When it start off with Tae and Jimiko it was nice then Tanako comeand i was like ok then Tanako decide she also want a relation likeTae/Jiniko and she found Rise and i thought that we will have Tanako/Rise falling for each other since Tanako already said she want to date and become lover but nop Rise become a dumb bitch and start that whole shitshow the current arc is. Here is what started it all and it's why i hate hentai logic. "I could ask this question to Tanako and not have sex with you to found out but i will not do the first and totally the second because we need to fuck"
You can say that most hentai have dumb logic but most hentai are OS so it doesn't really matter, here we dealing with dumb logic for 6/7 chapters and it's starting to show its limits.