after "my" is, like, really important. In Japanese, it's not. You say somebody is "watashi no..." and everyone gets that you are saying: "That person is mine!" No point in asking "Your what?" -- the meaningful point is the claiming of that person as one who belongs to you.

last edited at Dec 16, 2019 2:43PM

joined Mar 8, 2019

Dang... I feel like this is gonna push them apart. But I’m glad that Asuka is maturing. It seems Ayako is gonna need her to be understanding in order for their relationship to deepen and progress.

joined Jan 24, 2018

incest intensifies

joined Apr 23, 2019

Wrong emotion ? Who cares !
As long as there is some action.
Any reason to bond with others is good, even more when it's incest between ultra sexy girls. love is irrational, but only love matters so to hell with reasons and social regulations.

joined Jun 25, 2017

"That girl is my..."




Soul mate?

What is she Ayako?

"SHOW YOURSELF!!" (Elsa from frozen)

We are ready!!!

joined Jun 25, 2017

Dang... I feel like this is gonna push them apart. But I’m glad that Asuka is maturing. It seems Ayako is gonna need her to be understanding in order for their relationship to deepen and progress.

I was a little confused on why Asuka would not want Ayako to keep going. It's what she's always daydreamed about... But at the same time, I understand Asuka loves Ayako truly and probably knows something is wrong? And would prefer them going further when Ayako is okay?? I don't know what's going to happen, I just hope it's Ayako/Asuka endgame.

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