I think it's like that for a lot of people. Men are seen as inherently more perverse/dangerous than women... and really that's not so much the case.
Perverse? Perhaps not more perverse. More dangerous?
Well, we don't exactly see a lot of female mass killers or husband beaters in comparison to the reverse now do we lmao.
It’s not that men are inherently dangerous, it’s what society turns them into by propagating those messages and expecting them to be manly. Things considered “manly”: violence, dominance, sexual prowess. Faced with resistance (talking back, demanding a divorce, etc)? Not getting any sex from your wife or anyone else? Uh-oh, your manliness is in danger! Quick, restore it with violence and just force the sex you’re not getting voluntarily! Success, manliness restored!
Stop expecting men to be “manly” and propagating that they are dangerous.
Ahem, sorry, got triggered a bit there. Great articles nonetheless, a recommended read for any gender.
Also starting to get a bit off-topic.