Oh, c'mon. If instead of yuri it was any other genre it would be an instant drop for all of us. If anyone paid it any attention was because it is yuri. If it was scanlated it is for the yuri.
I'm not disagreeing with that at all. But I don't mind mediocrity if it's mediocre yuri.

It's not like the series is particularly upsetting like a handful that come to mind for me so I don't mind it.
Oh, I don't like Kuroneko either, I just feel like OreImo is like if someone made a romance with King Joffrey Baratheon as the love interest.
I wouldn't know the details of what you're referencing because I don't watch things I don't like, which is evidently not the case with you. That or you're just memeing on a character after watching a handful of episodes, because her behavior given the circumstances revealed later aren't at all unreasonable or particularly childish. She has a pretty believable reason to be tsundere.
last edited at Apr 13, 2019 11:44PM