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joined Mar 27, 2019

But Ayako has less experience with girls than Asuka? Since the later at least went about... half the way? And I'm positive that Ayako let Asuka lead anyway (at least for their first few times) so she could be absolutely sure that she is not forcing Asuka to do something she doesn't want to.

Don't forget the hint that Akira (the horndog sister-in-law) made moves on Ayako in the past--how far she got is unknown at this time.

I think Akira adores Ayako and loves her in a sense. Ayako just brushes it off and doesn't take it seriously. I'm sure Ayako was only loyal to her husband and he was her first and only lover so she never cared to look at anyone else (until her special daughter confessed)

joined Sep 9, 2017

And for Akira... the woman saying stuff like here doesn't look like someone who could have a casual intimacy with the person she is referring to in that line.

Except for this:

That was going to be just a completely innocent kiss I'm absolutely sure!
Seriously though I think Akira just slipped that one time. Like Asuka in the end of chapter 5.

joined Mar 27, 2019

I'm not sure who hasn't saw (heard) of this but you're welcome. I'm really happy of the voice actresses, it's exactly how I imagined their voices to be.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Remember, Asuka had finally confessed, and Ayako had accepted her feelings (more or less) and agreed to have romantic kisses and share a bed with Asuka. Things were looking good... and then, at the very last page of a chapter, Akira appeared for the first time: she was at the airport, freshly arrived to the city, and was calling Ayako to say: 'Hey, darling, I'm back in town. I'm going to your place. I'll be staying with you. I love you.'

Nope, that was actually Akira staying at their house which caused them to share a bed again which led to "a talk" between them which led to their kissing agreement. So Akira propelled their relationship rather than delaying them.

You know you aren't refuting anything, right? The OP could have said: "Asuka had finally confessed, things were looking good... and then, at the very last page of a chapter, Akira appeared for the first time: she was at the airport, blah blah..." and it wouldn't have changed a thing to the point.

And as for Akira propelling their relationship, well duh: that's what every ex-who-returns ends up doing in every romantic manga ever. No matter what her plans are, her actions always end up making the main couple stronger. Even if, like Akira, they don't wish for such a development.

That's how the "ex who returns" always appears for the first time. Always when things are going well for the MC couple. Always a dramatic appearance in the last page of a chapter, where she reveals she's back to rekindle the old affair. It's like a law of manga or something, hehe.

This manga showed quite a few times already that it's not following usual tropes. Or rather I think Taiyki enjoying trolling readers with promises of such tropes only to gloriously avert them.

Gross generalization, very inaccurate. This manga follows tropes or not, according to whatever the author decides it's best for the story. I can give you a list of tropes from TVtropes that can be found here, if you want.

Ayako said that Akira can LOOK at her in such a way, not FUCK her because she is used to this.

This is only your speculation, don't present it as fact.
Akira said she wanted oyakodon, that is, fuck Ayako and Asuka together. Ayako said "Don't ever look at Asuka in that way." Then, in a 3d panel, she added: "I don't really mind if it's me, though." What is she referring to, the "look" from 1 panel before or the "fuck" from 2 panels before? I always assumed she was talking about fucking, and, from the previous comments, it seems I wasn't the only one who read the scene that way. Frankly, it had never occurred to me, until I saw your message, that she could be talking about looking... but I'll give you that such a reading works, too (even if it appears like a silly thing for Ayako to say).

I don't think Ayako is a kind of woman to just casually have sex with her friend/sister-in-love. If she had that kind of relationship with Akira she would treat it seriously.

I see them very well comforting each other after their loss. For Akira, it would mean a lot; for Ayako, it would be just a healing thing: two girls who have been hurt healing each other through the physical expression of love. Eventually Ayako would decide to stop, and Akira would have to agree. Akira, aamof, doesn't want to go serious with Ayako, for reasons of vague guilt that are not clear yet, but she obviously has no problem with a casual tryst.

And for Akira... the woman saying stuff like here

Yes, that's exactly what I was taking about: vague guilt the details of which escape us still. Akira being Akira, that doesn't stop her from trying to steal kisses from Ayako or making sexual propositions. This is canon. And think about this: it's also a reality that Ayako understands lesbian attraction and accepts it as normal, whether she's the one feeling it ot it's someone else feeling it for her. Looking at her interactions with Akira, isn't it natural to assume she was taught by her?

joined Sep 9, 2017

A very interesting perspective that's for sure. I'm for one never would've guessed that someone could interpret Akira/Ayako relationship like that.

Akira said she wanted oyakodon, that is, fuck Ayako and Asuka together. Ayako said "Don't ever look at Asuka in that way." Then, in a 3d panel, she added: "I don't really mind if it's me, though." What is she referring to, the "look" from 1 panel before or the "fuck" from 2 panels before?

But If Ayako and Akira already used to be in casual sexual relationship wasn’t mentioning that Ayako was okay with it completely excessive? And also why Akira so surprised by that line then?

I can give you a list of tropes from TVtropes that can be found here, if you want.

Please do. I'm genuinely interested in knowing.

last edited at Oct 12, 2019 12:06AM

joined Oct 12, 2019

I think this is Taiyaki trolling us again. Miyuki didn't kiss Asuka here, just pretended to do so to incite jealousy in Ayako lol.

joined Apr 6, 2019

Tropes: quick list of the most conspicuous ones. This is just off the top of my hat; an exhaustive search will certainly reveal lots more.

Parental Incest of course
Incest Yay Shipping both readers & some of the cast cheer for Asuka
Childhood Friends Asuka, Rui, Jun
Patient Childhood Love Interest Jun
Dude, She's a Lesbian Jun finds this out, eventually
Lipstick Lesbian A few of the girls (even Akira at times; other times she's chapstick)
Age-Gap Romance Ayako and Asuka's dad
Strong Family Resemblance Asuka looks like her dad
Parental Substitute Akira to Asuka, for a while
Has Two Mommies consequence of the above
Clingy Jealous Girl Asuka as a child (and, in many ways, as a teen too)
Even the Girls Want Her Akira, female Casanova
Ladykiller in Love Akira
Jerk with a Heart of Gold Akira
Girl-on-Girl Is Hot every yuri scene
Not What It Looks Like Ayako sees Asuka doing stuff - and misunderstands
Cool Big Sis Miyuki
Schoolgirl Lesbians Miyuki x Asuka
Lipstick Mark actually a hickey, but same thing
Your Cheating Heart Miyuki, in Asuka's eyes, after seeing the hickey

last edited at Oct 12, 2019 2:26AM

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

I think this is Taiyaki trolling us again. Miyuki didn't kiss Asuka here, just pretended to do so to incite jealousy in Ayako lol.

It's kind of her to try and help Asuka
I wonder if she has a secret taboo love story too, with her sis from the pic

joined Sep 9, 2017

Tropes: quick list of the most conspicuous ones. This is just off the top of my hat; an exhaustive search will certainly reveal lots more.

Parental Incest of course
Incest Yay Shipping both readers & some of the cast cheer for Asuka
Childhood Friends Asuka, Rui, Jun
Patient Childhood Love Interest Jun
Dude, She's a Lesbian Jun finds this out, eventually
Lipstick Lesbian A few of the girls (even Akira at times; other times she's chapstick)
Age-Gap Romance Ayako and Asuka's dad
Strong Family Resemblance Asuka looks like her dad
Parental Substitute Akira to Asuka, for a while
Has Two Mommies consequence of the above
Clingy Jealous Girl Asuka as a child (and, in many ways, as a teen too)
Even the Girls Want Her Akira, female Casanova
Ladykiller in Love Akira
Jerk with a Heart of Gold Akira
Girl-on-Girl Is Hot every yuri scene
Not What It Looks Like Ayako sees Asuka doing stuff - and misunderstands
Cool Big Sis Miyuki
Schoolgirl Lesbians Miyuki x Asuka
Lipstick Mark actually a hickey, but same thing
Your Cheating Heart Miyuki, in Asuka's eyes, after seeing the hickey

Wow, you are right! That certainly was informative, thank you!

But now that I think about your interpretation of that Akira and Ayako dialogue it makes even less sense: Asuka recently confessed, Ayako see that she is pretty serious, decided not to reject her and even try to "satisfy" her with kisses, now Akira just reappeared and Ayako telling her - "I'm fine with having sex with you"?

joined Dec 10, 2017

When did Akira say she wanted to join Ayako and Asuka? I genuinely don’t remember this. What chapter?

joined Aug 4, 2018

When did Akira say she wanted to join Ayako and Asuka? I genuinely don’t remember this. What chapter?

Chapter 8.

At the end of chapter 7, Akira caught Asuka and Ayako doing naughty things in bed at night. In chapter 8, she confronts Ayako about it. In page 11, panel 3, she says: "Let me join in next time. I've always wanted to try out a mother-daughter threesome at some point. ♡ "

joined Jun 22, 2018

I always interpreted Akira as being into Ayako, but never actually having done anything with it and that her sexual comments is humour more than anything, or at least something Ayako just tolerates. I certainly could say what she does to close friends without there being any explicit meaning to it, so I'm surprised how seemingly "canon" them having a past relationship is. When she says she'll never be worthy of loving her, wouldn't a past relationship mean she'd say "I wasn't worthy" or refer to anything that went wrong? I feel it's a lot more of an unrequited love thing than that of an ex.

Considering how Ayako's romantic interactions with Asuka's made her think of her late husband and not Akira would suggest to me at least that it's the only romantic partner she's had. Otherwise a same-sex relationship surely would make her think of her time with Akira?

Also, when she says "I don't mind if it's me though", I'm pretty sure she refers to letting Asuka be romantic with her? Since Akira said it's pretty cold of her, as in, allowing a one-sided romantic relationship. There's absolutely no way she'd say she'd be fine with Akira fucking her, that just doesn't fit the situation here or what she's said previously.

joined Oct 15, 2014

There's a ch13-6+a now. Taiyaki's drip feeding this one a page at a time, so we'll translate it once it's complete.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Forget 14, we'll never make it to 13.7 at this rate... :D

joined Jun 27, 2017

Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 13.1 +α
Chapter 13.3
Chapter 13.4
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 13.55
Chapter 13.6
Chapter 13.6 (Second Half)
(Chapter 13.6 +α)

... this is more hilarious than I thought it'd be.

joined Oct 15, 2014

To be fair, it's pretty smart that they named all the flashback characters this way, as opposed to just sticking with the regular numbering. It's not like other online series like All of Humanity where it's clearly a single chapter split into multiple parts (most of the time).

joined Jun 25, 2019

To be fair, it's pretty smart that they named all the flashback characters this way, as opposed to just sticking with the regular numbering. It's not like other online series like All of Humanity where it's clearly a single chapter split into multiple parts (most of the time).

Speaking of which, it's been some time since All of Humanity had a chapter. Is it on hiatus ?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Speaking of which, it's been some time since All of Humanity had a chapter. Is it on hiatus ?

New update (finally) landed today. Just a case of getting a typesetter since the usual anon is afk this month.

joined Jun 25, 2017

There's a ch13-6+a now. Taiyaki's drip feeding this one a page at a time, so we'll translate it once it's complete.


joined Jun 5, 2016

Lipstick Lesbian A few of the girls (even Akira at times; other times she's chapstick)

I was today years old when I learned I am actually a "Chaptstick Lesbian"...

Yes I know this has nothing to do with this topic but I couldn't help it, didn't think I'd have much more to learn, lol...

last edited at Oct 12, 2019 4:57PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

Lipstick Lesbian A few of the girls (even Akira at times; other times she's chapstick)

I was today years old when I learned I am actually a "Chaptstick Lesbian"...

Yes I know this has nothing to do with this topic but I couldn't help it, didn't think I'd have much more to learn, lol...

Hehe, don't feel bad, I had to search for a definition as well.
Looks like it means "somewhere between masc/butch and lipstick/femme" — which comes pretty handy to describe a lot of people! (like Akira)

joined Jun 5, 2016

Hehe, don't feel bad, I had to search for a definition as well.
Looks like it means "somewhere between masc/butch and lipstick/femme" — which comes pretty handy to describe a lot of people! (like Akira)

^And me. lol I don't do makeup at all--seriously how do people even do eyeliner without blinding themselves, let alone get symmetrical"wings"??-- but I'm all about chapstick, flannel shirts, boots and baseball caps.

But I digress. I thought it was pretty obvious that Akira at least tried to make a move on Ayako. To me it seemed like that when she did it was probably after her brother passed and she made a huge faux pas. Hence the "I'd never earn the right to be by her side in my lifetime" remark she made

joined Oct 23, 2018


joined Oct 9, 2019

Senpai:"Did I surprise u?"
asuka:*surprised pikachu* " N O "

joined May 8, 2017

^ more like
Senpai: "Did I surprise u?"
Asuka: "No"
Mom suddenly appears out of nowhere
Asuka: surprised pikachu face

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