And with that, the third volume is done. The fourth one is apparently the worst of the bunch, so look forward to that, I guess.
Now, a couple of words regarding the future of this project. I am going to keep working on it, and I do plan to finish the whole thing, despite the news. I tried to contact seven seas as soon as I heard about it to see if they'd let me work on the project for them, but unfortunately (or fortunately for you, I suppose) they weren't at all interested. Makes no sense to me, but I wasn't really expecting anything more. Still, I've invested way too much time into this to drop it, and so I'm just going to have to live with the knowledge all my work will eventually be invalidated. But hey, at least their release schedule is total nonsense so I got plenty of time before that. I'll also be working harder and faster to get as much out until the date hits.
Anyway, the next chapter should be ready right at the start of the next month.