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joined Nov 22, 2017

Okay.... Who is the real best girl in all of this? Indou or Kagami?

Kagami! No doubts.

joined Aug 20, 2018

Okay.... Who is the real best girl in all of this? Indou or Kagami?

Kagami! No doubts.


joined Aug 27, 2013

Okay.... Who is the real best girl in all of this? Indou or Kagami?

Ooba-san! I’m in love with her. I’m certain she’s not that simple and sadisticly fucks young girls at nights.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Oh, how fickle is the crowd—when this series started there were screams of utter horror at the “violent,” “abusive,” horrible, terrible no-good bully who absolutely ruined the story—Kagami.

(Just kidding you latest posters—all the best people saw that Kagami was a just a crabby sweetheart from the get-go.)

And yet another unanticipated attraction of the military life: cute boots.

joined Nov 25, 2018

I'm starting doubting about this series, it becoming so slow for 8 chapters, I was waiting for Indou's back story but apparently the author want to talk about Kagami's story... It's not bad but it stupid because this doesn't made any advance for what we really are looking for...their relationship GROW...and that's exactly what I'm not seeing, even with the kiss, it didn't make any effect, so that's why I'm starting getting triggered with this
I won't abandon this yet but I hope that this didn't become disappointed

last edited at Feb 13, 2019 9:33PM

joined Jan 9, 2018

Kagami's Mother appeared ^
Indou meeting your Mother in law already :3

joined Jul 13, 2015

Damn, i was hoping she could be her fiance but even in yuri manga is rare.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Oh, how fickle is the crowd—when this series started there were screams of utter horror at the “violent,” “abusive,” horrible, terrible no-good bully who absolutely ruined the story—Kagami.

(Just kidding you latest posters—all the best people saw that Kagami was a just a crabby sweetheart from the get-go.)

Kagami has been suitably restrained since the incident, and it appears that Indou's less concerned about being kissed than she first appeared. I will admit that the story is super cute.

But still, it's just a slight tonal shift from being a horrible tale of systemic sexual abuse of children under the guise of military authority.

And yet another unanticipated attraction of the military life: cute boots.

Also, proper high-topped military boots are way cuter.

last edited at Feb 14, 2019 2:36PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

But still, it's just a slight tonal shift from being a horrible tale of systemic sexual abuse of children under the guise of military authority.

That's also been one of our themes here from the start--this series is just a slight tonal shift away from a whole host of horrifying topics concerning history, institutions, and sexuality.

Good thing it's so damn cute.

Please note: I will not be lured into a cute-boots flame war.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Please note: I will not be lured into a cute-boots flame war.

Maybe some day I will drag you into the light.

joined Jul 29, 2017

We haven't really talked about what's going on in this chapter--did we have the slightest previous hint about any of this stuff with the woman and her troubled relationship with Kagami?

And that woman's lie about knowing Indou's mother was far more hurtful than anything Kagami has ever done to her (even if the woman was unaware of the situation).

joined Dec 20, 2018

But still, it's just a slight tonal shift from being a horrible tale of systemic sexual abuse of children under the guise of military authority.

That's also been one of our themes here from the start--this series is just a slight tonal shift away from a whole host of horrifying topics concerning history, institutions, and sexuality.

Well, similarities to history aside, the age difference isn't that big in this case, making it more likely a more rigid version of the usual senpai-kouhai "Onee-sama" relationships often associated with girls schools in anime/manga.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But still, it's just a slight tonal shift from being a horrible tale of systemic sexual abuse of children under the guise of military authority.

That's also been one of our themes here from the start--this series is just a slight tonal shift away from a whole host of horrifying topics concerning history, institutions, and sexuality.

Well, similarities to history aside, the age difference isn't that big in this case, making it more likely a more rigid version of the usual senpai-kouhai "Onee-sama" relationships often associated with girls schools in anime/manga.

While not disagreeing with the point, the fact that it's an official military hierarchy adds a significant power imbalance to the mix. That problem is undercut in the story by the fact that it's a remarkably un-military military school, with the superiors being more Cool Big Sis than drill sergeant.

That's kind of the point we're making--the story is remarkably unlike anything that could ever exist in the real-life time and place it's depicting, and if you can stretch your imagination enough to even posit such a thing, it's remarkably unlike anything it would actually be.

And we couldn't be more grateful that that's the case.

last edited at Feb 14, 2019 4:17PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Also, that woman might not be lying about Indou's mother, though she doesn't know it. A Japanese soldier had a positive impact on her life, she knows Kagami, and Kagami cared a lot about Indou's mother, so it's possible.

That was the hit I got off it too.

Kagami's Chapter 4 dream/nightmare hints at some kind of battlefield-related trauma about her mother as well.

I don't mind the mysteries/unexplained plot points in this one because I don't get the feeling we're being jerked around or intentionally misled for cheap suspense, as sometimes happens. So I'm willing to wait rather than try to predict.

I just wish the chapters were longer and came more often. 'Cuz I'm greedy.

joined Apr 16, 2012

Damn i wish i know viatnamees. There is already translated till chapter 11 in that language

joined Aug 19, 2012

love military theme, adds to the tension.

Don't forget this is all fiction

joined Jul 26, 2016

love military theme, adds to the tension.

Militaries in peacetime are 95% plus boring routines and what from the ranks tends to look mostly like arbitrary bullshit (but often actually has sound organisational basis), though...

joined Mar 6, 2019

Unusual setting, gorgeous art and pretty good storytelling so far - I'm hooked. Senpai-kohai relationship reminds me a lot of YagaKimi - sudden kiss and you are mine line, although here the younger one is even less aware. The height difference also makes things even weirder, weren't they supposed to be only 2 years apart (16 and 18)? Meanwhile Kagami looks like an adult and Indou like a 13 y.o. kid.

joined Apr 27, 2018

I wonder how this is going to turn out...

joined Jul 29, 2017

A new chapter available elsewhere, perhaps soon here. More setup than anything else, IMO, but some significant ba-dumps happening for our OTP.

Let me also anticipate events by snarking at those people decrying the “bully” Kagami, who spends the chapter mother-hen-ing around looking for her little lost Indou holding a sweetie for her sweetie.

joined Nov 6, 2013

The fact that the Russo-Japanese War happened in the timeline of this story raises some questions for me. If the Russo-Japanese War happened, did the first Sino-Japanese War happen? If so, is the second Sino-Japanese War going to happen? Will World War Two happen? Will Indou and Kagami still be serving by then? ARE THESE CHARACTERS GOING TO END UP BEING CHARGED AS WAR CRIMINALS?

joined Mar 25, 2019

Damn! Why didn't I see this sooner.. I was an idiot not able to find this story! GOD DAMN IT

joined Jul 29, 2017

The fact that the Russo-Japanese War happened in the timeline of this story raises some questions for me. If the Russo-Japanese War happened, did the first Sino-Japanese War happen? If so, is the second Sino-Japanese War going to happen? Will World War Two happen? Will Indou and Kagami still be serving by then? ARE THESE CHARACTERS GOING TO END UP BEING CHARGED AS WAR CRIMINALS?

We don’t even know the root causes of the Russo-Japanese All-Lesbian War.

However, we do understand why combat in that conflict was notable for a remarkable degree of unit cohesion.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The fact that the Russo-Japanese War happened in the timeline of this story raises some questions for me. If the Russo-Japanese War happened, did the first Sino-Japanese War happen? If so, is the second Sino-Japanese War going to happen? Will World War Two happen? Will Indou and Kagami still be serving by then? ARE THESE CHARACTERS GOING TO END UP BEING CHARGED AS WAR CRIMINALS?

We don’t even know the root causes of the Russo-Japanese All-Lesbian War.

However, we do understand why combat in that conflict was notable for a remarkable degree of unit cohesion.

Clearly the military planners were taking cues from the Theban Sacred Band.

joined Apr 23, 2015

To disorient Kagami in battle, just take her puppy away from her. That's all for today's military lesson!

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