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joined Sep 25, 2015

Oh, god. Please be incest!

joined Jun 12, 2019

Kagami looked shocked as well.
My guess is that her mother simply took her in (either introduced herself as her aunt, or is just referred to as so), the daughter of her friend, without necessarily being blood related. Kagami probably would've known and/or referred to Shinobu's mother differently if she was Kagami's aunt.

Though I have to say I'm shocked that she let Shinobu wander around in such an unkempt attire, whether she's her blood related aunt or not. It doesn't look like she was in anyone's care at all? Let alone a woman from a rich household.

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 4:31AM

joined Oct 15, 2014

Kagami looked shocked as well.
My guess is that her mother simply took her in (either introduced herself as her aunt, or is just referred to as so), the daughter of her friend, without necessarily being blood related. Kagami probably would've known and/or referred to Shinobu's mother differently if she was Kagami's aunt.

Good point. That actually got me thinking.

Though I have to say I'm shocked that she let Shinobu wander around in such an unkempt attire, whether she's her blood related aunt or not. It doesn't look like she was in anyone's care at all? Let alone a woman from a rich household

I guess we'll going to know more soon

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 4:26AM

joined Jun 12, 2019

Shinobu said she didn't know her real parents so I just assumed she was with her aunt this whole time, but if Kagami never knew of her, that her mother took in an orphan, than their time together may have been brief.
Not to mention that Shinobu clearly lived in poverty:

She probably isn't related to Kagami, and, that's rough, where has she been this whole time, before Kagami's mother took her in?

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 4:33AM

joined Oct 10, 2016



Okay I don't understand what's going on. And I doubt I will understand.

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 4:50AM

joined Jun 23, 2015

She better fucking NoT mean it literally I swear to god--


Oh, god. Please be incest!

There's two kinds of people in this world.

joined Mar 22, 2014

I’m not sure what the raws say since I haven’t seen them, but considering “oba-san” can mean either “aunt” (blood related) or a respectful way to refer to an older woman, I’m pretty sure Indou was just a stray puppy picked up by Kagami’s mother. As others have mentioned above, Indou had a scrawny appearance and supposedly lived in the dumps before she enrolled in the academy, and seen in this chapter, it’s Indou’s first time seeing the Kagami household at all.

joined Jun 4, 2015

She better fucking NoT mean it literally I swear to god--


Oh, god. Please be incest!

There's two kinds of people in this world.

At least someone will be happy either way lol

After re reading it again, it did make me think though. Has she never been to her aunts home before? wouldn't she know her last name?

joined Jul 29, 2017

So I just want to list what we know or can reasonably infer so far without drawing any conclusions from it just yet (conclusions that are likely to be rendered obsolete by the first pages of the next chapter anyway). Several of these have been mentioned already.

  • The domestic servant, who has known Kagami since she was a child, knows of Shinobu’s mother but either does not know or does not recognize Shinobu.

  • Kagami’s family is well-off.

  • Shinobu grew up in real poverty.

  • Shinobu and Kagami’s mother immediately recognize each other.

  • Kagami knew and was close to Shinobu’s mother.

  • Kagami apparently did not know of Shinobu’s existence before she appeared in town.

  • Kagami’s home is within walking distance of the academy.

  • Shinobu either had never been in the town before coming to the academy, or doesn’t remember being there.

  • Shinobu has been writing letters about her school life to her aunt.

I’m sure I’m forgetting something. My vague guess at this point is that Shinobu and Kagami are not blood-related. But I could be completely wrong about that.

joined May 6, 2019

I’m not sure what the raws say since I haven’t seen them, but considering “oba-san” can mean either “aunt” (blood related) or a respectful way to refer to an older woman

Aunt can be written as 叔母さん or 伯母さん, and older woman as 小母さん, if the author wants to be 100% clear. Here it's spelled with kana (おばさん), which can refer to all three, so technically it's ambiguous. However, the obvious reading is still aunt. E.g. here ("That's what my aunt told me"), she uses just oba-san without any explanation. If she meant "old lady", the conversation wouldn't make sense.

I’m pretty sure Indou was just a stray puppy picked up by Kagami’s mother.

Shinobu's and Kagami's mothers were both army officers. The simplest explanation is they knew each other, and that's how Shinobu and "Auntie" know each other too.

Now, "Auntie" was the one who recommended the Academy. Why didn't she just take Shinobu in? I don't think it would be controversial to adopt the daughter of a well-known officer, and it's not like they have money issues... Find out in the next chapter, I guess.

joined Feb 18, 2018

a very long waiting,,, finally new chapter released

joined Sep 30, 2017

Nah... I don't think Kagami and Shinobu are related at all.

And I hope I'm right. This is a great story and a great pairing.... Incest would ruin it a little for me...

joined Jan 17, 2017

Is that feel when you tell your teacher "mom" by accident?

joined Jan 27, 2019


joined May 29, 2019

¡ay dios mío!

joined Sep 12, 2014

A twist worthy of Shyamalan! D:

joined Aug 21, 2017

I am well and truly shook

joined May 7, 2017

the plot thickens ...

joined Apr 15, 2013

I think it's worth mentioning that Kagami knew Shinobu's mother from the start. If they were literally related then I think she would have known. I'd guess that Shinobu simply knew Kagami's mother as a family friend.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So, a couple more data points, leaving me more confused than ever:

  • Kagami’s dream in Chapter 4: we see her as a young girl wandering and calling out for her mother. Nearby are the sounds of battle, and she comes across a bloody body, which is face down but clearly of a dark-haired person (surprisingly uncommon in this story).

  • Kagami and Indou, a 3rd-year and a 1st-year, can’t be very different in age.

  • In Chapter 1, Kagami reacts strongly to the name of the place that Indou says she is from.

  • The aunt Indou is writing to in Chapter 5 certainly appears to be Kagami’s mother—same hair and shape of the face, and she lives in a large, well-kept traditional house.

  • Miharu is in search of a light-haired officer she met as a child, who in her memory is wearing the same kind of braided uniform that Indou’s dark-haired mother is wearing in Kagami’s memory. (The suggestion is that the officer was Kagami’s mother, of course.)

  • An aunt instructed Indou in what lessons she needed to qualify for the academy, which had to have taken place just prior to when we meet her, but when we do, Indou seems almost completely feral. If Kagami’s mother had taken in Shinobu when Kagami went off to the academy, Indou almost certainly wouldn't have been so raggedy and unused to civilized amenities like beds with no patches.

So while all along I thought that the beloved aunt was the same person who raised Shinobu, that seems like it can’t be true. What works with the timeline is:

Shinobu’s parents are killed, and she is raised in poverty by someone. She is sometimes visited by her mother’s old compatriot, Kagami’s mother, who pulls strings to get Shinobu into the academy and gives her the minimal lessons she’ll need to qualify for admission.

What I can’t see is Shinobu having absolutely no knowledge of her parents at the same time Kagami seems to have known Shinobu’s mother when Kagami was a cadet, which must have been in the previous couple of years. So Kagami’s acquaintance with Shinobu’s mother (and the gift of the ribbons) had to have been when Kagami was considerably younger than I had previously thought.

EDIT: We also have no idea why Kagami and her mother are estranged, although I expect we’ll find out soon.

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 12:44PM

joined Jun 12, 2019

Yeah, so rather than being taken in, since Shinobu was clearly raised in poverty and has never been in the Kagami household and has never been in their town (she got lost in ch1), im guessing that Kagami's mother found her in shinobu's hometown. If the academy qualitifications cramming wasn't done in her own house, it probably took place in the town where Shinobu was from.

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 12:38PM

joined Jan 11, 2018

My thought is that she's not her real aunt, it might just be a friend of the family. And Indou might have been just visited by her now and again to check up on her and teach her.

joined Dec 27, 2014

AAHHH God this wait is going to be torture. So darn cute.

joined Jul 29, 2017

AAHHH God this wait is going to be torture. So darn cute.

This certainly is a world filled with cute girls and women. Except for a couple of middle-aged shopkeepers (and the men), everybody is quite cute indeed.

The only problem that creates is believing that Indou’s face is so stunningly cute that everyone is immediately taken with the way she looks. Don’t get me wrong—she is incredibly cute, but that’s as much because of her intrepid-puppy personality as it is her exceptional looks.

On another matter, the story has been hinting that the (light-haired) former officer Miharu is looking for is Kagami’s mother, but we learn in this chapter [EDIT: actually in Chapter 8] that Miharu does remember the woman’s name.

Is “Kagami” such a common Japanese family name that Miharu wouldn’t connect that woman with her senpai? Or is this yet another mystery woman from the past?

last edited at Jun 16, 2019 5:08PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

On another matter, the story has been hinting that the (light-haired) former officer Miharu is looking for is Kagami’s mother, but we learn in this chapter that Miharu does remember the woman’s name.

Is “Kagami” such a common Japanese family name that Miharu wouldn’t connect that woman with her senpai? Or is this yet another mystery woman from the past?

I was lost for a moment there since we didn't learn that in this chapter and it had been a while since the last update - after re-reading the chapters so far, we learned this in fact in chapter 8.

It is a good question, though - and while it may be Kagami's mother, the lack of name recognition is now joined by Shinobu not recognizing her from the picture, although it being Miharu drawing from memory, it may not have been as similar to the actual woman as she thought, no matter how well drawn.

Another thing that comes to mind after re-reading it all after this chapter is Kagami wondering why her mom would suddenly want to come to see her in that same chapter 8 - which may well be a change brought on by Shinobu's letters.

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