Forum › Useless Princesses discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

This really does -- still -- feel like a cross between Ajichi's usual drama-school lesbians and Morinaga Milk. It has heavy, heavy aspects of Girl Friends, Secret Recipe and Secret of the Princess.

I can see the influences there for sure. Girl Friends was the first Yuri manga I read in full, and only my second after Citrus, which was not yet complete at the time. That said, the two main characters’ personalities are both more extreme in their presentation. Kurokawa’s deep seated inferiority complex, which Mari did have, but not to the extent Kurokawa does; Fujishiro’s superiority complex and meanness, which were traits Akko never possessed (she was popular, but kind!). These two have a lot more changing and accommodating to do than Mari and Akko. This is the first work from Ajichi that I have read, and I’m excited to see where the story goes next.

I see the cute-girl-makeover from Girl Friends, and the “Princess” theme from the obvious (although it was treated entirely differently in SotP), but I don’t quite recall what the connection with Secret Recipe would be.

joined Oct 10, 2016

Jesus christ end this pointless manga already.

Even if they won't, I hope you find the courage to move on with your life.

Or at least from this comment section.

Can I order a salt chips for post and a regular popcorn for comments?

It's high time I stop being the only one... I can't remember the word I wanted to use, so I'll just say "confronting"... Loralei.

This manga is like overchewed gum. Everyone is together because they are. They do things only to impress other person. They don't care about their own feelings. It also seems they are blind, since they have true loves in front of them, but still decide to be with someone who isn't even sure what they are. With every new chapter I feel like even Kanade loses IQ points. Stop. Kanade was never meant to be with Nanaki. It's all just mistake due to situation that I don't even remember now, although there was reminder in like, two chapters ago.

Kanade and Nanaki aren't cute together.

I hope you are happy that I waste my time for writing this obvious arguments.

last edited at Jun 13, 2019 4:42AM

joined Oct 16, 2016

Kanade and Nanaki aren't cute together.

you take that back

joined Jul 29, 2017

Kanade was never meant to be with Nanaki.

This is a ridiculous statement—who or what is doing the “meaning” here?

If the author intends for them to be together, they will be together.

joined Jan 7, 2019

Kanade was never meant to be with Nanaki.

I mean, Kanade and Nanaki are the Main Character here, not to mention, this is yuri, and the story pretty much revolves around their relationship, unless the author decided to throw some character to be pair with either of these 2, which is pretty unlikely for Ajiichi based on the author's other work. But still, who knows what will happen.

last edited at Jun 13, 2019 7:11AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Kanade was never meant to be with Nanaki.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna pull a "Knowing Better" on this one (coincidentally, what I'm about to say is from his "Hitting Rock Bottom" video, so it's kinda fitting).

Technically, no one is ever truly meant for someone else. The fairytale idea that there's someone out there who's your soulmate and once you find them you'll be with them forever, is little more than wishful thinking. "Knowing Better" blames Disney for putting that idea into our heads. Instead, you find (and fall in love with) a person that fits most your criteria and make it work. In "Knowing Better"'s own words, Relationships are work. The way I see it, what's going on between Kanade and Nanaki is an example of both of them working to solve their own and each other's issues, albeit slowly, given how deep those issues are, as well as the fact that they're teenagers, and the relationship they're building requires a lot of work from both of them, and, as we've seen in recent chapters, some help from their friends.

Also, just in case you think that by referencing the "Hitting Rock Bottom" video by "Knowing Better" that I'm trying to argue either or both MCs have gone through experiences traumatic enough to count as hitting rock bottom: I'm not arguing that. Such a traumatic experience needs to happen in adulthood. It's not gatekeeping, it's just psychology and neuroscience.

joined Dec 16, 2014

I'm starting to get tired of this manga

joined Aug 26, 2018

I hope you are happy that I waste my time for writing this obvious arguments.

I would be much happier if you used logical arguments instead tbh. Or at least good ones.

joined Oct 4, 2018

This manga is like overchewed gum. Everyone is together because they are. They do things only to impress other person. They don't care about their own feelings. It also seems they are blind, since they have true loves in front of them, but still decide to be with someone who isn't even sure what they are.

You just described highschool life for pretty much everyone (or at least for most people anyway).

joined Jun 7, 2019

You just described highschool life for pretty much everyone (or at least for most people anyway).

And that's why this manga is realistic.

joined Oct 10, 2016

This manga is like overchewed gum. Everyone is together because they are. They do things only to impress other person. They don't care about their own feelings. It also seems they are blind, since they have true loves in front of them, but still decide to be with someone who isn't even sure what they are.

I guess someone here is mad this manga is too realistic, look, if you have some kind of trauma just close the tab and stop reading this, you already had 13 and a half chapters to stop reading, I would say this is starting to get ridiculous or that you are acting like a clown, but you are way past that point, seriously.

Excuse me since when being hella jealous over mistake is "realistic"?

joined Jul 29, 2017

Excuse me since when being hella jealous over mistake is "realistic"?

Um, since the beginning of recorded history?

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ lol

joined Oct 10, 2016

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

Jokes aside, I'm more like Kanade before pointless change irl. I'm not successful, BUT STILL! I asked my friend for opinion. And she agrees with me that this manga is dumb, unrealistic and pointless.

When this manga ends, a solid score of 1 goes on my MAL account.

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 8:09AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

Jokes aside, I'm more like Kanade before pointless change irl. I'm not successful, BUT STILL! I asked my friend for opinion. And she agrees with me that this manga is dumb, unrealistic and pointless.

Oh, your friend—well then, I guess that’s that.

I don’t think anyone objects to the mere fact that you don’t like the manga; anybody is free to like or dislike anything they want.

Many rational people who intensely dislike a story just stop reading it and move on to more rewarding pursuits in their lives.

Why you feel compelled to show up in the comments with every new chapter and hold forth with unconvincing assertions about how bad it is—that is a more puzzling question.

If for some reason that’s fun for you, well, there it is. Just as making fun of you may be fun for other people.

joined May 2, 2018

Loralei, I imagine your idea of a realistic school manga is one where every character is Sayaka from Bloom into You, acting calmly and reasonably at all times and negotiating problems and conflicts with poise and patience like a grown-up. But in real life the teenage mind is a device for amplifying trifles, ephemeral occurrences and meaningless mistakes into life-obliterating calamities and WWI trench warfare. This story gets that across pretty well.

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 8:46AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Loralei, I imagine your idea of a realistic school manga is one where every character is Sayaka from Bloom into You, acting calmly and reasonably at all times and negotiating problems and conflicts with poise and patience like a grown-up. But in real life the teenage mind is a device for amplifying trifles, ephemeral occurrences and meaningless mistakes into life-obliterating calamities and WWI trench warfare. This story gets that across pretty well.

One might almost think that love/infatuation/sexual attraction/raging hormones sometimes made people act in irrational, thoughtless, and impulsive ways.

I have heard rumors to that effect . . .

joined May 8, 2017

Loralei posted:

When this manga ends, a solid score of 1 goes on my MAL account.

Oh no! The horror!

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

BUT STILL! I asked my friend for opinion. And she agrees with me that this manga is dumb, unrealistic and pointless.

That settles it, then: time for you to stop reading every new chapter of this manga and move on to better stories that your friend will approve of!
Buh bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

I asked my friend for opinion. And she agrees with me that this manga is dumb, unrealistic and pointless.

You know, after the latest chapter, this does not help convince me otherwise... ;)

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 11:33AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Does fiction reflect reality or does reality copy fiction?

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 11:49AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Does fiction reflect reality or does reality copy fiction?


joined Oct 22, 2018

Does fiction reflect reality or does reality copy fiction?


thumbs up

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

To me the main point of this is the cliques and how they operate and can fall apart. Part of why Heedless Gyaru is causing so much trouble is her breaking them up unilaterally.

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