Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) discussion

joined Jun 5, 2016

Also, Adachi my girl, I feel you in my soul with this one: "This was how attempting to socialize usually went for me. I'd overthink things and find myself stuck, unable to move forward. Then, incapable of doing anything, I'd watch the whole thing crash and burn in front of my eyes."

That was so well written.
I was always, and still am, terrible at socializing except in my case it was pretty much intentional. ^^;

I didn't get formally diagnosed with Asperger's till about nine years ago. Up to that point, it was just three+ decades of "WTF how come this crap comes naturally to everyone but me? ARGH HOW DO I PEOPLE?!". Now it's been four decades, and I can people a lot better than I did in my teens and twenties--even thirties--by virtue of far too much experience via my attempts to be social "crashing and burning in front of my eyes". The road to get to this point was dark and full of terrors... the memories of awkward moments that will forever haunt my dreams at night... lol.

joined Oct 5, 2016

I'm kinda curious how this will be adapted. Like a lot of the charm of this series is that on the surface it's just another ambiguous friendship series, but since we spend our time in their heads, we know how much of their "friendship" is like them struggling with their sexuality and attraction and purposefully trying to like skirt the line and push the limits of that Japanese "lol it's not gay to be sorta romantic with a girl" stuff.

But if they don't adapt that internal monologue, then, well, it's just another shitty subtext show.

joined May 28, 2011

vol 2, ch 2 pg 100, "she was a describing a classmate" -> "she was describing"

joined Jun 5, 2016

vol 2, ch 2 pg 100, "she was a describing a classmate" -> "she was describing"

Sorry. Trying out different QC methods and I missed one.

joined Jan 25, 2017

I'm kinda curious how this will be adapted. Like a lot of the charm of this series is that on the surface it's just another ambiguous friendship series, but since we spend our time in their heads, we know how much of their "friendship" is like them struggling with their sexuality and attraction and purposefully trying to like skirt the line and push the limits of that Japanese "lol it's not gay to be sorta romantic with a girl" stuff.

But if they don't adapt that internal monologue, then, well, it's just another shitty subtext show.

Normally I'd prefer as little narration as possible, but unfortunately in my experience the mainstream audience does not understand sapphic romance unless it's as blatant as a confession or a kiss (and sometimes even that's not enough). But it's pretty rare for light novel adaptations to omit the narration, so I'm not too worried about this aspect.

The annoying light novel protagonist is a cliché onto its own, so if anything what I'd worry about is will they be able to strike that balance of "just enough" narration.

It's really going to need a talented director. If they don't nail the tone, or if our heroines aren't good at expressing themselves just through animation, or if they make the decisions regarding what to cut or modify or play up or just leave alone in the adaptation, I could see it turning out pretty badly.

Of course, if they do all of that then I could see it turning out really good, too.

joined Oct 20, 2017

What does the Q in "Adachi's Q" stand for? Question, quandary...

last edited at Jun 22, 2019 3:27AM

joined Jun 5, 2016


joined Oct 20, 2017

Just thought it was a little odd that Adachi Question and Adachi's Q have such similar titles, but it's probably just me... Though I wonder what the titles were in Japanese.

last edited at Jun 22, 2019 5:31PM

joined Jul 26, 2018

In Japanese, they are 安達クエスチョン (Adachi Kuesuchon/Adachi Question) and アダチズQ (Adachizu Q/Adachi's Q). The reason the latter is written like that (in kana instead of kanji like it was a loanword) is because it's a reference to the book Dead Man's Q. Oh, and Q stands for Questions, more accurately.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 12:00AM

joined Jan 25, 2017

Adachi needs a kiss, Shimamura is scared of being needed for kissing, Hino and Nagafuji are scared of being more than kissing friends. Please help these children.

joined Apr 2, 2013

Silver Bells, silver bells
Soon it will be Christmas Time
In the summer.
Unless the next chapter comes in September.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Not really liking this. The relationship is too one-sided. Adachi is head over heels but Shimamura only considers her a friend. That might change at some point but in the meantime this thing is pretty boring. The characters aren't interesting enough to carry the story without any actual romance to spice things up.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Not really liking this. The relationship is too one-sided. Adachi is head over heels but Shimamura only considers her a friend. That might change at some point but in the meantime this thing is pretty boring. The characters aren't interesting enough to carry the story without any actual romance to spice things up.

joined Sep 4, 2014

Watching Adachi constantly try not to spill her spaghetti from both sides is pretty entertaining. The Shimamura kabedon this time was a nice touch, and also I forgot that Shimamura is shorter. This is really cute.

I do wish it didn't seem so one-sided, but maybe something will hit the switch for Shimamura soon. It's a bit much right now. I also think it's funny that their friends are also pretty gay... I wonder if that will be part of the story later. Like if Shimamura asked advice from Hino, who sees to have a clue. Lots of ways this could be interesting.

joined Apr 23, 2015

Not really liking this. The relationship is too one-sided. Adachi is head over heels but Shimamura only considers her a friend. That might change at some point but in the meantime this thing is pretty boring. The characters aren't interesting enough to carry the story any actual romance to spice things up.

Interesting. I think it's fine as is. Terrific even.

Not entirely sure why I like this so much. I actually have a bad track record with slice of life anime/manga too. I watched a lot and didn't like the majority of them.

Such a good chapter.
Shimamura wanted the other little girl to think she was "shiny" when she was smoll? Kek.

last edited at Jun 27, 2019 4:39AM

joined Apr 23, 2015

Also, Adachi my girl, I feel you in my soul with this one: "This was how attempting to socialize usually went for me. I'd overthink things and find myself stuck, unable to move forward. Then, incapable of doing anything, I'd watch the whole thing crash and burn in front of my eyes."

That was so well written.
I was always, and still am, terrible at socializing except in my case it was pretty much intentional. ^^;

I didn't get formally diagnosed with Asperger's till about nine years ago. Up to that point, it was just three+ decades of "WTF how come this crap comes naturally to everyone but me? ARGH HOW DO I PEOPLE?!". Now it's been four decades, and I can people a lot better than I did in my teens and twenties--even thirties--by virtue of far too much experience via my attempts to be social "crashing and burning in front of my eyes". The road to get to this point was dark and full of terrors... the memories of awkward moments that will forever haunt my dreams at night... lol.

Well I'm really glad you got through it. I'm still working on hang ups centered around a-social and misanthrope like beliefs.

joined Jun 25, 2019

It's a VERY slow burn, from what I understand. Eventually Shimamura succumbs to her gayness, and they do eventually end up going out with each other. But that happens like in volume 6 or 7, so it's a ways down the line. This was just volume 1...

Friendly remember for the path of the story

Like if Shimamura asked advice from Hino, who sees to have a clue. Lots of ways this could be interesting.

Shimamura seem like the last person to ask for advice, especially love related advice and more especially from Hino.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Not really liking this. The relationship is too one-sided. Adachi is head over heels but Shimamura only considers her a friend. That might change at some point but in the meantime this thing is pretty boring. The characters aren't interesting enough to carry the story without any actual romance to spice things up.

I can see someone who doesn’t enjoy a slice-of-life. Lul.

This is the chapter that’s very entertaining. Shimamura’s monologues and pov are interesting. Probably, why I like this novel, their exchanges of pov.

last edited at Jun 27, 2019 6:17AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Getting a better grade is considered acting strangely now... :D Although to be fair, we are talking about the same Adachi who rarely came to the actual classroom before.

Hmm... Does that story about Shima's past count as her first love, even if she didn't realize it herself, seeing how she wanted to be seen as shiny as well?

Shimamura sure is doing all she can to convince herself that they're just friends. :D It's not just forcing herself to ignore the possibility of Adachi having feelings for her, either; her own thoughts about Adachi stray to places one would not go with only friendly feelings, especially playing with her lips, for example.

Also, note to the people working on this - you forgot to update the table of contents again.

last edited at Jun 27, 2019 6:47AM

joined Mar 15, 2019

Adachi needs a kiss, Shimamura is scared of being needed for kissing, Hino and Nagafuji are scared of being more than kissing friends. Please help these children.

Nagafuji actually seems annoyed about being just kissing friends. While she probably doesn't understand herself and doesn't realize she's doing it, it feels like she is trying to move her relationship with Hino away from their current platonic feelings, and into a more romantic connection.

joined Aug 23, 2015

shima... come on girl.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Adachi needs a kiss, Shimamura is scared of being needed for kissing, Hino and Nagafuji are scared of being more than kissing friends. Please help these children.

Nagafuji actually seems annoyed about being just kissing friends. While she probably doesn't understand herself and doesn't realize she's doing it, it feels like she is trying to move her relationship with Hino away from their current platonic feelings, and into a more romantic connection.

Sakura Trick Flashbacks, next Najafuji will say she will go the same college as Hino.

joined Mar 29, 2019

Personally Slice of Life is probably my favorite genre so AdaShima has been a great fit for me and I enjoy the slow burn aspect (though I do admit knowing what will happen thanks to some coments here help ease it up lol) and while yeah the "one-sided" situation could be very frustrating in a different situation and done poorly, but here is pretty nice, it really isn't actually one sided but Shimamura is going through it at a much slower pace.

As always thank you so much for translating this!

joined Jan 25, 2017

Shimamura seems less like she’s clueless/doesn’t reciprocate and more like she’s scared/in denial IMO

last edited at Jun 27, 2019 11:46AM

joined Jun 5, 2016

Shimamura seems less like she’s clueless/doesn’t reciprocate and more like she’s scared/in denial IMO

She's had some bad crap go down with friends or classmates in the past I think. That's why we've gotten little snippets of commentary that seem to point to that, why she's forced herself to pretty much avoid socializing with anyone to the point where she was skipping classes. So she's gotta work through cracking open that personal shell before she can work on opening that closet door.

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