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joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't even hate this development, even though I know it's going to hurt me in the long run lol

Unless the manga goes for the Mommy GF harem route, which, for the record, it 100% should

joined Mar 4, 2018

I can think of a lot worse fates than being comforted in the bosom of a shaggy-haired gal.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Why are we mad? Well this turned into a triangle too fast, they used the earthquake as plot device 3 TIMES and now on top of the triangle drama we have a potential broken friendship drama too and all in just one chapter.

And don't come with the "you would've complained if it was too slow!" because one thing doesn't excuse the other -.- and I'm a fan of Nettaigyuo and Tsurezure biyori ...And people can argue that these two series are slow but they'll never say that their plot is forced.

ANYWAY it is interesting and as I said before, I'm just waiting to see ch3 and see what's coming up.

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 12:07PM

joined Jan 24, 2018

Chapter 2 and that plot thickens like a good stew! So tasty!!! Okawari!!!!

joined Mar 28, 2015

She's a JK magnet.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Why are we mad? Well this turned into a triangle too fast, they used the earthquake as plot device 3 TIMES and now on top of the triangle drama we have a potential broken friendship drama too and all in just one chapter.

And don't come with the "you would've complained if it was too slow!" because one thing doesn't excuse the other -.- and I'm a fan of Nettaigyuo and Tsurezure biyori ...And people can argue that this two series are slow but they'll never say that their plot is forced.

ANYWAY it is interesting and as I said before, I'm just waiting to see ch3 and see what's coming up.

Well, shit, if “forced plot” is a disabling charge against a manga, the ranks of the “acceptable” are going to be getting mighty thin. The “pace” issue depends on how long this is going to be, which, I take it, we don’t yet know. Sure, if it goes the Citrus route of jamming in a bunch of drama up front then wandering around forever, then its pacing sucks.

We shall see.

joined Feb 18, 2015

When Reina seemed so hostile to the concept of Shion falling for Akemi and made the comment about 'a girl falling for another girl' not making sense to her, I was betting that she was closeted and crushing on Shion. I'm still not entirely ruling that out as what was going on at the beginning.

joined Dec 5, 2016

It looks quite stupid with those earthquakes.

No, it's not.
Unexpecting aftershocks are very common if you live in Earthqueake zones. They are convenient, but not stupid.

Okay. Stupidly convenient.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

That maternal instinct tho. I hope it turns into her catchphrase.

Shion is cute. I don't understand the development here but I'm still here for it regardless.

joined Jun 27, 2017

The good thing is that "being motherly" in a Japanese setting allows for all sorts of traditional manga developments; like sleeping in the same bed or having a bath together and washing each other, or ...

Western writers would just despair at the same scenario ^^

joined Mar 22, 2013

The good thing is that "being motherly" in a Japanese setting allows for all sorts of traditional manga developments; like sleeping in the same bed or having a bath together and washing each other, or ...

Western writers would just despair at the same scenario ^^

maybe even holding hands could be possible.

joined May 28, 2018

It was quite some time when I read this typical but somewhat strange harem story.

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 11:30AM

joined Feb 25, 2013

I'm choosing to believe that second earthquake was an aftershock.

Anyway, I don't normally read age gap with minors involved, but this is turning into an awkward harem and I can't help but be intrigued.

joined Apr 11, 2016

Hum, that second chapter went all over the place.
I'm not even mad about the earthquakes, convenient as they were, but I don't think the triangle was necessary, it doesn't fit the mood set by the first chapter.
Or hell, if the author really wanted a triangle, they should've waited just a bit, to let us know a bit more about the characters before proper conflict arises.
It's weird how it affects the humor. The first time Shion drags Akemi in jealousy, it feels like a comedic overreaction. The second time, however, feels terribly accurate, and make her look even more clingy.

joined Jun 25, 2019

I think it's normal to be jealous when the one you had a crush on and who doesn't rejected you, start to be affectionate toward someone else. Shion still don't had a clear answer from Akemi but Akemi start to use her "mother instinct" on Reina.

joined Sep 30, 2018

Okay, that "Reina-chan starting to like Akemi-chan and forming a love triangle" thing was totally uncalled for. I was hoping for "Reina-chan likes Shion-chan" thing huhu but this might also be good since Shion's gonna fight

joined Jun 30, 2018

this could go anywhere depending on how seriously the author wants to take this set up. it could turn into a happy go lucky harem comedy or an awkward drama that is doesnt need to exist. its impossible to know just from these 2 chapters, so im going to wait to see.

joined Aug 17, 2012

Well Akemi doesn't work on Wednesdays and she has Sundays free so the two girls could always timeshare ;p

joined Aug 27, 2013

This needs 'Age Gap' posted twice :-)

Akemi was terribly lonely, she's happy to have someone to share affections with... now two someones! Hopefully they all hold hands together and have a nice 3-way relationship.

Yuri is breaking out all over, who can complain about that?

joined Jul 29, 2017

this could go anywhere depending on how seriously the author wants to take this set up. it could turn into a happy go lucky harem comedy or an awkward drama that is doesnt need to exist. its impossible to know just from these 2 chapters, so im going to wait to see.

That’s pretty much where I am with it. Personally, I’d like to see it somewhere between those poles—no wacky harem, but not knives-out emotional tension, either.

Everyone involved has room to discover that someone cares about them, and that skinship can help.

Pro tip: When an earthquake occurs immediately after your confession has been accepted, by all means flee to safety but grab the other person’s hand first.

joined Mar 29, 2019

certainly a development that I wasn't expecting, but with only being the second chapter, it may have been a bit awkard but I can't really feel bother by it, I do think the dude asking her out just to then run away and how "impact-less" the earthquakes were drawn doesn't help with that awkard feeling the chapter gave.

I can understand why this development bothers others tho, really, be it in the second, 20th or 100th chapter, introducing what seems like a love triangle is unlikely to go down with the entire audience ^^;;

That being said, I'll keep reading to see where it's going, and I gotta said I really like that panel of them hugging in page 17.

BTW, sorry to side tracked, but I was reading earlier pages in this thread and it got me wondering, could anybod recommend me some series or oneshots with age gap but where the characters are adults? like mid 20s with 30 or 40 years old, stuff like that?

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 2:23PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I really want the two girls to be used to show the difference between maternal love and romantic love, maybe that's why the author wanted to push this so quickly.

Zexalfan I don't remember any but you should have more luck asking here

joined Oct 10, 2016

Old lady?

Ohhh shiit. OOHHHH SHIIIT!

Also, how many more girls Akemi will fall in love with?

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 3:10PM

joined Mar 17, 2017


joined Mar 29, 2019

I really want the two girls to be used to show the difference between maternal love and romantic love, maybe that's why the author wanted to push this so quickly.

Zexalfan I don't remember any but you should have more luck asking here

yeah I also think there is a good chance this development is going to be use not for drama exactly, but to make distinction.

Thanks! i didn't know there was a recommendations page, although I probably should have imagined there was ^^;

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