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joined Mar 27, 2019

You poor fools are deluding yourselves into thinking that the flashbacks are over. They are never over! Get ready for 'Revenge of the Flashback!' now playing at a theater near you.

It’s never good to rob people of joy—**this** flashback is over for 11 whole pages, minimum.

Give us time to finish the champagne, at least.

we all know that the only reason the author made this flashback is to prepare us for the 30 chapter flashback she has in store for us readers

I agree and It will be about Ayako's husband

joined Mar 27, 2019

Damn I missed Ayako so much. I'm not pissed about what senpai did, Ayako will finally know what jealousy feels like. She's too nonchalant to realize anything herself hence why she was struggling on what she was feeling when she heard Asuka had experiences.

I totally called that siscest though. I wonder if senpai made advances on her little sister and the parents found out hence why she is living by herself and she changed her number and hasn't seen her in years

last edited at Oct 11, 2019 2:40AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

I totally called that siscest though. I wonder if senpai made advances on her little sister and the parents found out hence why she is living by herself and she changed her number and hasn't seen her in years

Just how young were they when it happened then? Senpai can't be more than a couple years older than Asuka in the flashback, who was what, 14? so did the senpai advance on her younger sister when she was around 12? Seems way too young to throw your kid out regardless of what she does

joined Nov 13, 2018

I saw that kiss coming from a whole universe away, it was so obvious that it was going to happen. The "side character kisses x character in front of it's romantic interest" cliché is too strong.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Double sided mothercon? I lost all hope in logic of this manga.

joined Oct 23, 2018


joined Feb 2, 2013

I'm not sure what ship to be riding in anymore

joined Oct 23, 2018

So the senpai helped the momcon out because she is a siscon herself? Incest is really popping these days in fictional media.

president: yeah i havent seen my sister in a few years i kinda miss her
everyone on this godforsaken forum: oh my god she wants to fuck her sister

joined Jun 25, 2019

but a sis-con is also nice. let's hope for a happy ending for both sisters.

Given her attitude, i can already told you there is already a bad ending. She said that she didn't see her sister from a long time. We know her sister has been hospitalized a lot but i think she could have visit her.Since her mother is dead and Senpai is living without her father, i'm supossing the parents (or at least the father) know about the sislove and decide to separate them.

Also personal opinion but i hate Senpai character and making her a siscon just for the sake of justifying her actions by "She try to help Asuka" is stupid. The whole Senpai's attitude is despitable and i can't think she had any good intents behind her actions.

last edited at Oct 11, 2019 7:47AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also personal opinion but i hate Senpai character and making her a siscon just for the sake of justifying her actions by "She try to help Asuka" is stupid. The whole Senpai's attitude is despitable and i can't she had any good intents behind her actions.

Right—“personal opinion.”

The statement, “Miyuki thinks she’s being helpful to Asuka” is an interpretation of the story. It may be proven incorrect by later events in the story, but it falls under the heading of “literary criticism.”

“She is despicable and her intentions are no good” is a personal value judgment made about an imaginary person, and can neither be proven nor disproven.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I fail to understand what is your point ? It's my personal judgement on the situation, i fail to understand why it's wrong ?

“She is despicable and her intentions are no good” is a personal value judgment made about an imaginary person, and can neither be proven nor disproven.

So i'm not authorise to talk about my opinion on a fictional character because it's personal ? I thought the point of a discussion was to talk about your opinion and discuss it with other peoples but i guess i can't.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I fail to understand what is your point ? It's my personal judgement on the situation, i fail to understand why it's wrong ?

“She is despicable and her intentions are no good” is a personal value judgment made about an imaginary person, and can neither be proven nor disproven.

So i'm not authorise to talk about my opinion on a fictional character because it's personal ? I thought the point of a discussion was to talk about your opinion and discuss it with other peoples but i guess i can't.

Might as well lose the aggrieved tone—you’re free to say whatever you want, and nobody ever said any different.

But the statement “making her a siscon just for the sake of justifying her actions by "She try to help Asuka" is stupid” isn’t very coherent—who is doing the “making”? The author? Other readers? So who in particular are you calling “stupid”?

There’s a difference between positing a possible in-story explanation or underlying motivation for a character’s actions and “justifying” those actions.

joined Jan 24, 2018

Oooooo scheming little senpai bitch keeping the drama alive!!!!!!
sets self on fire
fist pumps 'WOOOOOOP WOOOOOP!'

joined Jun 25, 2019

But the statement “making her a siscon just for the sake of justifying her actions by "She try to help Asuka" is stupid” isn’t very coherent—who is doing the “making”? The author? Other readers? So who in particular are you calling “stupid”?

Why it isn't coherent ? That's still a personal opinion as far as i'm concerned even if i don't talk about the story. I can think that the author using "Making Senpai a siscon so she secretly try to help" is stupid but i don't think that the author is stupid overall. You can found my opinion stupid and harsh, i'm totally ok with that.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But the statement “making her a siscon just for the sake of justifying her actions by "She try to help Asuka" is stupid” isn’t very coherent—who is doing the “making”? The author? Other readers? So who in particular are you calling “stupid”?

Why it isn't coherent ? That's still a personal opinion as far as i'm concerned even if i don't talk about the story. I can think that the author using "Making Senpai a siscon so she secretly try to help" is stupid but i don't think that the author is stupid overall. You can found my opinion stupid and harsh, i'm totally ok with that.

Now that you've clarified, the statement makes some sense.

The problem with "justifying" is inherent, however--giving an explanation is not the same as excusing..

joined Jun 28, 2019

So, in the end, Asuka and Miyuki never danced the horizontal tango, huh?

I dunno how I feel about that...
On one hand, it means Ayako will be Asuka's first... and we all know how important it is, in a Japanese story, to have your "first time" with someone you really love.
On the other hand, there goes down the drain the last chance of Asuka x Ayako. When they finally do it, it will be Ayako x Asuka, set in stone. I was secretly hoping for a repeat of the development from the time of their first tongue kiss (you know, Asuka taking the lead and totally dominating Ayako until she begs for mercy), but no luck: it's going to be a "Mama, oshiete kudasai!" "Haaai, oshiete a-ge-ru!" kind of scene.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but still... ^^;;

joined Sep 9, 2017

But Ayako has less experience with girls than Asuka? Since the later at least went about... half the way? And I'm positive that Ayako let Asuka lead anyway (at least for their first few times) so she could be absolutely sure that she is not forcing Asuka to do something she doesn't want to.

last edited at Oct 11, 2019 2:49PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

But Ayako has less experience with girls than Asuka? Since the later at least went about... half the way? And I'm positive that Ayako let Asuka lead anyway (at least for their first few times) so she could be absolutely sure that she is not forcing Asuka to do something she doesn't want to.

Don't forget the hint that Akira (the horndog sister-in-law) made moves on Ayako in the past--how far she got is unknown at this time.

joined Aug 4, 2018

^^ Hm, I was of the impression that Akira and Ayako had been occasional lovers after Ayako became a widow. There were dialogues that seemed to imply it, or so I thought. Maybe I'm mistaken and read too much into it?

joined Oct 23, 2018

"Mama, oshiete kudasai!" "Haaai, oshiete a-ge-ru!"

this was fucking funny

joined Aug 11, 2016


joined Aug 16, 2018

Hm, I was of the impression that Akira and Ayako had been occasional lovers after Ayako became a widow.

It has a lot to do with Akira's first appearance.

Remember, Asuka had finally confessed, and Ayako had accepted her feelings (more or less) and agreed to have romantic kisses and share a bed with Asuka. Things were looking good... and then, at the very last page of a chapter, Akira appeared for the first time: she was at the airport, freshly arrived to the city, and was calling Ayako to say: 'Hey, darling, I'm back in town. I'm going to your place. I'll be staying with you. I love you.'

That was screaming Zorra-chan.

That's how the "ex who returns" always appears for the first time. Always when things are going well for the MC couple. Always a dramatic appearance in the last page of a chapter, where she reveals she's back to rekindle the old affair. It's like a law of manga or something, hehe.

I as well was persuaded, after a first appearance like that, that Akira was an ex-lover of Ayako. And tbh the events from that point on pretty much confirmed it... (Like that scene where Ayako, knife in hand, tells Akira that it's ok to fuck her since Ayako is used to it and doesn't mind, but she better keep her cotton-picking hands off Asuka!)

joined Sep 9, 2017

Remember, Asuka had finally confessed, and Ayako had accepted her feelings (more or less) and agreed to have romantic kisses and share a bed with Asuka. Things were looking good... and then, at the very last page of a chapter, Akira appeared for the first time: she was at the airport, freshly arrived to the city, and was calling Ayako to say: 'Hey, darling, I'm back in town. I'm going to your place. I'll be staying with you. I love you.'

Nope, that was actually Akira staying at their house which caused them to share a bed again which led to "a talk" between them which led to their kissing agreement. So Akira propelled their relationship rather than delaying them.

That's how the "ex who returns" always appears for the first time. Always when things are going well for the MC couple. Always a dramatic appearance in the last page of a chapter, where she reveals she's back to rekindle the old affair. It's like a law of manga or something, hehe.

This manga showed quite a few times already that it's not following usual tropes. Or rather I think Taiyki enjoying trolling readers with promises of such tropes only to gloriously avert them.

(Like that scene where Ayako, knife in hand, tells Akira that it's ok to fuck her since Ayako is used to it and doesn't mind, but she better keep her cotton-picking hands off Asuka!)

Nope, Ayako said that Akira can LOOK at her in such a way, not FUCK her because she is used to this.
Personally I don't think Ayako is a kind of woman to just casually have sex with her friend/sister-in-love. If she had that kind of relationship with Akira she would treat it seriously. And for Akira... the woman saying stuff like here doesn't look like someone who could have a casual intimacy with the person she is referring to in that line.

to prevent asuka from getting Herpes and STDs mom will take care of her sexual desires

joined Jul 29, 2017

And for Akira... the woman saying stuff like here doesn't look like someone who could have a casual intimacy with the person she is referring to in that line.

Except for this:

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