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joined Oct 21, 2017

I kinda hope the exes get back together but what do you guys think...?

i still think that Nene & Amane end up back together, & Kou is going to be the one help bring those two back together again. It's just going to be a long roller coaster of emotions before it happens.

joined Apr 16, 2012

Okay two words for this chapter. Holy damn!

joined Oct 22, 2018

The status of the ship is the same as of the Titanic. Or the HMS Hood. Or the Bismarck. Or the HMS Prince of Wales. Or the Tirpitz. You get the idea.

joined Aug 17, 2012

Hmmm, I'd like to see more of the café owner, perhaps she and Sensei might get together … Something along the lines of "Amane seems upset, maybe I should speak to her teacher" - okay long shot, and perhaps not the most logical train of thought, but I can fantasise.

Sensei definitely seems, to me, to be getting shown by the author too much to be left out of future plot development (though could be way off the mark with that).

joined Mar 15, 2017

i havent read the manga yet but im following the story just from reading the comments. i'm on team amane and i guess i will only read it once i know that things will turn out alright for amane.

Form the comments it seems nene and senpai are shit so I'll read it if Amane ends up with some other girl besides those 2

joined Feb 11, 2014

Personnally, I have a feeling the whole break up was cause by the senpai. She feels way too manipulative for my taste and probably messed with nene so she'd dump Amane. Considering how she played with Amane using the pictures she took, wouldn't be surprised if she did something similar to nene, making her believe Amane did something horrid to her behind her back.

Those two needs to properly communicate and talk things out. I hope Kou might help them do that at some point. In any case, I'll reserve my judgement of Nene's action until I actually know what's behind them.

joined Oct 21, 2017

Personnally, I have a feeling the whole break up was cause by the senpai. She feels way too manipulative for my taste and probably messed with nene so she'd dump Amane. Considering how she played with Amane using the pictures she took, wouldn't be surprised if she did something similar to nene, making her believe Amane did something horrid to her behind her back.

Those two needs to properly communicate and talk things out. I hope Kou might help them do that at some point. In any case, I'll reserve my judgement of Nene's action until I actually know what's behind them.

I feel the same too.

joined Aug 23, 2016

This could be a great manga, just imagine two beautiful, cute and hot girlfriends teaching how to love to the newcomer and help her with photos, but NO you choose the drama path tsk tsk.

Such a pretty art! What a waste!

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 7:35AM

joined Feb 11, 2018

Senpai took another photo of Amane in pain... and she said that the photo Kou showed her was something she had never seen from Amane before. This just tells me that she never saw her truly happy ever since childhood.

Dunno, there's a really sweet and happy picture of Amane as a kid on that very same page (page 5, upper right corner). I think she's referring to Amane's loving/yearning face there.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 8:12AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Senpai took another photo of Amane in pain... and she said that the photo Kou showed her was something she had never seen from Amane before. This just tells me that she never saw her truly happy ever since childhood.

Dunno, there's a really sweet and happy picture of Amane as a kid on that very same page (page 5, upper right corner). I think she's referring to Amane's loving/yearning face there.

Is it though? Smiling doesn't really mean truly happy. And senpai doesn't seem to prefer taking pictures of it either.

joined Feb 11, 2018

Senpai took another photo of Amane in pain... and she said that the photo Kou showed her was something she had never seen from Amane before. This just tells me that she never saw her truly happy ever since childhood.

Dunno, there's a really sweet and happy picture of Amane as a kid on that very same page (page 5, upper right corner). I think she's referring to Amane's loving/yearning face there.

Is it though? Smiling doesn't really mean truly happy. And senpai doesn't seem to prefer taking pictures of it either.

That's the evidence we have so far. Do you really think pre-school/young elementary school age Amane who is smiling with a flower crown on her head is ACTING happy in that picture?

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 8:41AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

That's the evidence we have so far. Do you really think pre-school/young elementary school age Amane who is smiling with a flower crown on her head is ACTING happy in that picture?

I'm saying she hasn't seen her truly happy since childhood. I don't see the contradiction here...

joined Mar 22, 2013

Damn, what did I say? Nene is some cruel spiteful bitch. Makes me wonder if something big happened so that she wants to hurt Amane so much. Maybe she's even using Kou just for that purpose. I can't understand her at all.

I think Kou is not really in love with Amane. She said, she couldn't turn her down, meaning she actually wanted to and doesn't really want this relationship. Probably because of feeling guilty, but still Kou seems to be someone with high moral believes. She'd probably step aside if it would make Amane and Nene happy.
And with that I've finally found a character that I can find interesting in this manga. ^^ it's getting more interesting.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 9:15AM

joined Apr 10, 2019

y'all I kept on rooting for Amane and Nene till the last chapter, but reading chapter 7 changed my mind. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE SHIPS ANYMORE!!! I just want reasons! I want answers to my questions! what I'm wary about is that Senpai from the photography club... I'm watching her!! >.>
but tbh there's still like 10% left of me shipping Amane and Nene (t'was suppose to be gone until I saw the 2nd to the last page. I'm believing as well)

joined Jul 29, 2017

Whoa—I had to go to the emergency room for a neck brace from the forum whiplash.

So whatever happened to the kind, thoughtful Nene who was just trying to be nice to Amane, her psycho, sexual-harassing ex?

You remember, the Nene who couldn’t possibly have been being cruel with that, “You can kiss me but I’ll hate you” offer.

I know, I should have been wearing my seat belt, but still . . .

joined Aug 26, 2018

Whoa—I had to go to the emergency room for a neck brace from the forum whiplash.
So whatever happened to the kind, thoughtful Nene who was just trying to be nice to Amane, her psycho, sexual-harassing ex?
You remember, the Nene who couldn’t possibly have been being cruel with that, “You can kiss me but I’ll hate you” offer.
I know, I should have been wearing my seat belt, but still . . .

Seriously, people are getting fooled so easily! They all fell for Amane's evil act of pretending to put on a brave face in front of Nene's kind way to end those annoying pesky lingering feelings for good.

If only Amane wasn't so selfish, Kou could full-heartedly rush headlong into a relationship with her angelic Nene, who obviously just wants to make her happy (as long as she doesn't dare talk to her friends or aim that camera anywhere but her perfect face).

joined Feb 11, 2018

That's the evidence we have so far. Do you really think pre-school/young elementary school age Amane who is smiling with a flower crown on her head is ACTING happy in that picture?

I'm saying she hasn't seen her truly happy since childhood. I don't see the contradiction here...

If that's the case, then let me ask this instead:

Amane went to talk with Hayama when Nene asked her out, talked her about her happiness and then finally also about breaking up.

There's no way Hayama hasn't seen the happy, lovey dovey face of Amane when she was gushing about Nene to her. She's been shown to be extremely emotive and not being able to hold back very well.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 10:12AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

If that's the case, then let me ask this instead:

Amane went to talk with Hayama when she Nene asked her out, talked her about her happiness and then finally also about breaking up.

There's no way Hayama hasn't seen the happy, lovey dovey face of Amane when she was gushing about Nene to her. She's been shown to be extremely emotive and not being able to hold back very well.

At this point I feel you're getting awfully pedantic, but fine let me play along.
There is a stark difference between gushing about someone and actually spending time with them.

You're welcome to actually give an alternative interpretation to her words, but "yearning" doesn't count, 'cause that obviously would also have happened during those conversations you just mentioned.

joined May 7, 2017

This went from awesome to crap real fast, I don't like this direction at all, Kou and Nene doesn't have compatibility, Kou it's too pure and Nene it's a bitch who get tired of others with ease

joined Jan 28, 2016

I support this ship Nene x Kou best man damn i really love drama story like this

joined May 7, 2017

This could be a great manga, just imagine two beautiful, cute and hot girlfriends teaching how to love to the newcomer and help her with photos, but NO you choose the drama path tsk tsk.

Such a pretty art! What a waste!

Yep, yep, YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joined Oct 10, 2016

It's one giant circle of affections with dumb ideas.

Was so good, went into trash. Oh well.

joined Jun 4, 2018

90% sure there's some stupid reason why she was trying to separate from Amane and is pretty much using Kou to further that end (on some level). I mean she's being pretty flagrant about showing this off to Amane to crush her hopes. I hate plots like this. How much you wanna bet by the time "summer ends" she's supposed to be gone?

Honestly I have two competing theories for this, neither of which I really like. One is that whatever weirdness going on in her life was what made her get with Amane in the first place. She didn't necessarily genuinely like her and was just using her as an outlet as someone who seemed to genuinely like her opposed to the superficial shit she probably gets at home/being a model. Maybe she eventually felt guilty or something leading to the breakup, and now we have a repeat performance with Kou, but perhaps it's even stronger since Kou represents both worlds, someone genuinely interested in her, and what she was doing.

The other is the more typical "don't want whatever bad trope going on in my life to mess you up so I'm going to scar you horribly in an attempt to 'save' you"

Really don't want either of those to be the answer.

I really don't want Kou and Nene to get together. I just don't see it.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 10:46AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Still don't understand Nene's motivations to hurt Amane.

"This has nothing to do with Amane" she says. It has everything to do with Amane.

It's probably something stupid anyway.

And Kou is going to be hurt too.

joined Jul 4, 2018

Kou’s looks like she’s bouta go hard for that harem end...
Seriously, there’s faith that she’ll bring it all together.

last edited at Jun 23, 2019 10:49AM

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