Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

Not gonna lie... I did. On my cell, using my mobile data, not the the company WiFi, while taking a short break.

Not all heros wear capes.

joined Aug 26, 2018

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

To that logic I always want to ask: Would you be comfortable with having anyone at your work see you read manga in the first place? 90% of the time people would most likely say no. A lot of stuff not tagged NSFW is already very awkward as is. There are manga without even the Ecchi tag that show partial nudity or compromising shots that insinuate lewd things.

I would just not risk it overall if you aren't in a well controlled space.

joined Aug 29, 2019

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

Not gonna lie... I did. On my cell, using my mobile data, not the the company WiFi, while taking a short break.

Not all heros wear capes.

Sacrifices must be made. Besides, some of the stuff we edit in the office isn't technically safe for work either, and as long as I keep getting the jobs done ahead of schedule they won't bother terminating the intern.

To that logic I always want to ask: Would you be comfortable with having anyone at your work see you read manga in > the first place? 90% of the time people would most likely say no. A lot of stuff not tagged NSFW is already very
awkward as is. There are manga without even the Ecchi tag that show partial nudity or compromising shots that
insinuate lewd things.

I would just not risk it overall if you aren't in a well controlled space.

Yeah, I often avoided even mentioning that I fancied Anime and Manga. It really clashes with what else many people know about me and perceive of me, and there are those... questionable... implications.
I've kinda started coming out of my shell and wearing it on my sleeve a bit more proudly than before.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 4:05PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

Not gonna lie... I did. On my cell, using my mobile data, not the the company WiFi, while taking a short break.

Not all heros wear capes.

In the office, on the work computer, while working. Then again, it's just the two of us working here.

joined May 27, 2015

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

warm, loving and cute as fUCK and a lovely conclusion to their character development ;-; this will forever go down as the best yuri manga for me

Idk, why specify that it's the best yuri manga?
I haven't read much manga, so I couldn't really tell, but the anime adaptation is at the very top of my favourite list, regardless of genre. Up until then I had maintained for years that the top was divided among three to four excellent shows, but I ended up enjoying Bloom into You more than any of those because it did what I'd hoped it might do (within the confines of an unfinished source manga and only half the story being told) and did it superbly well. In a sense I was compelled to create a top spot above the pantheon.
I mean, I don't usually follow seasonal anime for more than a few episodes before opting to binge it after it's done airing, but with Bloom into You it was very different. Not only did I diligently keep up with the show, having started after the release of ep. 3 in the English dub, but kept re-watching all episodes each week at least once. I loved it hard.
The only other (airing) show that had been so compelling for me in recent memory was Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (which kinda should count as Yuri as well IMO), and while I found it fantastic as well, it did not impact me quite as much.

I believe Nakatani doesn't like to call YagaKimi a Yuri story, and she made it a point to make it appeal to people who don't like yuri. Something about universal themes or whatever.

Maybe an unpopular opinion but personally I want to see more stories that are yuri first and anything/everything else second. There's so many subtext/gimmick series that throw yuri subtext in on the side when it's really about something else.

Oh my gosh the lewds are cannon now.

When I started reading this I didn't think I'd ever see lewds of these two, much less official ones.

While Rule #34 has been relatively kind to the cast of Bloom into You, it has not entirely spared them.

Having them engage in sex officially is much appreciated.

Sadly most non-h Canon (so not just subtext) yuri series don't get much good yuri porn (and the less said about the hetshit, the better). It's a niche of a niche of a niche. Rule 34 has no exceptions but it doesn't say anything about the volume or quality of the porn. There will always be one but there's no guarantee that there will be a hundred, or that they will be any good. Of course, you can argue with yuri it's the emotional aspect of the relationship that's most important, not the sexual aspect.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 6:13PM

joined Jul 22, 2018

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

Not my problem if people are curious.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Sadly most non-h Canon (so not just subtext) yuri series don't get much good yuri porn (and the less said about the hetshit, the better). It's a niche of a niche of a niche. Rule 34 has no exceptions but it doesn't say anything about the volume or quality of the porn. There will always be one but there's no guarantee that there will be a hundred, or that they will be any good. Of course, you can argue with yuri it's the emotional aspect of the relationship that's most important, not the sexual aspect.

Honestly, the internet is filled with porn, if that's all you care about, you can just look elsewhere. You shouldn't be bothered that not every story out there features a sex scene or porn fanart.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I believe Nakatani doesn't like to call YagaKimi a Yuri story

She expressed that she didn't think of her doujins as yuri in an earlier interview before YagaKimi, but that's not the case with YagaKimi. She went into YagaKimi wanting to write a yuri romance (Vol 1's afterwords), extensively discussed yuri tropes and how YagaKimi compare to them in interviews, & is honored of seeing it winning the Yuri Navi poll for 3 years straight (she even agreed to do an interview to celebrate last year and left a thank you message this year). In fact, Kusunoki, her editor, went on a rant around the time of the anime refuting the claim that Nakatani doesn't consider YagaKimi a yuri.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 6:44PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I believe Nakatani doesn't like to call YagaKimi a Yuri story

She expressed that she didn't think of her doujins as yuri in an earlier interview before YagaKimi, but that's not the case with YagaKimi. She went into YagaKimi wanting to write a yuri romance (Vol 1's afterwords), extensively discussed yuri tropes and how YagaKimi compare to them in interviews, & is honored of seeing it winning the Yuri Navi poll for 3 years straight (she even agreed to do an interview to celebrate last year and left a thank you message this year). In fact, Kusunoki, her editor, went on a rant around the time of the anime refuting the claim that Nakatani doesn't consider YagaKimi a yuri.

How do I install a thumbs up option to these forums?

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 7:00PM

joined May 29, 2019

she made her the cheesecake! I love this so much

joined Oct 4, 2018

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

Yeah, sadly it kinda does. I mean, it was rather obvious that it would happen, but it was refreshing to walk into the scene blind.

On the other hand, if someone were tempted to read it at work . . .

Would it be better to read fluff (with all the near-uncontrollable facial squealing that comes with it) in public?

joined Jun 5, 2016

I would've done some happy autistic screeching again if my mom and lil bro weren't sleeping.

Please stop it with the autistic screeching comments -_-

I'm glad that all the patient people finally got to see what we impatient people had been squeeing behind black bars about for the last few days, lol. Been a while since I've seen such collective "ZOMG YASSSSSSSSSSSSS". I am thoroughly enjoying it!

joined Sep 6, 2017

she made her the cheesecake! I love this so much

This is the 5th time I've read it (first time on DS) and I didn't not put that together. THANK YOU! Also I die a little inside every time I read the next-morning "Touko" line. Squee. This is hands down my favorite yuri manga ever and in the top 5 of any manga ever.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 7:38PM

joined Jun 16, 2018

Eventually, any girl reading this will become lesbian/bi.

joined May 27, 2015

I believe Nakatani doesn't like to call YagaKimi a Yuri story

She expressed that she didn't think of her doujins as yuri in an earlier interview before YagaKimi, but that's not the case with YagaKimi. She went into YagaKimi wanting to write a yuri romance (Vol 1's afterwords), extensively discussed yuri tropes and how YagaKimi compare to them in interviews, & is honored of seeing it winning the Yuri Navi poll for 3 years straight (she even agreed to do an interview to celebrate last year and left a thank you message this year). In fact, Kusunoki, her editor, went on a rant around the time of the anime refuting the claim that Nakatani doesn't consider YagaKimi a yuri.

Whoops, guess I mis-remembered that one then. I may have mixed up some dumb internet comments with official word.

joined Aug 22, 2016

Yuu is top as predicted. But I didn't think she would be a BITER. Take it easy on that luscious skin Yuu.

I honestly am even more delighted about Yuu being a biter than her being a top ^^ (Since I am very delighted and grinning from ear to ear for the latter, one may imagine my bliss over the first :P )

...ah, so Yuu's dreams came true~
(Yuu saying "There are so many things I wanna do with you - I want everything" shall clearify that her previous fantasy was... well, far from innocent - in case anyone else remembers that having been point of discussion in this forum.)

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yuu is top as predicted. But I didn't think she would be a BITER. Take it easy on that luscious skin Yuu.

I honestly am even more delighted about Yuu being a biter than her being a top ^^ (Since I am very delighted and grinning from ear to ear for the latter, one may imagine my bliss over the first :P )

...ah, so Yuu's dreams came true~
(Yuu saying "There are so many things I wanna do with you - I want everything" shall clearify that her previous fantasy was... well, far from innocent - in case anyone else remembers that having been point of discussion in this forum.)

The “innocent” was something of an outlier position, if I recall correctly.

Yuu: “Here I come.” =

joined Aug 22, 2016

*Touko pushing her parents out of the apartment*

Dad: ...
Mother: Yeah.
Dad: ...
Mother: This Koito-girl seems nice.
Dad: ...
Mother: Yes, she's very polite.
Dad: ...
Mother: Such a nice girl.
Dad: She sure seems nice.
Mother: Yeah.
Dad: They're totally gonna do it.
Mother: Yeah.
Dad: *opens wallet* Alright, you won the bet.

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ “She never would have gone gay if it weren’t for that damned play.”

joined Feb 15, 2019

It's finally out on DR and with a different translator too. God I hope the last ch is extra long. I want to see quite a bit more of these 2 lovebirds and I don't know if one more chapter will be enough for me. Here's hoping we get a Bloom into You+ lol

joined May 29, 2019

The NSFW tag spoiled alot ch44.

To be fair, it was very obviously building up to the obligatory "tasteful fuck" chapter, so it was never really a question of if but when.

Also I always knew that Yuu would top.

joined Jul 1, 2019

i can die peacefully now

joined May 23, 2019

OMG I cried and squeezeeeee tear of HAPPINESSS

joined Jun 27, 2018

Here's hoping we get a Bloom into You+ lol

YagaKimi is like the polar opposite of that other series, though, so it's unlikely to follow the example.

I think there's not much more to explore for Touko/Yuu. They've solved pretty much all of the conflicts that the story revolved around. Everything after the confession scene in the student council already feels like a bonus to the original story. Sure, we could get a new story focusing on the two of them coming out, graduating, moving in together, but I can't really see Nakatani-sensei creating a sequel just for that.

She may choose to explore other characters in the same universe, like Kanou (just like she's doing in the Sayaka spin-off). Personally, I'd prefer to get a fresh new series after this one. I can't wait to see what other wonders Nakatani-sensei can pull off.

last edited at Sep 2, 2019 9:56PM

joined Mar 3, 2019

She may choose to explore other characters in the same universe, like Kanou (just like she's doing in the Sayaka spin-off). Personally, I'd prefer to get a fresh new series after this one. I can't wait to see what other wonders Nakatani-sensei can pull off.


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