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joined May 6, 2019

This is wonderful. Is this adapted from a webnovel, or is this original manga material?

Yes, it's a webnovel adaptation.

joined May 6, 2019

Compare-the-Japanese-to-the-translation person here :)

Notice the dialogue in each girl's recollection is explicitly different. I don't know if that's a translation issue or if it reflects the original Japanese, but assuming it's like that in the original, one or both of them are remembering the conversation differently.

Checked just in case, there is a little bit of a translation issue. In Japanese, the dialogue is the same letter-for-letter. However their impression of the dialogue is definitely different (in Fuyu's recollection, the kanji are all shaky). They don't remember it differently, but Fuyu knows how she felt at the moment (being nervous), and she obviously does not know what Mika was thinking. For the record, the second translation (Mika's POV) is basically what was actually said.

There's also another minor thing that got lost in translation. In the Japanese, the word "development" was actually emphasized (like italics in English). And the word choice is one that usually refers to developments in stories, like plot twists (展開). That was the one that triggered her defensive reaction. So your interpretation is not incorrect, more like blatantly obvious in the original.

joined May 6, 2019

I mean, Bloom into You was also the subtitle and nobody really bat an eye.

Yes, because in that instance it didn't cause confusion. Still, they didn't need to do that then. It's better to use the actual title (unless it's impossible to translate). The subtitle for Become Yours was at least similar to the title, so they could get away with it.

Just to clarify, the "Eventually, I Will Become Yours" is a mistranslation. The Japanese title is more akin to "Eventually, becoming you", and "Bloom into you" is just a more fanciful/flowery way to say the same thing. It might not be a good example for this discussion.

joined May 6, 2019

I’m really confused by this conversation—in the translated tank, Kase doesn’t say anything about trying to get close to other girls before she met Yamada.

I was responding to the "she never had a girlfriend before Yamada" part, which is definitely a tank-only info that's not uploaded here. I guess I should've quoted only the relevant part.

Unless there’s some scene that I’m not recalling (which is certainly possible) Kase never says that she tried and failed to be (romantically) close to other girls—only that Yamada is the first girl she’s ever been with.

I guess you are correct. The relevant chapter about Mikawa warning Yamada about the rumor (chapter 2) is over 10 years old now, and even the English version of vol 4. (with the rooftop chapter) is also about 5 years old. It's really easy to misremember what was only a rumor, and what was actually true.

joined May 6, 2019

I seem to recall Kase mentioning that she never had a girlfriend before Yamada, and that she'd tried to get close to other girls but it never worked before Yamada.

I thought it had been mentioned in the chapter where Kase and Yamada eat crepes on the roof of the school and talk about Kase's relationship with Inoue-senpai. But apparently not.

It's in the tank version. I guess the translation team didn't go through all the past chapters to check for differences (which is understandable, since you can get the books officially) - but that means that some critical info (and the extended version of the two's first time) is not here.

joined May 6, 2019

Also I love all those panels in which Minami just becomes a blob of gushing over something, and I was wondering, specifically in the case of page 18's "what a freakin' supernova of cute", how do lines like this or the earlier "gosh darn..." appear in the original text?

That's an interesting question! Whether it's the original or the translator, I like how they often use star-related terminology, given that Yuzu likes space. It's a fun connection, and shows how Minami has picked up on words like that because she's been around Yuzu this whole time.

This specific example, the original line is 愛おしさビッグバン = Loveliness Big Bang. It's supposed to be something like "(Her) loveliness (is like the) big bang", but Minami's too overwhelmed to think in coherent sentences. So the translation changed the exact terminology to flow better in English, but it's present in the original too.

joined May 6, 2019

Here's the master translation spreadsheet: (multiple tabs for easier navigation).

Story chapters, events, mirror layers etc. before the NA server shutdown are not included, but you can find those easily on youtube.

Also, hype for the return of Ashley!

last edited at Feb 19, 2021 8:54AM

joined May 6, 2019

Is it possible to suggest new tags? Specifically, this story ( is erroneously tagged as part of the "YURI DRILL" anthology, when in fact it's from "YURI DRILL Vol. 4". Only I can't suggest it because the new anthology is not yet in the database.

The problem has been noted in the chapter discussions: but it won't get noticed unless an admin accidentally stumbles upon it.


joined May 6, 2019

At first I thought "Auntie! Auntie!" was Lily trying to catch the attention of her relative.

Then I realized it's the yuriworld's version of "Uncle! Uncle!"

Actually, I think it's Lily being unrepentant about what she concerning her cousin's actual age despite the physical abuse she's suffering, because the Japanese word for "aunt(ie)", obasan, also has a connotation of "old woman" (probably due to high similarity with the word for "grandmother", obaasan).

Well, the original does not say oba-san. It says ギブ (give) which is short for "I give up", i.e. uncle.

Image Comments 20 Jul 05:55
joined May 6, 2019

Yachiyo: Where are you transferring to? A school in Kamihama?
Iroha: Yes, Kamihama University Affiliated School.
Yachiyo: You'll be sharing a campus with Tsuruno and me then.

I guess it's an escalator school. Also in the OP movie, you can see that she's sitting in a lecture hall, not a classroom.

joined May 6, 2019

Sorry for the unrelated question but does anyone know where I can find the volume version of crépe and Kase-san

In the volume itself. It's available both physically and digitally, and bookdepository has free shipping worldwide. I don't think it's been scanlated.

joined May 6, 2019


I didn't mean to criticize your translation at all, you do a great job. I was just trying to make a point about predictions based on exact phrasing (because @uncertain highlighted the word "we").

I believe I remember thinking this was Igarashi when I first read it, but maybe it's not as obvious as I thought.

I'm just speculating, but since you spoiler'd:

The 後 throws me out of the loop here. Why is graduation, specifically the time after graduation so important, that that's the descriptor she's using for the kouhai?

If she is Igarashi referring to Chidori, that seems like a weird way of phrasing it. "The kouhai I am/was in love with", "The kouhai I was telling you about", "The kouhai that rejected me" or just "That kouhai-chan" seem way more natural to me. If that's a spoiler, don't answer me.

joined May 6, 2019

I don't think Igarashi would refer to the girl who dumped/rejected her as "the cute kouhai we left behind <3".

The literal translation is "The kouhai-chan from after graduation ♡" (卒業した後の後輩ちゃん♡), but that sounds awkward in English. The "cute", "we", "left behind" are not in the original. I haven't read ahead, so this nitpick might be completely irrelevant, but it's important in the sense that we shouldn't start speculating based on translation word choices.

However, if she was Igarashi and referring to Chidori, she wouldn't refer to her as "The kouhai-chan from after graduation", since Chidori already rejected her while they were both students (chap. 23).

joined May 6, 2019

p.p.s I wonder why the cashiers to rent prices went up by nearly 10x in the remake? Was it a translation error, or did mochi decided the prices were way too low?

Translation error in the original oneshot, the prices are ¥30,000/¥100,000/¥350,000 in both.

joined May 6, 2019

I’m not sure what the raws say since I haven’t seen them, but considering “oba-san” can mean either “aunt” (blood related) or a respectful way to refer to an older woman

Aunt can be written as 叔母さん or 伯母さん, and older woman as 小母さん, if the author wants to be 100% clear. Here it's spelled with kana (おばさん), which can refer to all three, so technically it's ambiguous. However, the obvious reading is still aunt. E.g. here ("That's what my aunt told me"), she uses just oba-san without any explanation. If she meant "old lady", the conversation wouldn't make sense.

I’m pretty sure Indou was just a stray puppy picked up by Kagami’s mother.

Shinobu's and Kagami's mothers were both army officers. The simplest explanation is they knew each other, and that's how Shinobu and "Auntie" know each other too.

Now, "Auntie" was the one who recommended the Academy. Why didn't she just take Shinobu in? I don't think it would be controversial to adopt the daughter of a well-known officer, and it's not like they have money issues... Find out in the next chapter, I guess.

joined May 6, 2019

You lot have got rather a distorted impression of this from reading it in translation. The word 一目惚れ does mean love at first sight but it's not wrong to use it how Himari used it about instantly becoming a fan. It can even be used for just objects - for example, in Long Riders it's the word used for Ami's reaction to the folding bike that gets her into cycling. Himari using it about a person made it liable to cause confusion. It's nothing to do with different ideas about love or Himari not understanding love.

I don't see how it's a translation issue, all those points apply to English too. "When I went to buy my new car, I fell in love with this one at first sight." Himari not realizing that 一目惚れ and 惚れる have romantic implications is just as dumb in Japanese as it is in English.

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 7:51PM

joined May 6, 2019

I've been lurking and reading the discussions up till now, but there's one thing I just can't leave alone.

The issue is about meaning and wording. But things that can be ambiguous in English might be perfectly clear in Japanese.

I can read the mood in ch51#5, but like i said, where is the evidence that she meant it romantically?
You also say "I love you" when it's platonic, so i don't know how you can 100% sure, that the "i love you" is romantic. That's just the way you want to see it.

I looked up the page in question. The bubble says: 好き好き大好き愛してる

While 好き (suki) and 大好き (daisuki) can refer to platonic love, towards friends or family (or even liking ice cream), the last part, 愛してる (ai shiteru) cannot, it's only used romantically (with some very, very rare exceptions, which this isn't).