Forum › Seagull Villa days discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

ABC (which btw I never read, is it good?)

I think it’s very good—one of my favorites. Not very heavy, just . . . nice.


Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Jeanne Mathison posted:

(which btw I never read, is it good?)

It's great. One of my all time favorites. Everyone should read it. Also the way it deals with ex is really satisfying, but at the same time feels real. In general it has good balance of romance, comedy and drama.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Wow judging by the recommendations Aqua Blue Cinema must be good stuff! Thx for the replies, I'll make a note to remember it
(jots down Aqua Blue Cinema in 'To Read' manga list)

joined Jul 26, 2016

It's time to talk about the elephant in the room now; given the name of the series the actual depiction of the birds themselves sure is pretty why tier.

This bothers me greatly as I see a lot of seagulls where I live and they're among my favourite birds. Kodama I am dissapoint. :c

joined Mar 16, 2018

Wow judging by the recommendations Aqua Blue Cinema must be good stuff! Thx for the replies, I'll make a note to remember it
(jots down Aqua Blue Cinema in 'To Read' manga list)

Aqua Blue is great as well is most stuff by Otsu Hiyori

Yuunagi Marbled had an intro like that as well

last edited at Aug 7, 2019 8:02PM

joined Jul 1, 2018

One of the worst author that I've read, especially the work "Netsuzou Trap"

If you like torturing yourself then I can see why you like her creations.

I will put this on-hold and come back a later time to see the comments on what bullshit path it will pursue. I hate farfetched drama and all the nonsense that's following it.

joined Aug 19, 2018

I feel pretty bad for this author getting so much shit. I just hope we keep getting more updates

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 8:30AM

joined Dec 3, 2018

I really don’t know what your “point” is. Are you saying that every negative commenter here has read the raws? Are you saying that everyone agrees that the raws reveal the story to be trash?

I’ve been making fun of people who complain, in advance, about stories they haven’t read, and will probably continue to do so. You enjoy doing whatever it is you think you’re doing.

Except those people you are "making fun of" are actually right, and we have the raws to prove it. We know what kind of writer Kodama is, so much so that people are able to correctly guess the course of her telenovas after a single chapter. It's sad that her melodrama is so damn predictable. You just seem to be upset that people have valid reasons to dislike Kodama and her stories.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I really don’t know what your “point” is. Are you saying that every negative commenter here has read the raws? Are you saying that everyone agrees that the raws reveal the story to be trash?

I’ve been making fun of people who complain, in advance, about stories they haven’t read, and will probably continue to do so. You enjoy doing whatever it is you think you’re doing.

Except those people you are "making fun of" are actually right, and we have the raws to prove it. We know what kind of writer Kodama is, so much so that people are able to correctly guess the course of her telenovas after a single chapter. It's sad that her melodrama is so damn predictable. You just seem to be upset that people have valid reasons to dislike Kodama and her stories.

I'm not upset in the least, and I'm not particularly a fan of Kodama's work. Your--obviously heartfelt--personal opinion of what the raws supposedly reveal has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fools who lament what a story is probably going to do before they have read it.

You can say "We have the raws! We have the raws!" until you're blue in the face--people who criticize stories they've never read are idiots.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Well, it's predictable that the ex-friend "stole" the boyfriend because she's actually in love with Mayumi and yadda, yadda, yadda.. That the pregnancy is true or false is of little importance.

Predictable doesn't make it a bad story. Just that the people who disliked Kodama will go on disliking her and people who like her soap-operas will go on liking it. And those who don't care will go on doing just that.

Isn't everything perfect in the world?

joined Jun 25, 2019

That the pregnancy is true or false is of little importance.

Well i can't really call a pregnancy (false or true) a little thing.

last edited at Aug 8, 2019 3:30PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Now, how are our chances of the mean looking girl never appearing ever again in the story?
When I recognized the drawing style it was unfortunately already too late to stop xD

joined Apr 4, 2014

Let's see what we can get angry at today XD

I think it's hard for some to process how people can like her stories but people like different things right. I absolutely love all her works and i'll sure as hell read all chapters that are available here on dynasty.

joined Aug 16, 2018

The beginning is exactly fucking the same as this story
And I refuse to believe that she just had the same idea

It's super common you know
I've seen it many times, some chara standing on a cliff overlooking the sea, another chara comes, there's an accident or misunderstanding or whatevs and both fall into the sea... it's a common trope that you see a lot

You're right, of course, and I'd like to add something: when it comes to manga and yuri, there are like a HUNDRED tropes that are even more common and are constantly used, reused & overused in all our favorite stories and series – and nobody finds anything wrong with that.

"The ex returns" eg is so effing common, the Spanish-speaking community of yuri fans has coined a name for the ex-love of one of the girls in the main couple who comes back to town and sparks (willingly or not) a conflict in their relationship: they call her "Zorra-chan." You know how the speeding truck that bumps characters and sends them to an isekai is universally known as "Truck-kun," right? Well, this woman is Zorra-chan, just as simple. Like this one, or this one, or even this one, lol. It doesn't matter if she really is a slut (that's the meaning of zorra) or not, when she appears everyone goes: "Oh look, it's Zorra-chan, she's here to raise shit again."

Really, it's a bit daft to point to a trope in some story and blurt: "Gasp! what is this? another yuri manga already did it!" Well, dudes, like, duh.

last edited at Aug 9, 2019 11:30AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Really, it's a bit daft to point to a trope in some story and blurt: "Gasp! what is this? another yuri manga already did it!" Well, dudes, like, duh.

I'm watching a Kdrama right now that takes chunks of its setup directly from Beauty and the Beast, only with swords and ghosts and the hospitality industry.

So overall it seems pretty different . . .

(Cool point about Zorra-chan, btw.)

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

"The ex returns" eg is so effing common, the Spanish-speaking community of yuri fans has coined a name for the ex-love of one of the girls in the main couple who comes back to town and sparks (willingly or not) a conflict in their relationship: they call her "Zorra-chan." You know how the speeding truck that bumps characters and sends them to an isekai is universally known as "Truck-kun," right? Well, this woman is Zorra-chan, just as simple. Like this one, or this one, or even this one, lol. It doesn't matter if she really is a slut (that's the meaning of zorra) or not, when she appears everyone goes: "Oh look, it's Zorra-chan, she's here to raise shit again."

Lmao don't forget this one:
She gotta be like the grandmom of all Zorra-chans, from 2010, and prolly the most hateful of 'em all as she was bad thru and thru and didn't have even one redeeming good point... except maybe her looks?

I noticed that's a common point they share (most of them at least) that they are beautiful in an adult femme way with a great sexy body and good style in expensive-looking clothes and accesories.... they often seem well off too, prolly to reinforce the adult side of their image (successful grownup women with good jobs = must have money, in manga logic)

joined Jul 29, 2017

"The ex returns" eg is so effing common, the Spanish-speaking community of yuri fans has coined a name for the ex-love of one of the girls in the main couple who comes back to town and sparks (willingly or not) a conflict in their relationship: they call her "Zorra-chan." You know how the speeding truck that bumps characters and sends them to an isekai is universally known as "Truck-kun," right? Well, this woman is Zorra-chan, just as simple. Like this one, or this one, or even this one, lol. It doesn't matter if she really is a slut (that's the meaning of zorra) or not, when she appears everyone goes: "Oh look, it's Zorra-chan, she's here to raise shit again."

Lmao don't forget this one:
She gotta be like the grandmom of all Zorra-chans, from 2010, and prolly the most hateful of 'em all as she was bad thru and thru and didn't have even one redeeming good point... except maybe her looks?

Oh, Lord—that one. Talk about angst and drama—makes Kodama look like Itou Hachi. (Fun ending, though.)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Lmao don't forget this one:
She gotta be like the grandmom of all Zorra-chans, from 2010, and prolly the most hateful of 'em all as she was bad thru and thru and didn't have even one redeeming good point... except maybe her looks?

Oh, Lord—that one. Talk about angst and drama—makes Kodama look like Itou Hachi. (Fun ending, though.)

Hehehe, so true. XD

joined Aug 24, 2016

Awwww Kodama's handsome girl <3

joined Dec 3, 2018

I'm not upset in the least, and I'm not particularly a fan of Kodama's work. Your--obviously heartfelt--personal opinion of what the raws supposedly reveal has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fools who lament what a story is probably going to do before they have read it.

You can say "We have the raws! We have the raws!" until you're blue in the face--people who criticize stories they've never read are idiots.

Nah, it's pretty obvious you're upset. People don't like stories all the time because they see where they are heading and yet you sit here and call those people idiots. People drop series because of this, people dropping Kodamas shit before it finishes doesn't make them idiots. And yes, what the raws show definitely has something to do with people who are judging before finished reading. It shows that they were right, that their judgement was correct and justified. And anyone calling them idiots beforehand are the idiots instead. You can learn from history and see this shit from a mile away, sorry that you are unable to do this and instead try to insult the people who can.

last edited at Aug 10, 2019 2:55AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm not upset in the least, and I'm not particularly a fan of Kodama's work. Your--obviously heartfelt--personal opinion of what the raws supposedly reveal has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the fools who lament what a story is probably going to do before they have read it.

You can say "We have the raws! We have the raws!" until you're blue in the face--people who criticize stories they've never read are idiots.

Nah, it's pretty obvious you're upset. People don't like stories all the time because they see where they are heading and yet you sit here and call those people idiots. People drop series because of this, people dropping Kodamas shit before it finishes doesn't make them idiots. And yes, what the raws show definitely has something to do with people who are judging before finished reading. It shows that they were right, that their judgement was correct and justified. And anyone calling them idiots beforehand are the idiots instead. You can learn from history and see this shit from a mile away, sorry that you are unable to do this and instead try to insult the people who can.

Wow, obsessed much? We both made our opinions clear several posts ago.

Give it a rest.

last edited at Aug 10, 2019 4:04AM

joined May 6, 2018

This series finally delivers. Have been waiting for so long

last edited at Aug 10, 2019 7:05AM

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

"The ex returns" eg is so effing common, the Spanish-speaking community of yuri fans has coined a name for the ex-love of one of the girls in the main couple who comes back to town and sparks (willingly or not) a conflict in their relationship: they call her "Zorra-chan." You know how the speeding truck that bumps characters and sends them to an isekai is universally known as "Truck-kun," right? Well, this woman is Zorra-chan, just as simple. Like this one, or this one, or even this one, lol. It doesn't matter if she really is a slut (that's the meaning of zorra) or not, when she appears everyone goes: "Oh look, it's Zorra-chan, she's here to raise shit again."

Lmao don't forget this one:
She gotta be like the grandmom of all Zorra-chans, from 2010, and prolly the most hateful of 'em all as she was bad thru and thru and didn't have even one redeeming good point... except maybe her looks?

Oh, Lord—that one. Talk about angst and drama—makes Kodama look like Itou Hachi. (Fun ending, though.)

Yeah you don't see that sort of thing often in yuri, lol
Like: Oh so you have been coercing my snugglemuffin into having sex with you, hm?
And even doing some bdsm shit where you hurt her real bad and leave her bruised all over, huh?

joined Oct 22, 2018

"The ex returns" eg is so effing common, the Spanish-speaking community of yuri fans has coined a name for the ex-love of one of the girls in the main couple who comes back to town and sparks (willingly or not) a conflict in their relationship: they call her "Zorra-chan." You know how the speeding truck that bumps characters and sends them to an isekai is universally known as "Truck-kun," right? Well, this woman is Zorra-chan, just as simple. Like this one, or this one, or even this one, lol. It doesn't matter if she really is a slut (that's the meaning of zorra) or not, when she appears everyone goes: "Oh look, it's Zorra-chan, she's here to raise shit again."

Lmao don't forget this one:
She gotta be like the grandmom of all Zorra-chans, from 2010, and prolly the most hateful of 'em all as she was bad thru and thru and didn't have even one redeeming good point... except maybe her looks?

Oh, Lord—that one. Talk about angst and drama—makes Kodama look like Itou Hachi. (Fun ending, though.)

Yeah you don't see that sort of thing often in yuri, lol
Like: Oh so you have been coercing my snugglemuffin into having sex with you, hm?
And even doing some bdsm shit where you hurt her real bad and leave her bruised all over, huh?

What the fuck happened during the posts that I didn't bother reading?!

joined Jul 29, 2017

What the fuck happened during the posts that I didn't bother reading?!

BV, repeat that question to yourself a few times and think about what you’re asking.

And maybe you’ll come up with the obvious way to get your answer.

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